Current back thread

Current back thread


Does fit like my back?

Needs more rows m8. Good ratio though

Utterly shit.
What are some good back workouts? i dont have a bar or gym membership

Weighted pull-ups

my traps need work

How's my back looking boyos

Definitely need to go on a cut.

I would be in the 150s though


What's your height? You must be short lol. It's a lot better to shred first and lean bulk.

6'4" 205 lbs


Any recommendations?

Yeah, train back

Cut anyway. I look shredded as fuck at like 150lbs at 5'9. At least by normie standards.

be gentle Veeky Forums

I literally deadlift three times a week.

breh only deadlifting doesn't give you a great back lol


DL 385
Lifting 6months

deadlift is a hamstring, glute, and spinal erector exercise primarily. your lats dont get much training from just deadlifting

Do diddlys workout back? The only back exercise I think i'm doing are rows and thats it.

pic is 4 months old