I don't get it.
Why is Chloe the Queen of /fit?
Golem get ye gone!
She isn't take your shitty OC back to /pol/
anyone got the screenshot of an user that wrote about how they'd kidnap her and turn her into a pig human hybrid?
thanks for that picture
I held no sexual attraction for this girl before these posts desu.
God I regret the day I came on this site
because the last one left us...
I fkn love her
Chloe isn't the Queen of Veeky Forums, Rachel Aust is
Wait he left? Why? Is it cuz someone found his true identity or some shit?
Apparently yoga makes you fukken fat
Why did he leave?
>female JUST
can someone shoop her with the JUST eyes?
What are JUST eyes?
Got doxxed
Queens are generally female
The delegates, Donald. I want them.
>ywn into lanky kong mode
wew lahd
I thought scoobs was the queen of Veeky Forums
i just went through the trappychan dox and it makes me sad
...trappychan got doxxed? tell me more
not much to tell, someone found his facebook profile and grabbed a ton of his pictures. hes doing damage control right now making it seem like he stole those pics and was lying about who he was, but everyone is fairly confident its him. add that to the fact he stopped posting here, and its a sure sign he was doxxed
we already knew he was a twinky faggot, now we know he's a twinky faggot with a real name. whoopty do, big whhhooop.
my boi artour will win TI
the problem is theres a good chance some repressed trannys are going to take out their years of self loathing on him now that they're able to find him. im not 100% why he'd even bother posting pics of half his face on here anyway if he didnt want to be found, google image search is getting better by the day
Trappy pls lve
No one wants advise from someone who doesn't even bench 3 pl8s.
You mean aside from being a full-blown tranny, a cankerous blemish symptomatic of nothing less than the pinnacle of Western degeneracy?
but no it's the plates that matter
If a man who is functionally a woman testosterone wise has the ability to bench 3pl8s naturally, wouldn't you want advice too?
fair point
If I saw a bitch benching three plate....I'd take her advice.
Pretty sure trappy couldn't even do a pushup. His only routine was cockguzzle x failure then cry-self-to-sleeps x 1
I was on hiatus from Veeky Forums since before trappy showed up, which one of you should I believe?
No, you misunderstood me. Btw, I'm
I'm saying that nobody wants advise from a person who can't lift a reasonable amount of weight. Trappy can't, and such her advice is meaningless.
Btw, Trappy is just some trip that for some reason had her own thread up at all times
I must commit sudoku for my transgressions
>Trappy is just some trip that for some reason had her own thread up at all times
Tranny fetishism is big on Veeky Forums these days. Literally the only reason.
No coach lifts/runs/plays as well as his players, it's knowledge that counts. The advice is not meaningless just because it's from someone who can't squat 4 pl8
His advice is meaningless because he has not experienced it.
It's the difference between graduating med school and performing live surgery
the example of a coach training his players is a bit different, because a coach has a pretty firm grasp of the overall strategy of a game through years and years of experience. if you took someone who read a lot about coaching and sports and dropped them into an actual coaching position they'd be absolutely horrible at it. theres so many different factors involved that you cant learn by reading and researching, and only experience can show you.
the same went for trappy, he was great at rehashing shit he read online, but who fucking knows if that sort of advice would work for the people he was giving it to? id prefer to take advice from someone who has actually succeeded in lifting a huge amount of weight and can identify sticking points in training based on their own experience. if trappy was able to lmao 3pl8 on bench, then itd be a different story, but he was just parroting a ton of theory.
that's Estep not rippletits
I've known far too many strong idiots to assume they're any smarter than the average DYEL study-chaser. Until proven otherwise, of course.
pretty much every coach that's worth a fuck used to be a player.... wtf are you smoking? it's pole isn't it, you're smoking pole again, just like trappy.
The point is that no one gives a shit about the memed and recycled 'advice' of a twinky-assed tranny in his mid teens.
There are lots of real coaches out there giving real advice. Would you rather your college football coach be a former college football player, or that fat bitch with uncountable chins that you see on the quad between classes desperately trying to get her jazzy unstuck from the grass without standing..
Totally up to you.
I call bullshit. You have a trap fetish and that's all there is to it.
I've had the luck to train at a non-commercial gym with a fair number of serious powerlifters/strongmen/bbers (including a couple of Arnolds level competitors). Some of them were smart fuckers. Plenty of them were the sort to talk about training your inner chest and lower abs (more the BBers, but not exclusively).
Strong doesn't mean any good as a coach. Plenty of them got where they were off genetics and sheer bloodymindedness more than their knowledge.