Veeky Forums, how did you get out of depression?

Veeky Forums, how did you get out of depression?

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I didnt

I never had depression, so I did nothing to get out of it

Diet, Exercise and Sleep. the holy trinity of a healthy body which will help your mind function better.

Getting a full 8 hours of sleep helps me tremendously but, sometimes, when the sadness is excessive, you just have to wait for it to pass.

This. Starting to think it's something I'll have to learn how to live with.

As someone with chronic depression I can tell you that it gets better the sooner you learn how to cope.

Stop fapping, literally the cure for depression.

Do it for more than a week and you will be happy.

bupropion, dextroamphetamine, ephedrine, phenmetrazine and caffeiene. Do this every day. Hell the only reason i work out so hard so often is so i dont die by the time im 28.

I realized I was just sleep deprived.

By never having it, bitch.
Depression is for the weak.

If there was any evidence to support this I'd try

literally the "wtf why did i get a heart attack at 25" combo

Damn dude this hit me hard. So often do mental symptoms have simple physical basis

This and escitalopram

Manage stress
Vitamin D + K2 (sunlight + fermented foods, pasture raised foods)
Zinc, Magnesium

protip: I didn't.

Yeah it was pretty weird for me when I got a regular sleep cycle going. It was like I was able to think things through in a logical manner. I just didn't really have a good sleep cycle in highschool due to CC, Soccer, and being an underage shitposter.

How is this a tip at all?

Do new things
See a shrink
Don't eat much processed sugar

Easy way to make yourself depressed, don't do it.

Only temporarily, only if you can't follow simple instructions on how to do it correctly, only if you're half assing it.

These two anons are right. Sleep, diet and exercise will help. I'm not saying they will completely cure your depression, but they will put your body into the best place to start getting out of it.

Sleep is very important. Go to bed earlier, and maybe take something mild to help you sleep easier like zinc and magnesium supp.
Analyse your diet. Are you getting a healthy amount of fats and carbs?
Mix up your training too for a while. Drive somewhere and go for a run or swim. Try for a pr on something, even if it is just on a machine.

I know all this sounds simple, but my depression started recently after being gone for 3 years and it was because I was on a cut and not getting my usual 8 hours of sleep each night. I quit the cut early and forced myself to go to bed early. Within a week I started to feel better. Within a month i was

IMPORTANT: In addition to this, take time for yourself. Go out and buy some nice body lotions. Take a nice shower, exfoliate your body, clean it thoroughly and make yourself smell nice. Manscape your body hair, shave your face and get a haircut. Go and buy a new outfit for work or going out. You will look better and feel fresh.

Good luck OP.

> oh I'd rather continue fapping for a week, it isn't worth not getting my precious daily fap in order to maybe find something which helps with my depression

For me, depression was a mental block I had to get over. I woke up after getting shit faced during 21st birthday, stood up, puked, and laughed like a fucking moron, because I realized that I'm going to live on this planet, so I can live happy and laugh at everything, or be a depressed faggot and suffer.

Is better to burn out than to fade away.