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Being alpha =/= not being a fool

Pretending to be a Trump supporter and acting all retarded, this is what liberals have become in 2016

>american politics

What's with these trailer park plebs getting those kinds of tattoos

What's his routine?

>eat clen
>tren hard

jesus fucking christ, how the hell is that guy supposed to be better than a regular nazi? not even joking, he's literally a neo nazi

You're literally a faggot.

Is this possible natty?

you can put your trip on sol we all know it's your faggot ass who posts that picture every few minutes for the past 6 months

seriously do you do anything outside of work, train, and shitpost?
actually, speaking of which, post self so i can laugh at you

>electing a loud mouth reality show retard into the oval office.
>giving nuclear codes to a human meme.

Thank you america for literally not caring anymore. The rest of us are waiting for you to doom mankind now.

Emperor Trump will make America great again and probably annex your shitty country. You're jealous.

>He believes Trump is going to win.

it's not that we don't care. we're just sick of whiny liberals and the walking on eggshells PC culture. that's why people like a loudmouth right now.

"I fucked ur whole family with my big fucking cock"


I want him to fuck me so bad. I'd even pretend to support Hil for that hot hatesex

Trump WILL win and his first order of business will be to exile crazy Bernie to some socialist hellhole and send Killary to prison.

We get it, you miss the days where you could be a loud aggro asshole and still be respectable. It's not coming back.

This shit triggers me like crazy. Why do mongoloids from other countries care who America votes into office? People won't shut the fuck up about it in kangaroo land and act like it's the end of the world

Hold up let me laugh at you again.

It's unfortunate to have another Clinton in office but hey what can you do.

that guy isnt well, op.

I only post from mobile to ban evade, that's not a mobile picture ID

>It's not coming back.
yes it is.

sorry but your days putting the world on hold to whine about trannies in bathrooms are gone.

Trump is a very intelligent individual, only an idiot would think otherwise. the guy's absurdly rich and has a real shot at becoming an extremely powerful political leader. Anybody poised to become president of the United States must be exceptionally intelligent and able to work the system to reach that point, Ted Cruz excluded.
that said I think it's a bad idea to make him president. Think critically for a moment - why would Trump want to be president? Do you think it's because he cares about the American people? That's inconsistent with the fact that he lives extravagantly and sits on a literal gold throne while none of his excess wealth goes to help veterans, homeless, etc. If he doesn't help those people now it would be absurd to think he would help them when he has more power. Do you think he will make the United States more economically powerful? The only economy Trump's interested in improving is his own, and that's what he will do.

Trump is running for president for the benefit of Trump, not you. On the other hand, so is Hilary, but at least she's less dangerous for the american people imo. Regardless you should be voting third party, it's the only logical choice. anyone who says Trump will "MAGA" or any similar statement is a fool who's been swept up in fear, anger, and excitement.

>this guy doesn't realize how close the polls are
This is why Trump will win. Losers like you think he doesn't stand a chance and are going to make some "political statement" by voting for Bernie or Gary Johnson while even the republicans that don't like Trump will reluctantly vote for him.

Cause he is a fucking ALPHA MALE and anyone who doesn't respect that is a lib'rel cuck beta! REEE KEKS LEAVE

now excuse me while I pretend cocoon mode will actually work. and that my personality/bone structure/charisma aren't flawed and continuing to deteriorate while I increase my deadlift PR (which is totally not vain at all! im a real man not some pretty boy!)


My sides and your comment.

It is true you can't argue with stupid.

polls are terribly ineffective at predicting the outcome of elections, they have a long history of being wrong

>Have visible ab definition
>meh chest and arms
>zero back muscles
And everyones yelling "ROIDS" in the comments. Do people really think that physique requires juice?

>while none of his excess wealth goes to help veterans, homeless, etc

Trump gives millions to charity.

>Clinton less dangerous
>Literally created ISIS

excuse me

Its not fair. Hardy is only taller than me by a few inches and ill2 never look as good as him ;_;

>I can't think of a response so I'm going to laugh condescendingly
typical liberal. enjoy Obongo's america while it lasts. your time is almost up.

proof for such a thing is elusive. even if his claims of giving 5.5m to veteran support are true, that's about the equivalent of my giving $30 a year to a homeless guy (net worth/amount given), which is hardly charitable.

>that's about the equivalent of my giving $30 a year to a homeless guy (net worth/amount given)
yet i'm sure you still don't do it.

it doesn't have to be half your salary for it to be a good deed.

What part of the big orange man baby having access to the nuclear switch did you not get?

Yea. This.

Trump's a smart guy, a decent businessman, and comes from a powerful lineage. He's got some valuable traits and has passed his success on to his progeny.

He doesn't give a single fuck about the people he appeals to. If you're a trump supporter, you're either well-off already and see the benefits he could bring to your established wealth/success, or you're retarded/emotional/fearful and think he will actually do something to improve your pathetic life.

Fuck Islam, and fuck mudslimes. I'll agree with that. But yea please keep thinking a few shootings are anything compared to the rampant obesity-related deaths in the USA as you perma bulk and deceive yourself into thinking 0 cardio and an obese with 'mostly muscle!' bmi isn't going to kill you.

Romney was a better businessman, Paul was a truer republican.

SJWs are a dying fad. The majority of the country is openly OPPOSED to growing PC culture, you don't need to worship edgy contrarians to prevent some libcuck takeover. This shit was never a threat; you'd realize that if you actually socialized.

There's a reason so many memelords are trump supporters. Newsflash, its not as ironic as you think. A bunch of retards think chan culture actually applies/succeeds in the real world.

The DNC plotted with Hillary to weaken all other republican candidates besides Trump, so she'd be up against the weakest candidate.

>Not voting for Trump to usher in a glorious new age of hellenistic twink bois
>Making it

>this guy thinks the president can launch nukes by himself
go back to your third world politics this is too complicated for you

Thanks for proving how stupid you are

>being this right ever

holy fuck am I on Veeky Forums

Reminder that clinton pays people to defend her on the internet

Be aware of shills

Mouth breathing 24/7

>it's a pretty strict program

(or Hillary..)

>The DNC plotted with Hillary to weaken all other republican candidates besides Trump, so she'd be up against the weakest candidate.

God fucking dammit. This is the worst part. We're gonna end up stuck with shillary because shortsighted retards actually supported Trump. I know the republican showing was weak as fuck, but still.

>if i say something enough times it becomes true
there is little to no sound reasoning to this claim as far as I've researched, but I would love to be proven wrong. biased sources left or right not welcome.
lmao don't say things without any reasoning behind it, I easily give hundreds of dollars a year to people in need impromptu. besides, any donation of his is likely for PR, and again proof of this generosity apparently been hard to find (bear in mind this is mostly claimed by left sources and I have done little research on the subject so I may be wrong). It's obvious that Trump is looking out for himself, he wants the power to further his business. I don't believe he's addicted to the power though, he seems more like a money guy to me.
you lost me when you started talking about islam and fat people, but the rest made sense. never underestimate the corruption in politics. Trump may claim to hate the corruption but he participates in it in his businesses and I guarantee he used it to get to his position in the presidential race.

Anyone watching the Democratic Convention can't possibly still be considering to vote for Hillary. It's like a fucking /pol/ parody of the left-wing.

third world politics is complex too
the pres has lots of power you might not know about. do you know the patriot act? this allows whoever is president to revoke/ignore the rights of citizens of the United States. and remember that Truman made the final decision of launching on Japan

>and sits on a literal gold throne while none of his excess wealth goes to help veterans, homeless, etc
funny since he has donated to
Arnold Palmer Foundation
Celebrity Fight Night Foundation
Children with AIDS
David Foster Foundation
Friends of Scotland
Jimmy Fund
Los Angeles Police Memorial Foundation
Make A Child Smile Appeal
Make-A-Wish Foundation
Mississippi Animal Rescue League
Muhammad Ali Parkinson Center
Neurofibromatosis, Inc.
Operation Smile
Paralyzed Veterans of America
Pediatric Epilepsy Project
Raising Malawi
Reef Relief
Smile Train
St. Francis Food Pantries and Shelters
The Doe Fund
Wounded Warrior Project

>t.someone who never studied statistics

>biased sources left or right not welcome.
you realize that only right leaning sources will publish anything bad on killary

trump foundation =/= donald trump

you should be able to understand this
I don't even like her, I just think she's a better alternative to trump. anyways, if you're so skeptical of left wing sources (which you should be) you need to be consistent and ignore any right wing sources as well.

Sorry, maybe i should have been more clear.
>what are gold codes

I did not think that he could simply point at a country and go "bang". However, it is fucking funny how a host for the apprentice can have such a big part in nuking a country. Wouldnt you agree?

What is wrong with americans?

I didn't know libtards came on here.

eh not really. it's not like he's an idiot, he understands MAD and can't make the decision by himself. he does have a big part in it but teebeeaych clinton is more likely to nuke someone.

retardation based on political views is measure by distance from zero, not distance on either side

I think relating obesity deaths to terror deaths is pretty retarded. But there's a point to be made about how much ground/support Trump gains talking about the threat of Islam/Muslims when the current rates of damage in the US are fucking nothing.

Truth is, the Orlando shooter was the most prominent Mudslime attack in recent history, and it seems like he was just a faggot with literally zero support from any terrorist group.

Funny enough I remember folks on /pol/ saying "ok trump is gonna do the tactful thing, and just be sincere and mourn and shit. he's a genius"

And then he literally tweets "i told you so". Damn the backpedaling in trump general was insane. "I k-knew he was going to say that from the start! He's playing 7 dimensional chess just you wait!"

Hillary is going to gut the fuck the middle class. I'm telling you she is lying about her political stance like everybody. She has changed her view on everything, had hidden email servers, couldn't be contacted during the Benghazi attacks, etc. She is the fucking sithlord of politics.

What do you mean?

The patriotic ones are grateful to have been born in the greatest country of all time; the ones who immigrated legally often love America even more than the people who have been born there.

I assume you mean the self-hating, masculinity-hating democucks. Yes, they are a sad bunch I guess.


>I don't even like her, I just think she's a better alternative to trump
so are retarded.get educated of the fucking demon you want in office.

It's like all of Europoors have small dicks and are just jealous of the US.

you dont visit pol much do you?

America - The Good Guys of the world. World Police, but unironically. Truly the greatest and most beautiful thing to ever happen to this earth.

Israel - The Good Guys in the context of the near and middle east. The real Litmus test to know if someone really understands world politics or is just a poseur pretending to be "redpilled". A true bastion of Western values surrounded by a heap of mud.

Islam - The Evil Guys

Dude Hillary is fucking evil, I am telling you. She is a vile cunt. Can you explain the DMCA email servers you dumb sack of shit?

Both sides have become a caricature of themselves.

I legitimately can't pick a side since they're both so terrible.

Each one has things I believe in, why I have to choose a side packed with bullshit rather than vote individually on the issues those parties are supposed to represent is beyond me.

>Islam - The Evil Guys
you really know nothing about the world we live in do you?

No, I mean 90% of the population who are annoying loudmouths whose only argument is "LALALA I CAN'T HEAR YOU"
Neither trump nor hillary are good candidates, but you dogs lap that shit up like peanutbutter on a cock

trump is playing playing the game right, i absolutely guarantee that his "told ya so!!" response was well thought out to increase press and therefore popularity.

Prejudice against muslims is unfounded and is only justifiable by fear-mongering, I agree. the danger is negligible. However, people don't listen to this, they're just scared. can't blame them either, that's how people work. the argument I use is simple; the right wing is very adamant on protecting the constitutional rights of citizens. The first amendment clearly states, and I quote, "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion". any law with the word "islam" or "muslims" in it would be in direct contradiction to that. do you not care about our constitutional rights?
wow great rebuttal i'm all for trump now, you've really enlightened me with reason and logic
>clearly biased video
lol i can find several left sources that will deny all of this and I can find other conspiracy theorists that will say we never landed on the moon.
vote third party you dip

You are welcome

Because Hillary will pedal the bullshit undertone that is corruption in the US. I don't think trump will be as corrupt and honestly try to help the country without alterior motives.

I've watched europe go to shit because of all the refugees and I don't want that to happen here. Hillary wants to import millions of them to the US which makes my decision easy.

trump built an empire and participates in a corrupt economy, where do you get these "he's not corrupt" ideas?

>you dogs
I'm German, senpai. Although I do plan on becoming an American, it's my biggest goal in life tbqh

Donald Trump is the first 4chanarian president

>clearly biased video
ah so you are just a shill then.if you really wanted to actually learn anything you would look at the sources but you are just here to suck your own cock.


There seems to be a dissonance between the picture and the text you posted.

are you trying to say that islam isn't a religion of barbarians

>Prejudice against muslims is unfounded and is only justifiable by fear-mongering
t. ahmed

>i can find several left sources
I'll bet you can mohammed

>vote third party you dip
The "third party" in the USA are just people too crazy to fit in with the democrats.

I'm not even gonna talk about germany and the rest of fucking europe
We need to drive the minority trash out of here, these fuckers are ruining everything



I said "Islam is evil"

you replied "you really know knothing about the world we live in do you"

but apparently you do agree with me, you just misread my post. It's alright feller.

That dude looked pretty #triggered himself

But yes, to a plausible first approximation you can tell a woman's politics by her waistline and a man's by his bench.

ah i thought you where trying to be ironic

Hey dumbass here's my rebuttal, explain:
You can't, she has lied to the media, changed her stance on shit solely to look good. She is corrupt as shit and wants the dark undertone of corruption in America to continue. Trump will do us a lot of good and some bad that will have to be cleaned up by another president but it's a step in the right direction. He will bring money into the country, try to fix our massive deficit when it comes to imports and other things. He will also make sure Russia doesn't fuck up the Middle East to no end with Assad. Hillary doesn't have a stance in the Middle East, trump wants their shit back in line. Just like the shit we have going in the US with Mexicans and other minority's. He will listen to his cabinet, he will actually listen to a voice of fucking reason when Hillary just wants to get suck off the metaphorical Jews.

Yes, except only Muslim minorities.

The others can stay.

read all of it. Every sentence is the fucking truth. Trump is an idiot but he's got heart.

self-made billionaires and leading presidential candidates are all "idiots"

kek yeah. It does seem kinda ironic.

Gotta rewrite this, I really want a dank pro-American/pro-Israel/anti-Islam pasta to just copypaste in all political threads and on /pol/.

Because it is the correct opinion.

explain to me the exact ways in which european countries have "gone to shit". yeah, some ISIS members killed a bunch of people and blew a bunch of shit up. still an extremely small portion of these people, not at all representative of the larger group. many more people will die unjustly if we refuse refugees than if we take them in. I do not believe american people are more important than syrian people.
not muslim, nice try though. my comment on left sources was explicitly to say that they aren't reliable, and your description of third party is absurd. the diametric bipartisanship is for people who don't want to think critically and develop their own opinions.
biased religious shill shit
i'm not voting for hillary you dip, I don't think you should either. like I said, I think she's better than trump but I don't like either. what is this "if you don't like trump you must love hillary" meme

Please america, vote for trump.

I just want to see impeachment. Or a coup, and see him go full erdogan.

If you're white, you're alright

Also watching Trump do speeches WITHOUT A TELEPROMPTER, just like all the other idiots

You people are gonna get so banned.

I think the guy on the OP roids.

it's the other way around, he's a fucking genius but he's in it for himself

Because intelligent people scream at the EU?

>I do not believe american people are more important than syrian people.

If you are American, then you are a KEK.

This is not just a meme. You believe that your country belongs to others, not yourself. That's what a cuckold is.