but counting calories is too hard

> but counting calories is too hard

>meal replacement

My Fitness Pal is the game changer

>770 cals
>28g protein

Yea.. what a decent fucking meal, huh? Idiot.

I think it's a pain in the ass and too tedious. if you just take 3 months and do it in your head and learn about everything you eat you can estimate most whole foods pretty well.

>diet shakes
>fat burners
>detox regiments

you realize the infographic is meant to sell shakeology right

>>detox regiments

This one triggers me the hardest. People talking about their body needing to "detox" as if they don't have perfectly functioning fucking kidneys.


its not necessary unless you are low test dyel

every single person whos ever asked me for help with their weight has said this. Then they go on to say "youre just lucky you have a fast metabolism."

I don't even count anymore desu

Good day Mr. 15% body fat is lean enough.

or that a sunday of drinking concentrated cranberry juice, water, and eating only fruit isn't just as effective.
gotten me through every urinary tract infection i've ever had.

12% visible abs
just dont eat like shit, train hard. never counted any shit, macro or calorie and i look better than 99% on here
dyels are complicating lifting/getting big way too much

>visible abs
In good liking while flexing maybe.

mfw people don't just use eatthismuch.com

I literally just put the macros of food I usually eat, and then I can just say how much I eat of whet each day and it does it for me.

>Not drinking 4 soylents a day when cutting.

wtf, big macs are about $3.80 in most countries.

but i haaaaatttee cardio

>cheaper to buy 3 1-days than 1 3-day
Because hippies can't do math.

Fucking brilliant

Big mac MEAL not big mac sandwich

Meal is fries and drink