
I think there's something wrong with me. I sleep between 10-12+ hours every night and still feel extremely exhausted during the day. It takes me between 30-60 minutes to get out of bed because I feel so tired when I wake up. It's not even from going to bed late because I usually go to sleep between 11pm-1am. I have huge bags under my eyes, skin is not looking healthy, and just look in a general state of exhaustion because of long sleeping.

What's wrong with me??? Am I dying?

you're depressed user

Remember that one time you didn't tell the pupper to sleep tight?

Well sure but how does it fuck my sleep rythmn up that bad?

Oh what the shit so you mean to tell me I actually need to reply to posts that say reply to this post or else your mother dies in her sleep tonight

are you drinking enough? also sleeping to much is not good senpaitachi

Could be due to a myriad of reasons. Start by setting your alarm clock to 8 hours of sleep (7-8-9 hours is enough for a young adult, more can make you tired) every night. Force yourself out of bed and within 2 weeks you should (roughly) be in a new rythm.

If that doesn't help visit a doctor, it could be Lyme, Pfeiffer or something else. But I highly recommend starting out by cutting down your hours of sleep.

You oversleep so your Body feels like shit.
try to sleep 6 - 8 Hours.
Try to go to bed at 2200 pm and stand up at 0600 am.

I only drink milk and water. I'm guessing maybe 3L of water a day.

When I have to get up early for appointments or whatever I set an alarm clock in the morning and plan about 8-9 hours of sleep that night. If I wake up before 10 hours of sleep I have a headache, am super jittery, and feel my heart beating like crazy.

It's been like this as long as I can remember but now it's just getting crazy. It always used to be 9-11 hours but now I'm starting to push 12 to 13 hours a night.

Try drinking shitloads of water. I started drinking a gallon of water a day a while back because some stupid fuck told me that if I didn't, my shit would get fucked up when I started taking creatine, and I'd basically be a human water balloon. It turns out that I was dehydrated quite often anyway (or nearing dehydration), and my skin's got a lot better since then, and I've felt full of energy. Might just be the creatine, though, but it's worth a try anyway.

Oh Jesus user, you didn't even think to save your own mother? Some of us are not gonna make it brah

> If I wake up before 10 hours of sleep I have a headache, am super jittery, and feel my heart beating like crazy.

Do you sleep in a tiny Room and if so do you sleep with a tilted window?

Probably a mix of dehydration,vitamin deficiencies,food malabsorbtion caused the the formers,and low T as the major kicker

You really should get on the gear

Just to let you know, you're not alone user. For 2 years now I've been in a constant state of exhaustion and I sleep 10-12 hours every night until my body hurts and I have to get out of bed. Yet I'm still tired and take naps throughout the day. Nothing I've done has helped and I want to go to the doctor but I'm scared

Yeah, it's about 10m2 and by titled window do you mean pic related? My window looks like that but I have to keep it closed at night because the neighbors and cars are so loud and echo off the surrounding walls and it wakes me up.


This fucjing image makes me laugh every time. Why put that caption over Sheldon's face? What does your mother dying in her sleep have to do with the big bang theory?

Do you close your door?
If yes you maybe have a oxygen deficit while sleeping.

Door stays wide open and the windows to the back garden are tilted open

Im the same exact way. Do you snore? Could be sleep apnea.
I would get a sleep study done if nothing changes after trying new tips.

Ok drink more before sleep.

Hey OP. Get a sleep test.

Luckily I live in the Socialist Republic of Canada and its all free - but I could always sleep 12 hours or 2 hours and Id be just as tired. Fell asleep unintentionally all the time.

Turns out I move 49 times an hour in my sleep and 31 times an hour it wakes me up a little.

Got a prescription for ldopa/carbidopa and I just wake up after 6 or 7 hours of sleep. Its a completely foreign concept to me to not sleep an entire half of my day.

Go to a doc, sleep is important.

This. My father-in-law used to have the same symptoms when he had less severe sleep apnea. Months later he was unable to sleep for more than an hour at a time. Get it checked, OP.
If not drinking enough water was the problem his symptoms wouldn't go away after sleeping more than ten hours, I'd think.

Go see a doctor OP.

Are you pmsing or on.your period? Because all of that is perfectly normal if so.

I drink nearly a gallon of water a day though, not including milk and my protein shake.

You know, I don't snore at all but my father was diagnosed for a sleep apnea like 8 years ago. Maybe it could be passed down

This OP

I am the same way, my doctor suggested it might be sleep apnea.

I just got my appointment made for fucking December.
Thanks Trudeau.

Unless you spend alot of time in the sun it's probably vitamin D deficiency. That's the first thing I'd check

>What does your mother dying in her sleep have to do with the big bang theory?
it both sucks?

I probably will soon. It angers me how I sleep over half the day away and still feel tired. I often sleep through alarms or involuntarily shut them off and them immediately fall back asleep for another few hours.

Sorry but I have a dingaling

Can't be. We've had sunny weather for the last few weeks and my sleep wasn't even this bad during winter. I'm northern European so winter here means 3pm sunsets.

The strange thing is, I used to be like that.
The more I slept, the more I would feel tired when I woke up.
Right now I'm sleeping 5/6 hours a night but I feel a lot more rested than I did before.

I'm northern european aswell and pretty much everyone I know among family and friends who have been tested for it have been vit D deficient. It's super common. It might not be the sole reason for you being tired though, but I guarantee that if you go to a doctor and say you feel tired all the time, it's the first thing they will check.

vitamin d deficiency, almost guaranteed, started taking 5000iu's today so i'll see where it takes me