Alright lads, so my ribs are pretty fucked. They flare out to much, they cave in (pectus evactum) which can't be seen that well in the picture but its not that severe it just bothers me that because of it I can clearly see my heartbeat around my sternum as something pops in and out with each beat, and its been said that my ribs come too far down my body. I'm wondering if anyone knows of exercises or anything else that I can do that will help with flared ribs (reducing them in anyway). At this point I'd honestly get a friend to smash my ribs with a cricket bat then wear a compression brace and hope that they'd fix to look normal, but i don't have any mates (you guys are the closest things i have). As well as this I have (a bit of) gyno, it doesn't look too bad in the picture 'cause its pretty cold and they're currently hardened up but I'm thinking of going to the Noa Clinic in Poland to get them chopped off but so if anyone has any experience with this then please let me know if its worth it since I've hated my puffy nips sticking through my clothes for many years now. I know I'm /nevergoingtomakeit/ and be aesthetic as fuark but I really want to be able to comfortably wear a t-shirt. Thanks.
Flared Ribs & Co
only lifting can save you. (no you cant change bone structure a.k.a. your ribs/chest dumbass)
I understand I can't alter my bone structure I was just wondering if there was something I could build upon to make it look less obvious. So how can lifting save me if I'm fucked?
is this you?
because hurdur itll fill out your shitty proportions and everyone looks good with a muscularish body instead of your dyel skinnyfat body.
I'm not really skinnyfat, I just have a fuckoff ribcage and gyno, and as far as I was aware, no matter how much muscle I gain I'd still have a fuckoff dip between my tits and lower ribs.
You aren't alone with this. When I was a kid I tried pushing on my rib cage all the time, hoping that would help. It doesn't. Recently I bulked up to 220 @ 6ft. That adds a lot of gut which smoothes the transition from rib cage bottom to your belly. It was the most "normal" I ever looked, but I was fucking fat. So fat tying my shoes became stressful. I hated it. So I lost 40 pounds and look like pic now. Personally I'd rather have abs (soon) than a big fat gut, but you decide.
I developed some gyno too, but doing lots of flys replaced the fat with muscle. The best thing you can do is learn to love yourself regardless. You are unique.
Holy shit I have the same thing, but I think that just getting in shape will hide most of it
Have you been to GP? If so what did they say
Alright thanks, I'll just add a bit more weight then and see what happens. I'm only currently at 150(ish) at 6'3 which is shit but (barely) better than the just under 140 I was before.
No I haven't 'cause theres probably nowt they can do, and I'm too autisitc.
Yea ok well go to gp atleast firs 1) you might as well as you are probably a neet 2) gyno has many causes and can be a cause of other things too
I'm not a neet, I'm at university. And what do you mean by your 2) - should I guillotine them or not?
basically for the gyno and ribs, it could just be a case of eating and weight training. As for the chest i dunno but muscle mass will compensate a bit
Surgery as a last resort. I am being slow today!!
Thanks for the advice guys, but I may get surgery for the tits since they always poke through my clothes which lead me to slouching in order to hide them, so that messed up my posture a bit so probably made my ribs worse. Even if my ribs stick through my shirt its better than having moobs do it.
You can't fix pectus excavatum through any sort of exercise. Your's looks about the same level that I have. Your options are:
1) Deal with it. The option I'm taking. I'm not saying it's easy but as I have learnt to just live with it after years having body confidence issues over it I think you can too. I go swimming in a public pool 3-4 times a week now. It was something that held me back and I'm not going to let it do that to me anymore. People care less than you think about it.
2) Your other option is to get referred to a chest consultant and then get the Nuss procedure done. Due to the nature of our common abnormality affecting the fucking rib cage the thing which affects your vital organs this is serious surgery. It involves deflating lungs and inserting a metal bar to be fixed to your chest. It's been done thousands of times by now and is as safe as it can be but I was advised and I agreed with unnecessary surgery being a stupid thing to do. Depending on your age this bar will stay in for 1 to multiple years. The younger and hence more malleable bones you have the shorter the time you have the metal bar in. I suggest you research this yourself and go see a health professional.
We are all different shapes and sizes. To say I am over my pectus excavatum is not entirely true but it is something I'm prepared to live with. There is more to your looks than your chest. Don't define yourself by the fact that yours is inherently different to others.
you could roid and big muscles wil cover it up pretty well
My rib cage flares a lot which made me look a lot fatter than i was and makes me look thinner than i am lmao
Just do more core work. It helps
>no you cant change bone structure
Lots of people have had some of their ribs removed.
There are many cause's of gyno
It may be that the gp says you need to eat, lift, sleep and that will reduce the gyno as your test rises.
Or not
Ribs you can try and do stretch / mobility work. Pectus I dunno.
Thanks, I'm not going to get the Nuss procedure simce my pectus evactum isn't that bad and it won't do anything for my flared ribs but I'll try to get more confident. I've been wanting to go to the swimming pool at my gym for ages but I always bitch out, I used to swim but quit when I was 12 once I acquired my boobs.
I'm too autistic, and after a quick google search I still don't know where I'd get them. Plus moms gonna freak.
Thanks, I heard about this before so I've been doing a bit of core but I'll definitely add more.
Mutant master race reporting in. Get fit and nobody will fucking notice.
You have pectus and barrel chest (flared ribs) but your ribs are not too long. I have something similar but one side of my ribs is about an inch more foreward than the other. Nobody but me really notices. Absolutely nobody cares.
Worked with a guy who after about 1 year, I noticed he had a twisted spine and a fucking hump on one side of his back. Never fucking noticed and once I did, well, who cares?
I'm married and my wife never noticed my pectus and I never brought it up.
I eat pretty healthy and I've tried eat different things, doing more weights, cardio and sleeping but they've stayed with me all the years.
I'll try doing more stretching and mobility work, even if it doesn't work it can't harm. Thank you.
Look up rib thrusting, lots of exercises you can do to straighten it up. It worked for both me and my wife.
Alright thanks I'll just try and ignore it till I'm too big to care. But I don't know if I can forget about my breasts so I'm just worried about how much time i'll waste if I get gyno surgery 'cause you can't excercise for about a month afterwards, and then not lift anything roo heavy for another month after that. But I think my boobs are noticeable as people have commented on them before.
Okay i'll look into it, thank you very much.