>be me >graduate highschool with good grades at final exams(99/100 maths and 81/100 physics) >go to entrance exam 2 weeks later at comp science university >fail miserably
I am feeling like shit. I dont have many friends to talk to. I was supposed to train legs today but lost every bit of motivation. I honestly did not expect to fail. Its fucking up my brains right now... Idk what to do anymore...
So, for today, pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and realize it's not the end of the world. You're a capable person. Work harder at your studies, and you'll be fine.
For the long run, fix your mindset. Start googling "growth mindset" shit, and get on track to being that way.
Logan King
I know that feel m8. I went from having great grades at school to failing shit at university. I'll be in my year of studying engineering and I feel so stupid and depressed all the time.
Levi Gonzalez
*third year
Julian Price
/r9k/ pls go
Joshua Murphy
Well hopefully you learned a few things.
College requires a completely different skillset to high school.
Everybody fails. To go through life "deserving" an unbroken chain of successes is completely unrealistic.
Perseverance wins in the long term. Pick yourself up and try again with a different mindset and a smarter strategy.
Andrew Nelson
There is a saying in Albania
something along the lines of "when you get knocked down, you sit, not stand"
It's alright to take some time off, and when you stand up again you'll be just as strong as before, don't sit for too long.
Brandon Carter
You do know that at least half of the population is 25 and still a wageslave. You're still ahead of the game 7 years
Yo OP don't despair. It's pretty normal to happen, just get your shit together, train hard, study hard. I'm also on first year of CS and I know how you feel mang
Cameron Collins
Wyatt Walker
It can be quite hard to go through high school with good grades because you build up this image that you're actually intelligent, but if you challenge yourself and go to a good university you'll quickly find out how shit you are compared to the best. If you don't get this feeling then you probably don't go to a good university. It gets better with time when you learn accept your place in the hierarchy, though some people choose to be a big fish in a small pond instead.
For most people it actually gets better again when they return to the "real world" and start working. Then you'll meet the general population again and realize that they're still dumb as fuck.
Bentley Morales
>woman like these won't even give you a chance That's depressing af senpai
Henry Watson
You take a step back and think about what you really want to do in this life and you work your butt off to get there dude. At least thats what I did
>be gifted student, go to top private school >win awards in national science and maths competitions, be winning money as a high schooler for maths >sit national olympiad twice >get 98.5/100 for high school grades >accepted to top uni, cruise through first year with straight first class honours >start to drop off in second year, pick up drinking, start doing harder drugs than just smoking weed, second semester depression has really set in. >stop attending become a drug addict for 2 years, barely scrape through my 3rd year with passes which takes a year and half because you're so cooked you can't even structure a course plan >spend next year doing nothing with life and starting to pick up the pieces >apply for grad school >get knocked back >uni had an agreement to take me on grad school on account of my excellence as a high schooler >have a meeting agree to do a one year diploma to show I can still do it >brain doesn't work same as before, suddenly maths is 10 times harder >have to study and cut off hobbies and friends >grades improve to second class honours >then first class honours >accepted into grad school with first choice supervisor, have first class honours average looking at national scholarships. >study every fucking day and be damn grateful about it, know what you need to do to pursue your dream
I dunno if it means anything to you, but even tho I still don't feel quite like the same person I was, I know what I want after hitting rock bottom and I will do anything in my power to achieve it. Seriously sit down and think what you want to do, if its comp sci there will be options and you're just going to have to work your butt off to fucking do it but it's possible man, I literally spend every day thankful as fuck I got a second chance I don't know what I would have done without. Probably dying slowly
Ryder Martin
>For most people it actually gets better again when they return to the "real world" and start working. Then you'll meet the general population again and realize that they're still dumb as fuck.
This is truth. I've been doing an internship this summer and I'm a lot less worried about the future now that I see that I can actually excel in the workplace. The hardest part will just be getting through the rest of college and 4+ more years of grad school while making gains.
Elijah Bailey
OP here. I would like to thank everyone for the good pieces of advice and motivation. Ill try and move on as fast as I can. Im still mad on myself knowing that I failed at what I thought I was good at. I still have the option to go into construction engineering or try to apply to another university for comp science. As for now, I convinced myself to get to the gym and have a great workout.
Alexander Mitchell
Have you spoken with the university? My university allows for retakes the entrance exams.
Brody King
This is such a cute thread really.
Leo Parker
I dropped out when I discovered the same thing and spent the past 3 years working and saving money. Now im going to test myself and start a business. The odds are against me but failure doesn't bother me any more, it'll be a valuable learning experience and maybe I'll be one of the lucky ones who break through
Logan Nelson
>wanting to study comp science might as well just end it
> fall down seven times > get up eight > you know, we will be right there with you
Ayden Hill
There were around 300 free spots for students and we competed for them. My overall score was 81/100 which was not enough unfortunately.
Grayson Hill
>at least half of the population is 25 What happened? Glad I survived the non 25 yo culling anyway
Zachary Fisher
>The odds are against me There are plenty of opportunities atm. Don't fall for the romanticised notion of a businessman too much, while success is never guaranteed you can do things to make it more likely to practically inevitable.
Jack Murphy
81? bro you did well, the way you painted it was as if you totally failed. You weren't good enough for this specific course this time, but that doesn't make you a stupid loser. Chin up
Samuel Gomez
You sound like a pussy. I've been in university, failed courses, went on to graduate and then be fucked over by the oil crash and unable to find work with my degree and still lift.
James Rivera
It may sound like a good score, but it was far from what I expected, I would have needed at least 8 more points to be accepted
Liam Jones
Parker Long
Liam Cox
What was your degree/job path?
Hudson Cox
What is your ideal profession? mirin brain gains
Adam Moore
>tfw you went to a small pond but you're still not the biggest fish
why live
Juan Jenkins
I swear I've fucking seen this thread before
Austin Sanders
Fear of failure is fucking retarded. I was the same story hurrdurr I'm so intelligent breezed through high school. Then uni hit me in the face with real life and actual effort and it floored me.
Don't make the same mistake I did, it took me like 5 years of working retail and being a shitbag to realise the world won't just drop a great future into my lap.