fit, what exercises should I do to get bigger forearms?
Fit, what exercises should I do to get bigger forearms?
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Farmer walks
Wrist curls
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The forearms serve a number of duties. Not only do they flex and extend the wrists, but perhaps more important, they contract statically (along with the muscles of the hands) to assist in gripping heavy objects. It’s easy to see, then, how a weak pair of forearms could be the limiting factor in possessing elite-level strength. They also round out a top-level physique. If your grip is lacking, so too will be the amount of weight you can use on deadlifts, rows, weighted pullups, and other measures of brute strength. Guess how many successful strongman competitors have a weak grip: zero. Same goes for the top competitors in the IFBB—you got ’em or you can’t win.
I got you senpai
Do I have to do all three?
Standing rope.
every lift you do, squeeze the fuck out of the bar
like you are trying to get the last bit of toothpaste out of a crowbar
Single arm deadlift.
Wrist roller
Farmers carry
Reverse wrist curl
Reverse curl
Heavy rows
In that order of importance
I am iincluding pull up in the "heavy row" category.
Basically any pull with pronated grip
Don't underestimate punching heavy bags, too
Literally no resistance training on forearms.
Literally no clue what you're saying. Have you punched heavy bags for years?
Explain to me how are the forearms worked when moving your arm forward.
Not even same fag. Kys.
You need to tighten your fist very hard when you're making contact with the bag, dummy. It's not a good training session if your forearms aren't burning afterwards and you can barely hold a pencil.
Are hammer curls a good forearm workout
Just tightening isn't enough to develop them.
>squeeze your fist hard for massive forearm gains.
Post forearm.
I have done heavybag and mitts for years, yes.
Feel it more in my delts than forearms.
Dont feel it in my forarms at all, actually.
Post forearms
Yes, reverse curls are better.
Do grippers really increase forearm hypertrophy?
I've heard they just make them stronger but not necessarily bigger