Why have some of you began PPL/Bro-split?

Why have some of you began PPL/Bro-split?

Because I love going to the gym, so going 6x a week i better for my mental health.

Also because my legs are big enough from squatting 3x a week for years, so now I'm just trying to maintain my lowerbody while filling in my lagging upperbody.

Current split is ABCABDx
A - chest and shoulders
B - back
C - legs
D - arms

PPL is balanced well and it's been working for me

made my best arm gains on bro split

chest and shoulders and upper back are lackin severely tho

just switched to PPL, after a tricep and elbow overuse injury it's been a slow start(my fault)

debating whether I need a rest day between Push and Pull day

I don't roid so PPLPPLx is like impossible

incline BP
decline BP
dumbbell shoulder press (sitting)
flat dumbbell press/incline DB press
Landmine press (shoulder version)
Flat chest flys/incline chest flys(low incline)
overhand tricep push down
overhead Dumbell single arm tricep extension

I haven't because I enjoy making gains

Get a social life


>putting arms ahead of the rest of your body
Opinion discardex

I went straight into a PP routine without doing SS because I feared the meme. I don't so legs yet.

I gained weight and a little bit of size but it's hard to see obvious progress after only two months.

I don't know whether to rage or laugh

Why? If it's because of the legs, mine are large compared to my upper body.

I'm already laughing so you'll have to play the enraged user role.
>pic related

>2 months
>gained a little bit of size

Well you got what you signed up for.

Do legs man, its not aesthetic nor functional

Sheiko cuz I want mad strength gains

Dumbass, you do know there are other begginer routines aside from SS that are basically similar, right?

Discrediting SS is basically saying all begginer routines suck

When I start aiming for size I'm gonna do 4x a week full body

Low low volume but high frequency/Moderate intensity for all the body parts

I do a mix between PPL and Arnold split.


Best of both worlds. You get the frequency of PPL without arms lagging behind, which is a common problem on a PPL split.

I'm using a beginners PPL routine. Why is that such a big red flag to people here? My legs are strong but my upper body is weak, so I can put off legs.


Please reread.

Most beginners who say they're doing 'ppl' just mean they're going to do a brosplit and don't want to admit it.

especially when they say they think their legs are strong. Unless you're squatting close to 1.5x your bench and deadlifting close to double it, your legs are not proportionately strong.

I've found PPL builds the most proportionate bodies. Arms lagging can be a problem like it is on U/L splits, but then just do a split like this

I'm doing 2 pull days and 2 push days a week. This is not a bro split.

I'm not blind. I would benefit aesthetically from a bigger upper body and it would detract from my appearance by increasing my leg size without gaining a better upper body. I'm doing what I'm doing for a good reason.

the fuck is a ppl?

Push/pull/legs. Split based more on movement patterns instead of body parts.

except I don't arms them
curls on back day
triceps on chest day

>Get a social life
Yeah but how?

Since you go to the gym everyday, make friends there and take it from there

Basically this. You can still progress strength-wise with it.

Not as much as you would full body

we should ban faggots and fatties who think legse are the most important thing from here

>made my best arm gains on bro split

I do something similar to a PPL. I do ABCABC

A Chest/biceps
B Legs/shoulder
C Back/Triceps

I know its not recommended to mix bi with chest and vice versa but I've been lifting for 8 months now and had no problem

PHUL master race.

i like this variation, thanks for pointing it out

Honestly their choice though. It would be beneficial for full body. But if that makes going to the gym boring and unbearable there's no point

You know what happens to 99% of people that disregard routines like SS when they start out?

They're in their 30s doing some generic split and their maxes are what people who do SS will achieve after a few months

Whats boring about full body?

The hype to see you increase your weight is fun unlike maxing out early on a PPL routine.

got a home gym and now i can go 6x or 7x a week.


routine is not the most important thing

consistency & progression is 90%, routines 10%. HOWEVER, good routines (i.e. programs) FORCE you to progress at a linear rate, they force you to be consistent, they force you to push yourself. A regular bro split where you just wing it every workout only works for people who really push themselves, which is very rare for brosplitters.

this is the biggest problem with ppl doing these shitty routines. they go too easy on themselves because have nothing to aim for

But they look better.

>Why have some of you began PPL

>stalling badly on TM full body 3daw
>upper lower worked for a tiny bit but still stalled quickly on upper body (if you are PLing though UL splits are great)
>Volume seems really comfy
>I happen to have some free time so I can afford to hit the gym 5x week
>still hit everything (almost) 2x week, which us optimal
>actually seeing size and strength gains, fucking finally

Hitting everything 1x week except triceps (3x) and biceps (2x) is not optimal.

Not really