Cutting help

Hey /f/it I was wondering if you guys had any reliable sources for nutrition facts? Besides the labels. I work as a butcher and my tdee is 3500-500. So I'm siting at 3000 calories and I need 424 grams of protein correct? Also food tips and advice would be appreciated. I'm having trouble calculating stuff


People here seem to use myfitness pal. I prefer calorieking because the calculator is more intuitive if you're cooking yourself in my opinion. For the labels, it's supposed to be accurate. In any case you'll never be 100% accurate, cause labels are average numbers, your cooking can reduce a bit the macros... What matters is that you calculate everything as best as possible, and uses always the same numbers for a given food. Then, adjust your calculated calorie intake depending on your weight loss progression.

I've seen alot of sources give different numbers for 4oz chicken breast boneless skinless. 4oz=184cal,34.45protein?

I don't know, I use metrics... Checking on calorieking, this number seems high, I usually consider 100g of chicken to be 110 Cals/23.1g prot. (then again, in reallity it depends on the variety of chicken, but it can't be much higher). Where did you get your number?
Can other Fitizen confirm/deny what I'm saying?

Plus hold on, are you counting raw or cooked? Because you should use raw mesures when ever possible, weight can really change depending on how you cook things...

>424 grams of protein
>a pound of protein per day

Lol no

But the sticky said 1.5 gram protein per pound

Got it off Google, but then again that's why I'm looking for a reliable source

Raw, I plan on using a conventional oven to cook my food on foil trays. Will use minimal oils

Skip a meal every day
Easiest is breakfast
Next is lunch
Absolute hardmode is getting through the day on just dinner, which is what I'm doing

Sticky says 1g/lb, but you won't need that much if most of your weight is fat

It says 1gram for bulk and and 1.5 for cut I think. And yes I'm a big guy

That's called stupid sir.

No it doesn't
>You want around one gram per pound of bodyweight worth of protein

Also, if my calculations are correct, you're around 282 pounds. You're TDEE, even being a butcher, appears a tad high in my opinion. How much cals are you eating daily? 'cuz if you're already around 3500 cals daily, then your TDEE is wrong, or you would not weight the weight you weight (though I tend to underestimate TDEE... But I evaluate mine at 2200Cals, I weight around 130 pounds for 5'9" with an office job BUT with around 2h+ cardio per week and 4~ hours pumping iron...)

It's 1gram per lb of LEAN body mass, so that doesn't count if you're a fat fuck. Lose that chub first, buddy.

i ate
>2 baguettes
>6 eggs
>and about 500-600g of mashed potatoes


could one of you kind anons give me a rubdown of how many calories and proteins i ate?

im new and im trying to get a grasp of this stuff

I just started tracking things, I'm going through a break up and want to feel better about myself. I've lost a few pounds over the weeks just eating less but I actually want to make something of it.

Baguettes? You're French?

How did you cook the potatoes, oil is laybe the most calorie dense food...
But I'd say roughtly, if no oil was used:
>1325 Cals for the bread (45.8 g prot)
>465 for the eggs (38.37 g. prot)
>462 for the potatoes (12.1g prot)

im a romanian living in spain m8

i boiled the potatoes and mixed them with butter (maybe 20g) and milk.

i do always use quite a bit of oil when frying eggs tho

ooookay so you can probably add 140Cals for the butter, 200 Cals for the oil and maybe 50~150 for the milk, depending on the amont...

So what are my daily calorie needs? You were right on the money about my weight.
It says more protein intake helps with weight loss aswell?

so i ate about 2800-3000 calories.
at 70 kg this is not cutting.
im bulking, right?

Damn dude yoi cant n
Eat so mich Protein wtf 424 you will probably die within 3 month

Wait you only weigh 70Kg? Then your 424g of prot was wrong anyway. 70Kg is 154 pounds. Even with 1.5g per pound it would only have been 231...

And yes, you're eating at a big surplus here ! If you're 70Kg, with average height and lets assume 20~25% body fat, your TDEE shouldn't be more than 2500 with a very physical job...

Though again, I'm far from an expert, I've been doing this for only 6 month or so...

He isn't me

Then your protein alone would cost more than 4000+kcal (meat also has fat so that counts)

And I don't believe any human can eat 3 lbs of chicken breast

My bad then. But this convo is starting to get confusing, even for me...

>I need 424 grams of protein correct?
you're getting memed by the protein powder industry

So what would you recommend I do? Can you help a bro out?

Just eat 1g protein/lbs body weight like a normal person
Even this is hard to achieve. Any meat that doesn't taste like suicide would have only 20-28% protein and leave maybe 50+ fat in them. Your calories intake is easily up to 2000+

That's why extremely fit, lean looking bodybuilders go chicken and broccoli. Because they fill you up while have little to no fat which means no low calories as well. You can only hit perfect macro/micro by extreme diet

But for a normal person. Just stop anything useless (snacks, extra carbs, fat-rich sauce, sugar) and pick the low fat meat. Fill up the rest with shakes. This is the only way to achieve all those numbers
And yes I've been a counting freak for 1 year now I really do not see other way

>424g of protein
