>That feel when you realize YOU were the DYEL pajeet everyone always makes fun of
I thought we were just having laughs... this isn't funny anymore guys
>That feel when you realize YOU were the DYEL pajeet everyone always makes fun of
I thought we were just having laughs... this isn't funny anymore guys
We're all gonna fuckin make it u sad cunt
I'm new.
What the fuck is a pajeet and what does DYEL stand for?
fuck u
I am deeply offended.
Answer my question.
how do people find Veeky Forums on the Internet before they learn to Google shit
But they did. They told you to go fuck yourself, which is the correct answer to questions you could have googled yourself.
Yes, this is elitism. We're elitist to drive away or educate people who would fuck up our community.
>Our community
Maximum kek
This is a board of almost exclusively shitposting
>our community
fuck off you fedora