Let me tell you why doing cardio is retarted if you want to grow/maintain LBM...

Let me tell you why doing cardio is retarted if you want to grow/maintain LBM. Lets say you had a chestworkout and the pump was skin tearing , feeling full as fuck.Basicly now by training the chest you rushed blood in it. If you do cardio after the workout instead of leaving the gym pumped as fuck and keep the chest fibres in the most anabolic state ready to suck in all the nutrients to repair you do cardio and you lose your pump because cardio will make the blood circulate through your whole body.
Trust me been there done that many times. Every time i do cardio after a lifting session i lose the pump in the muscle and look flatter after the cardio.

Pic relted zyzz leaving the gym right after the he finished his chest sets .
>inb4 he's dead
>hurr durr skipping cardio makes you die

cardio actually makes muscle gain more efficient, but i prefer to alternate cardio days and lifting days.

people will always come up with bullshit science to try to prove to themselves that cardio is bad but it's just cus they're lazy and don't want to do cardio. it's great for you, especially if you are trying to lose bodyfat.

then do cardio BEFORE you workout you fucking idiot


cardio is fucking trash, anyone who lifts for real and has made progress/been around people who are jacked knows that
people will read something in a website or a book and just assume its true, again, realistically speaking cardio is trash if youre trying to get bigger

If you do proper cardio it will affect your lifting. It's best to either do cardio at days you're not lifting, or a good amount of time after your lifting session, in separate.

It's advised to do cardio as far between workouts as possible for specifically this reason. That doesn't mean don't do cardio. That means don't do cardio right after the gym.

And Zyzz was a roiding ectomorph, for the record.

Im sure Chad does a lot of cardio instead of just lifting weights and qts :^)

>don't do cardio
>do cardio
>live longer

really makes you think.

>why would you want to live longe tho
really makes you think.

Anyways, I'm guess zyzz ran a split, right? If you're doing a split, you can do cardio on an off day. Simple.

>this post
really makes you think

I've never met an intelligent person who spells it with a t...

Theres been like 3 of these threads in the past day

Actually the cardio you receive from the lifting of the weights is plenty to live a longer life. There is more negative effects of running for long term than lifting does as well. All running is for in our nature, was for hunting four legged critters by literally running them to death. We haven't needed to do that since we made tools and started using traps and bows.

Nice hat faggot

The "cardio" from lifting is not the same as the cardio you get from real cardio. They affect the body in different ways, and the one from real cardio is better.

Ok fatty

>muscular endurance is the same as cardiovascular endurance

Running is neither the easiest nor most efficient form of cardio so I don't know why you would use that as an example. Try swimming or combat sports

i can't even tell if you guys are trolling or being serious anymore. Do you seriously think cardio kills gains?

lol you gotta use those glycogen stores on the workout itself or your workout won't be intense enough to tear muscle. just do cardio on non-lifting days

Listen up you stupid faggots. Zyzz went raving for hours on weekend, that's more cardio than cardio-fags actually do. Cardio doesn't kill gains, zyzz was rusing you hard

Do HIIT you faggots, rowing, sprinting, strongman stuff etc.
Do extra incline walking after workout for fatloss.
Running is retarded.

Which is why Ronnie Coleman did 2 hours a day prepping for the O. Just Fuck off you lazy cunt

so what about doing cardio before and doing weights after? always seemed like the logical way to do it to me, and doing only weights doesnt seem healthy

What if I told you that you don't have to do cardio right after you workout?

This post is just as bad as the fat acceptance people that defend obesity.

Two different mechanisms entirely.

Who says cardio has to be running? You can walk, hike, bike, swim, etc.

why even do it on the same day
if i had a good workout i got no energy left for the next few hours

Everyday is the same fucking argument with you fuckers, non-stop.