What does Veeky Forums think of peanut butter sandwiches?

What does Veeky Forums think of peanut butter sandwiches?

Are they the staple food for a vegetarian who wants to gain muscle?

Eat a scoop of PB. White bread is shit.

Brown bread is superior and gets all the ladies

pb&j should be a staple for literally everyone

it's the perfect food


Dark bread best bread. Pumpernickel rye bby.

Eat a PBJ every night before bed.

maybe if people had more freedom

Concord grapes!

Peanut butter is literally not sold in my country aside from very specific niche stores and costs a fortune, I hate it. I'd eat it all the time otherwise.

i like pb in my smoothies, trying to avoid white bread

I eat them while cutting too, its just too delicious.

what country?

P. much.
I'm a vegetarian and after the gym I just come in and shit on the sofa with a jar of PB since I can't have whey (avoid dairy too).

Ya'll niggers better be buying crunchy.

Peanut Butter
It's so tasty though

You vegan then?

I'm vegetarian, but my main sources of protein are PB sandwiches (brown bread) and milk.

Would like to include eggs, but I don't really like the taste and am too lazy to cook them

Yeah but that's real bread, most people think of that white fungusy taste-less crap when they think "bread". A slice of rye with pb and banana is GOAT.

I'm vegan and getting them there nuts and peanuts in me is crucial if I want to, you know, live. As a vegetarian you don't need it as much, but it's a great source of protein and good fats.

yo im very sorry to say this about your country but
what the fuck kinda shithole do you live in

>denatured processed peanut product
>denatured processed wheat product

All the nutrients that existed in either are long gone.

>that being said I fucking love peanut butter


>>denatured processed peanut product
The ones I buy are literally just ground up peanuts with a tiny bit of oil in there. Go organic or don't bother.

Do the majority of Amerifats really eat mostly white bread?
It's fucking terrible in every way.

Southern europe bt chance?

Just get a decent food processor and make your own famalamadingdong

quads confirm

Peanuts make your body produce estrogen. Enjoy your bitch tits faggots!

I am so glad that I can buy pb where the only ingredient is, you know, peanuts. Freaking perfect.

PB&J is my go to food if I'm in a hurry and behind on my macros for the day. Two tablespoons of crunchy peanut butter, one tablespoon of strawberry jam, two pieces of whole wheat. 340 calories of on-the-go good.

Also anyone who prefers smooth peanut butter is literally worse than the jews.

No, the primary source of protein in a vegetarian diet is dairy, whereas the primary source of protein in a vegan diet is cooked legumes and soy products. Peanut butter is 15-20% calories from protein, tofu is 40-50% and has a much higher digestibility. Lentils and other legumes are better than peanut butter at around 30% calories from protein.

Peanut butter is great.

Make sure you get 100% peanut butter though.

Any additives are unnecessary.

Crunchy master race reporting in. :)

Not him but motherfucking Colombia

peanut butter sandwiches + proton shakes are the god combo of cutting. I used to eat a pb sandwich for breakfast every morning. took me from 6 to 12 for only 400 cals

How to make your own bread:

10 oz wheatmeal
4 oz white flour
4 oz pinhead porridge oats
2 oz wheatgerm
1 tsp sugar
1 tsp salt
1 tsp baking powder
1 tsp bread soda
3/4 pint of butter milk
1 tbsp your favourite cooking oil

-Preheat the oven on Gas mark 4
-Mix all the ingredients well and put them in a baking tin
-Put it into the oven for about an hour and a half

PB is god tier mother fucker

Cutting or bulking doesn't matter, down that shit like yogurt

Not American but my boyfriend who's Scottish (the memes about Scots living on pure garbage are all 100% true btw) and it took me literally 10 years to get him to switch from white bread because he was so vehement that because it was white it meant it was 'good'.
He recently switched to vegetarianism because I'm a veg and for the first time in a fucking decade I've got him willingly eating tomatoes and mushrooms, actually legitimately enjoying them and seeking them out in meals, whereas before, no lie, he subsisted on pizza, frozen sausages, spaghetti and mince, Twix's, Galaxy chocolate, jacket potatoes, noodles and coffee and milk.

It's so true about junk food destroying your taste buds.

>he buys smooth PB


crunchy is unequivocally superior

Get the funky kind
Instead of a sandwich eat with ONE piece of bread.

God Level

>tfw allergic to nuts

What's a good alternative?



rather down 2 hanfulls of peanuts if you want any protein because peanut butter is literal lard

tastes amazing tho

When I was a broke University student PB and J sandwiches were a stable part of my bulking diet. Literally hoofing down 2-3 of those fuckers a day with about half a jar. Chop a a few bananas up with it and you got yourself a nifty preworkout.

I'm not blessed with great fat genetics, had the PB life for a month. Face looked fat af people asking me if I'm overweight.

uh, but that's fucking wrong you idiot, what are you eating?


Is there such a thing as healthy bread? Are some varieties healthier than others?

rye and wholemeal are the best form

Or just go rice wraps bro

what do you define as healthy user

"healthy" is not objective criteria

bernie supporter /10

Yes definitly! As a vegetarian the hardest thing to get enough of is protein. So eating a product that is higher in both fat and carbs than it is in protein is a great idea!

I like the whole concept of eating 400g of carbs and 200g of fat for every 100g of protein you get. This obviously is the optimal macro ratio for someone who wants to gain muscle.

that bread looks THICC

>not peanut butter on celery sticks

This. If you are looking for a food that compensates for the downsides of a vegetarian diet... Atleast try to find a food that has more protein than it has fat and carbohydrates

retarded amount of omega 6

>hearty bread that fills you up

You don't eat pb for the protein, that's just a bonus. You eat it for the good fats and slow carbs, and because it's a pretty good 'clean bulk' food since it's high in calories. Vegetarian or not doesn't really matter.

>bread a fucking shit

All natural crunchy peanut butter every day tho

most peanut butters don't even have that good fat profiles

the carbs in pb come from added sugar and some fiber. practically 0 slow carbs

"high in calories" is not a good criterion for a good bulking food. anything that allows you to reach your macros while being "healthy" is a good bulking food. i personally have very little need for pb when bulking. my macros are 200p/400c/90f and getting enough decent fats is the least of my problems. if you only eat whey/chicken for your protein then i understand pb but id say for most people, getting the extra cals from carbs instead of fats would be way better for recovery and performance

why not eat peanuts instead

Almond butter

i eat two a day.