Why are you at home on a Saturday night, Veeky Forums?

Why are you at home on a Saturday night, Veeky Forums?

Because I'm finishing reading my book, nigga

Because I've come to realize that I'm only friends with the people I'm friends with because we all play video games and I stopped playing them years ago

How do I make new friends Veeky Forums

Finally left home tonight. Currently sitting at a campfire near local lake

watching Dragon Ball Super familia.

Shit, I'm missing out on toonami right now

Because I hang out with my bros in sundays.

Just got off work, and I never have a day off.
What the fuck am I suppose to do OP?

Because I got piss drunk last night, and now I want to relax alone

Supposed to be studying for boards, browsing this shitheap for hours instead. Kill me now.