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Health #381
/plg/ - powerlifting general
What are good calf exercises so i don't look like a chicken legged faggot
How mad are you? Yes I have abs
Dubs has to recreate this pic
How many here started lifting to repress the truth that pic related is the body you really wanted? I did...
Which sweetener is the healthiest and why?
Who is home gym master race ?
How do you guys who don't deadlift...
Are you man enough to decide right now to take cold showers for the rest of your life...
Progress Questions
Can you honestly be more Chad than Pat Tillman?
/fph/ Fat People Hate: Fat Studies edition
/cheat day/
I don't want my parents to die Veeky Forums help me how can I lift with these feels?
How do I stop looking like a rapist
How to get a better, deeper voice guys?
Supplement, Diet, and Life Extenstion General
Hey user, I've been seeing you at the gym a lot lately
How does it feel to be so insecure?
Forearms thread
Dearest Veeky Forums
This is an actual thing women are posting on Facebook now. This... this is real. First dadbods, and now this. :|
The guy is 45 yo and he just swims
High Test Grills - Caturday Edition
Aquire phone number of teen hightest mexican girl after less than 6 messages on irrelevant dating page
I'm getting tired of this, Veeky Forums
If he was an Olympic athlete, what event would he participate in?
Every fucking day I wake up with a heart full of pride knowing that I am the descent of the Conquerors and Generals of...
Gaining weight is so hard what the fuck? How do fatties do it?
What is the consensus on this routine?
Day 4 of 12 situps 10 push-ups and 1 pull up. #making it. Although is the one pull up necessary?
What kind of hairproducts does Veeky Forums use?
I'm not even a fighter and I already know I could knock this guy spark out in a streetfight
Swimming to lose fat
Should I bother to work out if I'm a manlet?
GIMME your memes you fucking dyels
Muay Thai
Going out clubbing tonight lads, I'm a bit awkward but I need sex
Weird Bodies
ITT: Post the first 3 tracks on your current lifting playlist
Why are bitches making such a fucking scandal because of this Tonga nigger?
Dad was a rural farmer for 20 years, had little food to eat and worked hard his entire life
/plg/ - powerlifting general
Do girls stare at for long you when you walk by
What's your gymbro/broette/bromo like Veeky Forums?
Remember guys:
Why do:
Arm day
Hey Veeky Forums, do you take vitamin D supplements? What about omega 3...
Literally been cucked for 18 months
"cutting"? So you're losing weight? but you're a man
Hey guys, how have you dealt with "chicken skin...
Is it pedo to be atracted to girls like this ? i think they are 15 or something
Well, Veeky Forums?
Do you get it?
The toilet doesn't flush
Is there any particular reason as to why Veeky Forums is chockful of ugly people?
Spend all day getting plowed at work
Okay when I ask people how to get girls they always say "just be yourself :)"
So Veeky Forums, I was in jail overnight. Just released about an hour and a bit ago
What is the one definitive lift that will take me from DYEL to absolute madman?
How can I make my penis Veeky Forums?
Finding a good pillow
Mfw that guy who comes into the gym after 2+ years and struggles to bench 1.5 plate
Why do bodybuilders train at high reps? I understand that it causes hypertrophy, but why...
Free weights vs. machines
Thoughts on my physique? What should I work more on?
LOL so true
Late night feels thread
Daily routine thread?
In the Greyskull LP, it says to do 2 sets of 5 reps and then 1 set AMRAP for the main barbell exercises...
ITT: Why we lift
Making gains in Canada
Do you read your weight before you have eaten and after you shit like i do?
How legit is cocoon mode Veeky Forums?
/plg/ powerlifting general
How do I get Chad god mode?
What's her name Veeky Forums?
TFW cutting on 1800 cals
Can you settle an argument for me fit...
How do I get my butt to look like this?
Hey Veeky Forums, who would win in a fight, me or you?
I just couldn't stop myself. i started dieting and stopped eating junk food a week ago. cold turkey...
"You mean to tell me your going to the gym on a friday night?"
I'm buff now but I still can't get a girlfriend. What do I do?
As someone who is super weak and has had deadlift problems...
Injury & Physical Therapy General
I'm honestly kind of upset that I'm not genetically superior. It really sucks...
What is the most HEALTHIEST possible foods you can eat in a day? What diet is the healthiest?
TFW parents don't buy good food
250g of protein???
Do lifters really die earlier?
Manlets only thread
First cycle help
Fat People Hate/ FPH Thread
Holy fuck
Progress Thread? Progress Thread
What to do to get forearms like this guy?
Tfw 30 year old kissless virgin
Can you still lose weight if you drink beer everyday but hardly eat any food?
Hi Veeky Forums. I just started lifting and have read the sticky. I want to mainly focus on aesthetics...
So user what kind of sports do you do?
Gym Autism
What is Veeky Forums's opinion on ASMR?
How do I become Chad? It's all I've ever wanted
What's the best physique for a short guy?
Did steroids make him uglier?
I just bought 30 eggs
5 years today, RIP brah
If you could only do 1 bicep exercise for the rest of your life, which one would you pick?
How do you feel about coconut oil Veeky Forums?
How come nobody talks about how much the standards for attractive man have gone up?
Hey Veeky Forums just wanted some thoughts
Buy Lonsdale gripgloves
How much can lifting help to improve yourself if you have INFERIOR genetics?
Official /Rio 2016 Olympics/ thread
At the gym
White people food
Have you ever seen someone seriously injure themselves at the gym?
Anyone know people who have fallen for retarded diet MLMs (Herbalife, it works, shakeology...
PPL is shit, fuck you for suggesting it
How do I into the Ramsey zone, Veeky Forums?
Should chestlets be sterilized? They're essencially the manlets of their gender
Gym Bully General
Nofap days 5
You have 2 choices
A genie comes out of a lamp and gives you two choices
Veeky Forums girls
Talk to 8/10 thicc qt for 10months-ish
How good of a suicide method is dropping a loaded bar on your neck? You know...
At gym
Wot do in between sets?
Is it just me or does Piano look a lot smaller and less lean these days?
Guys, help me out. Is this guy natty or using steroids? He is becoming kinda famous in my country...
What's your favorite protien bar?
Day 3 of 12 sit ups and 10 push ups. Not too shabby all in all. Is this what making it feels like?
This day
Sve me Veeky Forums
Would you sacrifice your loved ones to a slavering horde of demons for godly gains?
Can i build muscle on a caloric deficit ie) lose fat and build muscle at same time?
Baby food:
Motivating Phrase Thread
Sabotaging gains
Anyone have experience with Viagra?
This guy slaps your ass in the gym lockeroom after you've had a strenuous leg day
/plg/ - powerlifting general
Haven't seen a good humor thread in a while. Bonus points for GIF/webm
Prime age to start lifting
Dun goofed thread
Tfw got a gf
Anyone else notice it's always beta white men dating these flat washboard asian chicks...
Barbell rows
J-just be alpha breh
My gf of 3 years just cheated on me randomly with her co worker...
What mode am i Veeky Forums ? been browsing this board for 7 years now
Has becoming Veeky Forums changed your political views?
Tfw a girl likes you
How the fuck can we even compete???
Sexual Health General
/BWG/ - Bodyweight General
ITT: Things only fatties do
Tfw seeing new zyzz footage made my day
Fit I have a problem
Query for experienced lifters
This is considered """slim""" in america
Chances of STD
Do Beginner body workouts work? How long till you see results? And where do I find routines
Mental Veeky Forumsness thread
Tfw no gf
Fuck fuck fuck my life
Is there a certain song that you listen to when you work out that gives you the strength to keep going?
Mirin thread
My friends all hate me
Rate my glutes boys ;*
Tfw shaving your dick and balls
Post Your Workout Routine
Dad general
How do I make my cock smaller?
Veeky Forums
Ok I'm tired of hearing debates over this from Fitness Junkies online and in person
What do you eat before workouts, user? Do you eat to gain or cut?
After 3 months of lifting, I finally did it guys! I achieved my goal of being able to bench 135lbs
7 g of protein
How far do you travel to get to your gym?
How the fuck do I make myself vomit?
Hey guys, just because I feel the need to level-set you numbskulls every now and then...
While you eat clean and train hard, CHLOE eats PIZZA
Is this guy fuckin natty?
I just got this AthleneX program and the meal plan just looks outrageous both in scheduling and in costs...
Cutting General
So here is the problem user, after mutlipul sex sessions, ie sex many times in one night...
Hey dude, can i get a spot real quick?
/plg/ - powerlifting general
ITT: Shit-tier/overrated exercises
Let's hear the final verdict, Veeky Forums. How do YOU pick up girls at the gym?
How do I achieve brucemode?
Elevation Training Mask
Veeky Forums I need help
Natty or not srs
Home Gym
Are there any health benefits to being a virgin...
So, not so much training stuff and some weird bro-science going on but
/low test/
Sexual fitness thread
How I become this mode?
/girls cracking watermelons with their thighs/ - general
Motivation thread!
Forward Head Posture
/high test/
Nofap and performance
Red Pill me on water Veeky Forums...
Driving a Fiat with a Ferrari engine
What do you want to look like, user?
/Zyzz/ - 5 year anniversary edition
Why no low test general?
How will nofap effect my workouts? Im on day 1 atm and its really hard
You walk into the club and this guy slaps your gfs ass, what do you do?
When will the manlet meme die?
/run/ - Running General
A picture's worth a thousand words
Stretch marks?
"Mind if I work in?"
Does nofap raise testosterone?
I just got a promotion and want to work for as long as possible...
Thanks for taking me out for a post workout dinner, coach!
Is inclined bench press a meme? Does it really helps develop upper chest? Or is it entirely genetics?
Running on the treadmill next to a girl
Is my girlfriend fat?
C4 is shit
Notice new girl on my jog route that looks really cute/innocent who walks her dog the same time every morning
Can you get a super healthy strong heart by doing LISS cardio? Or does it have to be high intensity...
7" length
Have you ever had sex at the gym with a man or woman?
Dyel vs CurlBro
Veeky Forums - Veeky Forums Ideals Thread
Speed diet
How do I deal with gyno guys I literally look like shit no matter how big I get what's the phuckin point anymore I'm...
/PLG/ Powerlifting General
Hey, user, I just made burritos. You want one?
Please redpill me on eggs. Are they Veeky Forums approved or not?
Do most fitizens use creatine for gains? How do you react to it...
How'd I do Veeky Forums?
PPL is shit, fuck you for suggesting it
How do I get a fast 2 mile run time for the Army?
Bulking waifu
How bad is beer for gains and weight loss...
What's the best way to go from skinny fat to otter mode? I'm 20 and just wanna be attractive to college sloots asap
How bad is boxing/muay thai for your brain? Since I've made some sweet gains I want to get in to martial arts...
Any more Veeky Forums games like this?
How long until cutting hunger pains go away?
Start dieting
Veeky Forums
I like fat bitches
Didn't see one so made one
New FPH fat hate thread
Sex anxiousness
Why did she cheat on him, Veeky Forums?
Can a /fit guy in his late 20s still attract younger girls (18-20)
Post your workout routines Veeky Forums
Hey Veeky Forums, is that gyno? How can i fix it? Do i really need surgery?
When will they learn
Post Routines / Rate Routines
Day 3 of 12 situps and 10 push ups
Why don't you lift for the White race yet?
How much of this is genetic?
Why is he still dyel after like 3 years of videos? I just don't understand
I'm currently eating only meat, eggs and fruit, what is going to happy with me?
Will spending time in a sauna after working out help you in anyway?
Is it better to lift fasted or not lift at all?
Lads, do you know any Veeky Forums porn stars? I need a good wank
Is my breakfast Veeky Forums ?
High Test
Gym/PE class stories
My hatred for women has reached peak levels now, I'm even using my size and strength to intimidate them...
Anyone habe this feels
I want to live forever & see how humanity/the world ends
Seriously? All that food and it's only 1800cal?
Macros ver 1 vol 2
Best workouts for punching power and speed for muay thai Veeky Forums?
I just got humiliated that its making me rethink my life
/fag/ - facial aesthetics general
Are chickpeas the GOAT starch of all time?
Leg press to replace squats
Is Starting Strength unbalanced?
Name my journal
In this ITT: Veeky Forums cosplay ideas
Lifted near drunk today. Was fun as fuck, had some good lifts
Been working out since Nov, but ever since May I've actually taken this shit seriously...
Is it possible to look good in a suit or anything long sleeve if you dont roid for 500 cycles?
Hey Veeky Forums...
How do I prevent this from happening? Don't I want both arms flared on a barbell row so I can use more back...
/PLG/ Powerlifting General
Dubs decides
No matter what routine I've done, I always end up with this KV tier physique
How to curb hunger when cutting Veeky Forums?
I found this story on LEDDIT
Woman killed while running in Howard Beach, Queens
CBT: current body thread
Has anyone here taken modafinil?
Tell me Veeky Forums
/run/ running general
Male reactions to female gains:
My campus gym just replaced the power cage with one of those really shitty Lifestyle Fitness squat racks that you can't...
Are you Veeky Forums enough?
Is meditating a meme?
The police are LITTERETLY killing your gains
What are the best foods for sexual health, sperm quality, and diamond dick?
Get Veeky Forums
After 12 years of lifting trying dozens of different routines...
How many workouts did you skip this year?
Tfw you're a 8 on the streets, but a 6 in the gym
Mark rippetoe types who think you're an idiot if you want to cut early, even if you are above 20%
Finally hit lmao2pl8 bench today
How ugly is Veeky Forums? youre all a bunch of normies right...
Just do cardio bro
I'm going back to uni on an ultra-tight budget...
Anybody else notticed that amateur bodybuilders now have fat girlfriends and that slim guys have 8/10 girls?
Post your Veeky Forumsshake recipes
Is there a way to get rid of a big head?
There are people on Veeky Forums right know who can't OHP 1 plate
PED's aside...
I know you are watching this, Bats. Fitizens tell her what she should do now to keep progressing...
Guys wtf i'm going crazy!
Dinner rate thread
Is my gf Veeky Forums ?
Does he still post here?
Tfw trying to lose weight fast
Any Pro or Amateur Boxers here?
What kinda protein powder u use brehs, just got this
Cutting General
Why is the average level of fitness between the political left and right so different?
You working the cuff, Veeky Forums?
Pool party advice
How do I get INTO IT ????
What is the most Veeky Forums fetish?
Fat People Hate/FPS
User, you want to get something to drink?
Any of you bros have a fitness youtuber at your gym?
How I get clear skin on my back?
Are you a chad? Brad maybe? Prove it
Veeky Forums v.s Normie Standards
5'5", 295 pounds, 30 years old
Thoughts on Diet drinks??
Female reactions to gains:
That guy who only benches with dumbbells instead of the barbell
Hey Veeky Forums I have been working out, what do you think?
Cheat days?
Symmetric Strength thread
How much of Veeky Forums still eats fast food?
If I vote Trump will I get mad gains?
How do I into Tyler Durden mode?
5 tips to get the body of your dreams
Recently had some bloodwork done.. does Veeky Forums know what any of this means?
What's The Biggest Mistake You Made In Fitness **General High Test Thread**
Experiences with fit girls thread
Going to Jujitsu class in 2 hours need help
She fell for the "yoga is exercise" meme
What do you think about Jason Genova Veeky Forums?
/plg/ - powerlifting general
Do you judge other people's grocery carts/fridges/pantries?
I puked again
Veeky Forums comics
Routine Thread
Why do people think SS is a meme?
Goal Body Thread
Plg - powerlifting general
When the doctor says to avoid going to the gym while you recover
What do?
Am i suposed to take showers in the gym?
PPL thread
Just turned 30
Day 2 of 12 sit ups a day. My arms haven't gotten any more muscley but my belly hurts. No pane no game?
Ok fatfuck here why should i go the gym and why am i suposed to do there to lose weight...
What's his bf%? What mode is this? Is it natty?
Gf tells me to stop getting bigger
Is this true?
I just found out that if you are healthy you are supposed to get morning erection every day...
R8 eachothers workout thread, heres mine, please tell me of ways to improve...
R8 or h8 routine for upper back development
Brehs I fucked up pls tell me about your biggest binge during a cut I just ate my weight in nuts and seeds baka
High Test Thread
I have like pic related. My lower ribs stick out, even more then on this picture...
So, DYEL noob here. Any alternatives to squats...
Squat won't go up
Im 5' 9"
Pushup Thread
Hey Veeky Forums
Protein Flavors
PYW you realized baby hippos look like overcompensating manlets
Start talking to lots of women
Do you have bigger traps than Michael Obama?
What is the most Veeky Forums being on the planet and why is it the ant?
At what age should you stop doing bodyweight and start lifting?
Many on Veeky Forums have used their change in fitness as a means to increase their desirability with the sexy sexes of...
Critique someone's form
Blog post
Cutting General
Are nuts a god tier food?
Tfw the manlets are finally learning
Help Veeky Forums
Bought all the supps in pic related...
Need a dumbbell only routine
How do you keep motivation when you realize that existence is a meme and no matter what you do your body will betray...
Steps to Making It/Good Feels
This DYEL COD gamer kid with a youtube channel from my highschool started doing a lifting/gaming challenge how does...
Tfw too intelligent to lift
Let's see those jawlines, Veeky Forums!
How bad did I fuck up Veeky Forums I'm cutting and this is breakfast/lunch
What the fuck does Veeky Forums wear, becuase you're fashionable right?
Tfw a girl flirts with you
Hey, Veeky Forums
Motivation thread!
Give me a reason as to why u should lift
Grip Strength
How do I fix cellulite
/BWG/ - Bodyweight General
Martial arts
What the point in lifting when its all about the face?
/PLG/ Powerlifting General
Question to the ladies
What do you respond?
You eat how many eggs a day?
ITT: fat hate thread
Your Genetics Are Your Life
Is 27 too late to start lifting for gainz? I feel like I wasted my prime doing jack shit...
Hey fitizens
I just ate an omelette made from eggs that expired 2 weeks ago, will I be okay?
How much time do you spend on the gym on your legs day
Hey Veeky Forums, is no contact really the best way to try to get her back?
Running General
Veeky Forumsgirls - 4th Edition
Its that time again brehs
Girls who cheat
This greyskull template
Tfw a literal flamboyant faggot homosexual comes into my gym
What shoes do you wear to the gym?
Veeky Forums, how do I into meal prep?
Migraines are a motherfucker. Does anyone experience the aura?
Veeky Forums literature
I'm looking into going on a sugar free diet, cold turkey...
Veeky Forums picnic
Here we go
Dinner time
What mode is this?
/plg/ - Powerlifting general
Veeky Forums approved manga/anime thread
What's the easiest way to eat 1600kcal a day?
Anons who still drink alcohol/smoke why are you sabotaging yourself?
Tfw shaved all your lower body hair
5 months
Potential or just kill myself?
Anyone here has a homegym here?
How does a badass/intimidating/stronk girl look like?
High Test: White & Latina Edition
If you cant do pull ups you are weak
Tfw too intelligent to believe in a higher being and so I am an atheist
Hunger pangs
Want to test out the first version of a new fitness community?
Of course, I wish I was gay because my life would improve so much hanging out with dudes rather than women
I just failed my 405lb deadlift pr with two gym qts nearby...
Uni Thread
Why do you lift ?
Propecia thread
At what point did Veeky Forums become the unhelpful, bitter board that it is today...
Confess your Veeky Forums sins
/PLG/ Powerlifting General
Lifts have tripled
Hi Veeky Forums, I've been a fatass all of my life. I have no idea what my face is like when lean...
Is buttered coffee the ultimate test booster?
How are you coping brehs?
Where were you when Scooby made it?
Fuck off with "she squats"
What are some "Veeky Forums approved" tattoos?
Coffee, Veeky Forums, coffee
I'm really insecure about my physique
QTDDTOT - Questions that don't deserve their own thread
Anyone else depressed and disgusted at the amount of attention received after losing weight/getting fit?
Walk into the gym
Can we get a Veeky Forums feels thread?
You are in the club and this guy slaps your ass, what do you do?
Do bumper plates reduce the impact onto the floor when deadlifting?
I'm a fat shit, give me the most hurtful and destructive reasons as to why I should lose weight. make me feel bad
Is sushi relatively healthy?
Fav insta Veeky Forumsgirl
Experiences with chin surgery? Does it work?
Can I get big muscles from doing sit ups bow many do I need to do
How the fuck do people eat >3500 calories a day?
What gym faggot are you?
Can we get a /cbt/ current BACK thread
Tfw adderall
Holy shit how can people be so dyel after years at the gym
Hey is 8 eggs a day too much?
Anyone here have any experience taking modafinil?
What does fit think of Joe Rogan?
/PLG/ - Powerlifting General
Tinder bread
How much do I have to lift to get a gf like that?
Who lifts for the Aryan Race here?
Small forearms
Tfw your to intelligent to lift
Ex has blocked me on all forms of social media
To me she acts like a girl she walks like a girl she talks like a girl who gives a fuck?
Why is it when try to engage and hold a conversation with girls they mostly seem uninterested after a certain time...
New to Veeky Forums and overall working out, too scared to go to my local gym because I'm skinny af...
To go mountain mode you have to be 6'9" or taller
Are you ready to get insane? This is Max Interval Circuit and it's gonna kick your butt. Are you guys ready to go?
I finally hit my fucking breaking point after a customer humilated me in front of my qt coworker because I'm a scrawny...
ITT: People who piss you off at the gym
What's your's Veeky Forums
Why do liberals see masculinity, muscles, testosterone and confidence as bad traits?
You know the rules, guys!
If I eat tuna 4 times a week (cutting) will I die of the mercury meme?
He sumo deadlifts
/Fraud/ General
Is being /fat/ more acceptable on women or men?
Funniest thing happened
Bodyweight Routines for Fatass
Which one would you be Veeky Forums and why?
My mum is 57
Veeky Forumsgirls - 3rd Edition
Can any user help me out? I've been stalling right before 3 plate squat for almost 2 months now...
How often does Veeky Forums fap?
Is ottermode the ideal physique? I think so
Veeky Forums survey
I just left her Veeky Forums, she was perfect in every way and only wanted what was best for me...
What's our opinion on cold showers?
/plg/ - Powerlifting general
High Test: Ebony Edition
/plg/ powerlifting general
Klokov appreciation thread
Ripped vs Swole
Anyone else here part of the Pure gym master race?
Its your birthday Veeky Forums, what do you do?
Depression Thread
Hello, health board
Why do you deadlift less than a girl?
How good is granola for cutting? Its such an easy to make and easy to carry food
Bodyfat estimate?
Who else D E V I L I S H here?
Anyone here with 6/10 or worse facial aesthetics who made it?
Is lean bulking a fucking myth?
Self Improvement General
Mongoloid looking faggot
Tfw starting to care less and less about lifting
I made this back in 2013, still relevant?
Eating before work out
PSA: Drinking large amounts on a regular basis, to inebriation, is one of the most efficient ways to ruin your gains...
Where's the best place to get Veeky Forums approved tees? Nice and slim fit but also half decent quality...
Is steroid usage among soccer players common?
Itt: inspirational fat to fit
I am becoming sociopathic towards the ugly
This Fitness article though
Are cravings a meme?
Do you actually prefer hightest girls over Veeky Forums girls?
How do I achieve this body?
300 Push-up a day Challenge for Veeky Forums
/Plg/ powerlifting general
user, all you do is lift now, you're not the same geeky guy i fell in love with, you've changed
Have you ever been mired or hit on by the same sex/fit/?
What routine to get lebron mode ?
So... Enough cardio for now. I have moved from "average neckbeard" to "skinny guy" mode, and I'm around 57kg...
The down sides of "making it"
Why does low body fat percent look so fucking incredible?
Fertility/High Test thread
Post yfw you woke up today and you realize it's leg day
/sexual fitness general/
Tfw 29 already
1. Your country
Veeky Forumsgirls - Sandra Prikker Edition
Don't want to go back to the gym because of what happened
Reviewbrah is kill
Left is when i started. right is 3.5 years later
Do you keep your brain healthy and fit?
Why do people keep recommending to drink milk when its proven to be bad for your bones?
Market a gym to fat women
Is high protein bread a meme?
Daily reminder
A GALLON of milk a day?
What does fit think of belts?
Veeky Forums, y-you never told me my hands would be this horrid as a result of lifting some heavy ass weight, what do?
So this is my gfs friend from highschool, I suggested she wasn't natty but obviously I was shot down pretty fast...
Hey Veeky Forums, there's this beautiful blonde girl who's going to my gym, and I've noticed her for 2 weeks now...
Walk into gym
How does Veeky Forums feel about occasional XTC usage at festivals/raves?
How am I so light?
Stat thread
Just four more days left, brahs. It will be five years since he left us
Daily reminder that if your second toe is longer than your big toe, you have ET toes and you're never gonna make it
Go out clubbing
Walk into gym
I can't fucking do it. I don't know how to squat. I almost broke my wrist trying to fix my form...
/high test/
Motivational picture thread
Beta dating feels
Guacamole is healthy and good for lifters right?
Fat Person Hate/FPH Thread
Water from my shower is never cold enough
/plg/ powerlifting general
ITT: God tier bulking foods
Am I gay? Low test? Help please
NoFap General
What is your favorite Veeky Forums snack?
Can you really call yourself 'fit' if all you do is lift weights?
Two slightly above average girls thirsty for me
How Do You Eat More?
How do I approach girls like this at the gym? The weird but high test kind that wears baggy clothes
How much does lifting help your sleep?
/fraud/ general
Low test?
What are you doing when you notice that a girl checks you out?
Does this thing work?
Best Way to Build an Ass at Home?
Basic training
Costco has literally earned my loyalty for life
What deodorants do you guys use?
Tfw finally hit 3pl8 squat
TFW want to ask out a cute Arab girl but I'm a sinnyfat so I'm not going to
Swedish Snus
I'm 5'11
How to get rid of female hips?
Holy fucking shit. Just ate oe of these. Realistically, how terrible are these kind of bars for you...
Hello /b/,I have the chance to cuck my brothers best friend
Its your cheat meal
Meal prep suggestions for 1500 calorie diets?
What does Veeky Forums think of Bradley Martyn?
Need some advice from Veeky Forums
You know how some men age badly and some age well (pic related at 50). What are the things I need to do to age well...
Is maintenance the true path to fitness?
How do I get /brofessor/ mode?
Someone I know has a father. He's pretty cool...
Is clubbing a waste of time
What are the most Veeky Forums video games to play?
BASED Japan delivers again
50 caught mirin rich piana
Is being Veeky Forums worthwhile?
Have you ever cried on the gym, Veeky Forums?
Hi Veeky Forums, software engineer from /g/ here...
Fit quandry
/atg/ Ass-To-Grass General
You are now back as college fresmhan. What do you do?
/plg/ - powerlifting general
Why do I keep throwing out my back on squats?
Alcoholic Liver Disease
That guy who wears leggings to the gym
What do you mean cardio kills gains? Are you just making up an excuse not to go out with us?
Oh look its another minutes/fit/ is shit thread
/Plg/ powerlifting general
/sexual health general/
Please tell me this guy's natty or I'll fucking kill myself
Symmetric Strength thread
What to do if your parents are gains goblins?
Is this haircut a meme?
/fph/ /fps/ FAT HATE
What do you use to make chicken breast taste scrum?
Cheat /fraud/ and be huge bear
So i just purchased pic related a few days ago and while i wait for it...
Physiques and fighting
User, you want me to grab you a shake?
Sup fit
Do we discuss fitness anymore?
Rate my program
CBT - Current Body Thread
Long story short, at almost 25 years old, I will have to move back in with my mom
Do you eat your yolks, Veeky Forums?
How in the fuck are there so many people at my high school benching over 300lbs...
Didn't see one, so making one
Progress Thread
Best of Veeky Forums
How has your goal body changed over time?
Gf hit me in the face last night. Cant remember why because we were both drinking
Informal Veeky Forumsizen Survey
Is it too latenow tosay sorry?
/plg/ - powerlifting and friendship
Tfw am finally a normie
What motivated you to get fit?
Fuck you fit
Is stronglifts / SS a meme?
Finally get a gf
Is this the mode on the left achievable natty?
How cultured is Veeky Forums? OR all you just meat headed plebs? You gotta make mental gains too bro
The real reason Sara broke up with Rich
Does Veeky Forums shave?
Ctrl + f "zyzz"
I need more testosterone
Criticise my Routine
What keeps you staying natty, Veeky Forums?
Not eating grits with egg whites for breakfast
Do I have potential fit
Why aren't you on gear?
Živjo /fitarji, čas da spet jaz spammam tu notri
How to achieve?
/MOTIVATION/ general
Using a belt for anything short of 400lbs on squat and 500lbs on deadlift
Hey guys I've been on a 3 year journey and finally decided to make a YouTube channel, let me know what you guys think!
Feels thread
Bodybuilding and self worth
Why are you at home on a Saturday night, Veeky Forums?
Fags of Veeky Forums
Planet fitness experiences/hate thread
Veeky Forums's opinion on foam rollers ?
I just ate 800g of hard boiled eggs
Let's share some recipes. I've been eating this
Did he really get such a massive chest from doing floor dumbbell presses? I mean... Is that even a thing...
You rage you lose...
How do I eat 200-250 grams of protons everyday at 2000 calories? What food do I eat...
Is this shit a meme?
Post YFW walking into your gym
Who can actually 1/2/3/4? Lots of people talk about it and claim it...
My biggest fear in life is settling with an ugly woman
Seen 9:27pm
Bodybuilding & Cardio
Ask the JuiceFag anything
/Plg/ powerlifting general
Fuck your sticky
What do you think about Kali Muscle?
Walk into the gym
Sees 3 dudes shotgunning beer in shared jacuzzi pool in apartment during lat pull down
Girl flirts with me
Cmon user, have a slice!
Mirin' neck gains, Veeky Forums?
Can jerking off excessively daily have a negative impact on your face and/or head shape?
Last threads
/xivg/ - Final Fantasy XIV: Stormblood General
Video Games
/dng/ Dueling Network General
Video Games
/vrg/ - Virtual Reality General #139
Video Games
Today is the greatest day of my life. I have finally accumulated 1M LINK
/STG/ Suicide Threshold General
Food and Cooking
Anyone else feel like they're learning a shitload about markets from all this?
Did anyone else lift because of him
[Daily Bike Thread] - /dbt/
When will the most coin miners stop mining, because it isn't anymore profitable?
>boogie will never undo the damage he did to himse-
OmiseGO And Vitalik Buterin Donate $1 Million In Crypto To Charity For Ugandan Refugees
Warcraft Lore and RPG discussion
When your girlfriend tells you that you aren't big enough and you aren't a real man
/wfg/ - Warframe General
Video Games
Last time it worked
Don't panic
Hey Veeky Forums...
/agdg/ - Amateur Game Development General
Video Games