Just wtf? What do you think you'll achieve naturally?
That's right; Nothing. And you know that. What keeps you from reaching your goals... reaching something you'll never get by staying a natural endless ... "grinder"?
Tl;dr: Man the fuck up already.
Parker Powell
because I want to look shredded in my 20's just to have ED and fucked hormone levels for the rest of my life. Think long term friend. Also you can look built as a natty lifter you just have to no be a dumb cunt
Anthony Wright
Their abs and Adonis belt look fucking painted on, kek.
Jordan Miller
> tfw you have roman gladiator ancestors on one side and vikings on the other there's no substitute for cheating, but abnormal natural potential is fucking great
Kevin Rogers
Thank you daily roid shill.
William Young
I'm joining the army next year so that's why otherwise I'd go cycle all fucken year
Alexander Nguyen
Whenever I see someone, male or female giving a middle finger to the camera for a picture, I want to break their cocky heads open Triggers me
Logan Torres
>Also you can look built as a natty lifter >built
Wyatt Young
You're looking at alphas.
They don't give a fuck about what you think.
Daniel Garcia
>being this fucking delusional
Leo Scott
> being this fucking jelly
Gavin Collins
army doesn't care about being on gear after basic m7
Alexander Sanders
you could use a better picture to support what you say kek
Jeremiah Smith
Like what kind of picture?
(replying to a troll, I know)
Jackson Bennett
Normies think anything is ripped.
Christopher Murphy
no seriously, the guy on the left is fucking ugly, the one on the right just has some abs and arms they are not even that big they could be natty
Easton Richardson
I might do a few cycles in college.. So I have some time to make my decision.
Chase Wilson
>the guy on the left is fucking ugly,
they look almost identical. how fucking hard are you cherry picking right here mate?
Hunter Ross
A true alpha would never do that
Leo Ross
How does it feel to have your own body image fucked up by the Jewish media, keep you buying roids and banging the most disgusting roasties every weekend thinking you made it. You're pretty much admitting your low test and have to compensate. I'm not huge (1/2/3) but Im really lean and every girl I fuck thinks I'm a god
Hunter Gutierrez
WTF? Cheating? OP is a gigantic faggot.
Nathan Baker
fucking only tops 6/10 girls
Jason Watson
i'm too young. Not a wise decision to hop on gear at 20. I'm gonna start cycling next year. YOLO
Jaxson Price
bro, check yourself into an asylum.
Hunter Green
This is gay
Anthony Nguyen
i don't want my feels of success in life to be forever tethered to needles, aromatase inhibitor and constant paranoia over bacne, moobs, shit breath, weak tendons, failed internal organs, needing to eat constantly and all kinds of other bad shit.
i already don't do any drugs or alcohol for fear of much more minor things and i don't want to attract people who will only like me so long as im injecting.
Nolan Young
Their abs and obliques look... weird.
Joseph Wilson
I think I look great. Like an African king or warrior.
Jose Richardson
Don't like needles. Don't like spending money on temporary things besides food.
No point.
Joshua Barnes
>lean and every girl I fuck thinks I'm a god Post pics or i call bullshit Hell ill call bullshit anyway, girls are fucking hard to lure into bed if youre built so less than that should be harder famalam
Asher Murphy
This. Alphas are naturally likeable people
Adrian Smith
>, girls are fucking hard to lure into bed if youre built
maybe if you're a fucking beta retard
Hudson Watson
Say no to drugs
James Brooks
So 20 is too young, but 21 is ok? Seems like a silly distinction senpai
Elijah Williams
Subtle b8
James Adams
i don't wanna fuck up my brain development, a few more years when i'm 24 and i'll hop on for sure
Easton Cox
I've managed to get a 2.5*BW atg squat, 1.5*BW bench, and a somewhat shitty deadlift due to never doing them a lot until now, all natty. I've been doing fine so far.
Nolan Peterson
>Be confident >Ask girl out >get date >She flakes, never hear from her again
So yeah, easy my ass. Doesnt matter about getting a good connection since girls flake the fuck out anyway Nowadays i got a rule saying sex on the first date is my goal because i know bitch is gonna flake the fuck off and there wont be a second
Angel Watson
Don't give up user, you'll find a qt who wants a second date.
But you won't find her if you try to bang right out of the gate
Levi Turner
I am 19 and turn 20 in 3 months. Just rounded up. I want to make another year of natty gains before I hop on. A lot can happen in terms of skeletal growth in 12-16 months as a 20 year old.
Michael Cook
> roman gladiator do you even history bro?
Austin Walker
>le vikingos maymay
James Adams
>roman gladiators aka slaves >vikings aka peasants that rape everything and get assblasted by superior battle strategies because they are dumb barbarians
Benjamin Adams
Maybe you are just boring? Confidence is only a part of it all.
Cameron Clark
im just sick of not getting anything i want its fun to date sure but ive had two dates in the past year despite me looking everywhere i can think of to find girls. There just arent that many single chicks around so that presents a problem and im guessing this is causing the flaking since there are so many guys to choose from
sad life bruh, thinking of going on gear just to get an edge but i doubt it would help much
Brayden Price
>A lot can happen in terms of skeletal growth in 12-16 months as a 20 year old
this is so true, i turned 21 a few months back and i've noticed my wrists are ~0.8 inches thicker than they were when i was 19, also my frame/shoulders have gotten a lot wider and i'm an inch taller
really want to roid but i'm gonna wait another year while taking mk-677 for max growth hormone gains to get as much bone development as possible
Benjamin Diaz
>i can't do it, so it must be hard Have you considered the possibility that you are just ugly or have a shit personality
Bentley Barnes
Obviously i have but it doesnt seem this way People seem to enjoy my company and i can make people laugh, i can chat up people casually during the normal course of a day
Im not the only guy who has problems with dating, there are tons of guys who cant get a gf so its not like its easy or anything
Ian Carter
So you are ugly... Plus you can be the coolest edgelord around your autistic mates but that means shit to the sluts... Friendly advice: try RSD
Robert Williams
It always comes down to this bullshit and im sick of it honestly, i dont know what i expect of this bullshit site really Im done taking this shit seriously since its all crap and nonsense thats detatched from reality. here have this gif
Joshua Wood
>sv_faggot 1
They just look like narcissistic gay pornstars. Can't believe you guys are roiding for this, can't believe girls are moistening for this. This isn't even subtle.