Olympic weightlifting general.
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100kg clean pull double, which was my 10th and final set. Followed that with some snatch bar work. I also had light squats earlier.
tfw can't catch anything for shit
Good lads, all.
Hey guys, i'm really happy!
In the past ~3 months i've made some pretty good beginner progress
S: 70-94
CJ: 90-115
squat: 140 really grindy and slow- 150 pretty quick and snappy
I'm interested in learning oly lifts and I'm currently in the middle of running Bill Starr 5x5. 3 days/week. What would be the best way to incorporate oly practice into this routine?
hey lads anyone up for a discord chat? it seems more comfy compared to sticking to Veeky Forums all the time
There are only bad ways to do that. The only logical choice is to get a coach and do oly lifting workouts along other lifting. There's no reason to program the classic lifts before you have the tech right, its just lots of snatch, c&J, pulls and squats
Beginner here, can afford a gym but no coach. Have some strength from PLing for 1.5 years. Related stats (most recent)
>87 kg BW
>185 kg DL (conventional, overhand hook grip)
>145kg squat (highbar)
>115kg bench (normal ROM, not competition ROM)
>60 kg OHP x 6 reps
>119 kg chinups x 6 reps (87 + 22 kg dumbbell)
>100 kg power clean
>60 kg power snatch (pls no bully)
I believe my power clean and snatch form is good. But I can't seem to explosively pull myself under the bar to make it a clean or snatch. Also, my shoulders and wrists hurt when in the catch position of the snatch while they don't hurt in any other activity, never been injured etc.
What drills should I do? I have thought of:
High hang cleans (to practice the pull under the bar without speed on it)
Weighted hanging leg raises as fast as possible, with bent knees (maybe I have weak abs and hip flexors)
Overhead squat (for balance)
Klokov press (for shoulder stability)
Are these any good? Pls respond
>Klokov press
you mean snatch press
coming from powerlifting will hinder you more than it will help for the first few months since you are more than likely doing it wrong since strong people try to muscle the bar up instead of using momentum which can cause the problem you're having (successful power snatches but shit full snatches)
first off: post a video
secondly: are you flexible enough to sit in the bottom position
thirdly: post a video literally everything is guess work and a waste of time without it
I thought klokov press is btn snatch press?
I pull with relaxed arms in both lifts, not with the biceps, if that's what you meant.
Will try to tommorow, cant today. Whenever I ask someone at the gym to record me, they always fuck it up and take a picture instead of a video, and then I am too tired to do it again with the same weight. So I don't have one atm.
Absolutely yes. I swear it's an explosiveness issue
>they always fuck it up and take a picture instead of a video
as far as your technique being good without a coach, i really doubt it is
coaching yourself, even with all the resources and with being able to film yourself, is a great way to make bad habits
if you can post a video this time tomorrow i can give you my shitty opinion
pls don't listen to this precious snowflake
Any easy resources to make webm from phone video? I have android if that matters.
not that i know of
What are some things that help you squat 1RMs when it comes to feeling strong, stable and not folding over?
Anything I should work on strengthening to make maxes look like a breeze?
I have been working with an AMRAP program for a while and have a theoretical max of 140kg. (70kg BW).
I doubt I could even squat over 110kg without feeling like I'd get crushed or fold over or cut my depth.
I'm not sure what to do really. I rarely squat above 80%.
you think your max is 140 and you haven't squatted over 110?
You should do some work at higher intensities
Yep I've been squatting with Greg Nuckols 28 programs which is supposed to be reliable. So I can do any given % for many reps but don't have the confidence or ability to do higher % work.
I want to try working up to a max maybe 5 times a week and doing back offs since I've seen that it's supposed to be good for even my level where my estimated strength is 2x bw anyway.
Maybe that would help me become much more comfortable.
I'm not sure if owg or plg is more interested
i was fairly fatigued when i did that 190x2 so on friday hitting 185 paused in the morning and 195x2 in the evening is more likely than i was thinking
How to go from 160k to 190k? :_:
you disgust me
train hard! have a decent program too. i'm 88kg rn btw
80% of 140 is 112kg. So if you're not even squatting 110 then no your max is nowhere near 140.
You should be doing 112kg for 5x5 with a max of 140
why cant you just like normal grills
go away plg
I haven't lifted all week ufufufu
Just file transfer it to PC and use webm for dummies.
Sorry I mean easily. My 80% I use is 110 for 3 sets of 4 and last set being usually 6 reps. It's just that it feels heavy as fuck to me and I'm not sure why so I'm getting more intimidated as the weight creeps up.
wait he's a real person? i thought he was a meme...
You should really let blue shoes do your programming
As the weight gets heavier it will feel heavier
Redirected here from another user.
I've been squatting regularly with no depth problems in chucks for a year and a bit and I decided to try out a heeled shoe for squats.
Fit was fine but when I tried to have a full squat session, the heeled shoe felt awkward to the point where my squat didn't feel (as) strong
I want a stronger squat because powerlifting is my short term goal but I want stronger oly lifts because I'd like to switch over when I weigh more.
Is the new lever change something my body has to eventually adjust to, and give me a strong squat?
I have 23yr finnish nationals in one week and I'm stressing out man. Fear I'm gonna bomb on snatch. Anyways I'll provide videos after. Comp is on saturday
start really light, make big jumps.
Coach is encouraging to make as small jumps as possible and start pretty high. We'll see..
How bad will my gains suffer if I don't go to the gym today? I'm not feeling up for it
just go
You'll need to adjust to it. Happened to me, took me barely any time to get my squat feeling strong again and even if I stopped oly lifting I'd not squat in flats
my snatch form is finally looking better and more consistent now lads. remember to extend!
pause squats and slow eccentric squats work for me. also, tempo is slow down and fast up
everything i know about finland comes from the dudesons. those niggas is hilarious
I would consider stop lifting
lol yeah they are great
you gotta pull faster
I can't wait for this guy to become a beast in 5 years.
Didn't you guys have a bunch of resources for your thread starter?
I wanna put weight on my clean and jerk but I don't know how to program for this kind of stuff. Where can I get a good beginner/intermediate program?
First time ever clean pulling focusing on tech for like 1 hour and im almost snatching it with a clean grip.
So much for PLs cant be athletic HAHAHAH x----DDD
80kg btw
Am I still DYEL?
if natty routine/diet? fuarkin mirin brahhHH! even my waifu is mirin!
you're worse than blueshoes.
thank you snapback gorilla
may i recommend a physio for the incoming hernia?
You got a ways to go, bud
You must've never lifted in your life
make another thread with your cellulite ridden ass. that was a good laugh
What the fuck are you even doing. Your doing Everything wrong... fuck im triggered
I guess its a CLEAN HIGH PULL, it was supposed to be wahtever blueshoes is doing a few posts up but im too STRONG and POWERFUL, would have to do like 160-170 to do normal clean pulls :))))))))))
Your not even doing it right. Stand up with your legs and dont reverse curl it like some fucking pleb.
check it :)
i was told to PULL IT UP
how do u get a gf this kawaii
Fucking wew why can't she lock it out holy kek.
I need to email her and tell her to GET STRONGER FUCKING LEGS.
yeah, if you have that hard of a time standing up cleans, you need to squat more
she almost passed out that's why she dropped it and was walking retarded after
because she nearly went lights out.
it's pretty obvious.
catalyst athletics, check the archive for the op spiel that user, in his unending quest to prove he's a faggot, forgot
if you want to get better at this:
- ditch the dynamic start, get in position and go from there
- fix your start position
- hit the right positions on the way up
- wait to extend
you got bitch tits like a 12 year old dutch girl get the fuck off with that smirk on your face
Not good senpai. Blueshoes looked better and he used more weight. How embarrassing
holy shit blueshoes trolled the fuck outta this nigga
Wow lad, wtf are you doing
powerlifters doing the oly lifts always give the best laughs
have you watch any videos on how to clean?
>this is athletic
reminder to look up when the weightlifting is on for Rio
>implying its not athletic
mens start sunday
It isnt
fuck off durkz
Stop trying to show people up. Terrible upright rows to try to embarrass blue shoes (despite him using more weight and you being way bigger) or you trying to out do commies squats despite him squatting over double bw and you're not even doing like 1.5x
Don't be an ass and maybe people will help
You're a fat man moving like half your bodyweight in a retarded manner, tell me is athletic about it
>being this unaware
I can tell you're not part of the elite.
Stop feeding the trolls and let's talk about Oly lifting...
Looking forward to watching the manlet categories in Rio this weekend. Those impressive asian lads can clean 3 times their own BW
needs work but if you continue you'll be strong
also you lookmanly
Why thanks commisar. Will i BTFO all these weak twink cucks in this thread or have i already?
idk just go powerclean 140
Ok fatty, keep being shit. You lift like norsefat lmao
we have shit tech and outlift you by miles faggot, i bet you do shrugs with 80kg in a power rack
You pulled 80kg bro you ain't even bfto blueshoes yet
Can you even snatch that? Let alone snatch your own bw lol
You don't outlift me tho, you can't even clean 80 let alone snatch it you fat mess
Im literally lifting 80kg up to my neck do you really think i couldnt just catch it there if i wanted to? lmao, im powercleaning 140 in a a couple of weeks jut you wait :)))))