Bought all the supps in pic related, do they really have the intended effect I've only been taking them for two days and I was wondering if it's just a meme.
Not too bad if it is it was a BOGO sale at rite aid and I paid like 12 dollars. Plus I heard zinc is good for test so I snorted like six of them after cutting it with creatine...a lot of people died
Edit: I bought soya capsules figured it wasn't a big deal if I did. It was cheaper
Samuel Jackson
for what purpose?
Brody Cox
mainly for the orgasm perks mang, the zinc to test thing is a secondary concern
Joshua Fisher
Bump for being forever alone
Kayden Martinez
Carson Sanders
If I cum in my wife after doing this would we get super kids?
Thomas Walker
>forgetting pygeum For those pre-cum gains
Joshua Robinson
Maby Tell me more
Also has anyone actually tried this? If someone doesn't step up I'll have to keep an online jizz journal and then you sick freaks will have to kos
Parker Rivera
plz halp I want swole semen
Caleb Fisher
I did this shit for a week along with no-fap to test it out. I actually radically changed my diet, liquid for the most part.
>Pineapple/celery juice + coconut oil for calories >SHIT TONS OF CINNAMON >Whey for protein
For supplements I went with:
>zinc >soy lecithin granules >pygeum >L arginine
After a week I needed multiple bounty paper towels to clean that shit up. 4 sheets of the quilted quicker picker upper, mang.
My room smelled like a cinnabon factory for a day - that pineapple and cinnamon is legit.
In retrospect the zinc is unnecessary unless you're deficient - which you may be. And the L-Arginine is better replaced with Citruline - which you can buy in capsules or just get from eating watermelon.
But yeah, that shit is legit.
Brayden Rodriguez
This. Back when I was taking some vitamin pack that had L arginine, zinc, and maybe lecithin (don't remember exactly what was in it), I'd cum so much it'd leak out before I pulled out of my gf.
I could cover her tits in a blanket of cum, it was ridiculous. She loved it.
Parker Richardson
>I'll have to keep an online jizz journal DO IT OP DON'T BE A FAGGOT
It's not a meme m8 it's legit. Also add pineapple for a better flavor (Eat or drink it in a very delicioso jugo)
Colton Price
2 l8 m8
also good tips, anything else. I heart grapefruit also does this, but too bad because I hate the shit, fucking roid orange
but seriously any other tips for what comes from mine?
Easton Sanders
Yes It made my cum so strong that it soaked through the condom and got my wife pregnant The baby came out brown but I think that's a side effect of the supplements I took and their effects on my sperm
Benjamin Adams
I bought all of these things, can post a picture of my supps if you want proof.
I personally have not noticed much of a different, my gf doesnt think there is much of a taste difference with a bromelain supplement I'm taking too (basically condensed pineapple)
Henry Fisher
I havent been doing kegels though, but even so I havent noticed a difference.
Asher Powell
Found this guide too, any anons got experience of using these supplements?
Jordan Jenkins
L-arginine needs to be L-Citrulline. Shit is god tier for erection quality.
Kayden Clark
It's not supplementing pineapple that changes the taste - it's making pineapple the cornerstone of your diet.
Combine that shit with cinnamon? Oh man. Oh man.
Connor Long
What does the cinnamon do? I already eat it every day with my oats.
Jack Cox
Nathaniel Richardson
The supps help a lot, but kegels and hydration are more important in my experience. I took the stack when I was hydrating poorly and my cum increased in volume by a lot, but also in thickness... like it was almost a jelly consistency. Upping from a half liter of water per day to three made a huge difference (obviously) and made it much more porno-ish. Kegels have helped me shoot farther and push more of it all out at once.
Charles Mitchell
Tried the OP method, definitely a noticeable difference. But at the time I wasn't getting any so I stopped wasting my money.
Anyone got experience with this supplement portfolio? Have a gf who likes catching my lew ropes on her face and will be taking up the OP supplements again, unless someone can confirm some or all of these?
Jonathan Edwards
Alright, just bought all this shit. Will test it out. Peter North better be jealous of what I'm pumping out though, fucken cost an arm and a leg.
Michael James
When I did it only took 7 months for my wife to give birth instead of 9. Gotta love super babies
Parker Sanchez
I use sunflower lecithin instead of whatever soya is. Definitely works. Cumshots went from weak to pornstar tier in about two weeks and orgasms feel a lot better.
William Myers
Worked for me. Takes about six weeks to see the results all the way though. Keep it up and you'll have huge loads. I don't bother with kegels but I have sex 5 or more times a week so I have a decent spray too.
Peter norths secret is to eat an entire bag of celery stalks before a shoot. I've done it and it works. You are about to explode with celery but you shoot like craaaazy. Supposedly something in celery turns into some testosterone precursor (i don't remember exactly) but it works.
Aaron Green
:/ grill here why are you all obsessed with cum.. Is this a gay guy thing?
Grayson Clark
Isaiah Robinson
Taking the Holy grail stack for months now. >500mg Pygeum daily for a couple weeks =dripping faucet levels of precum. Go easy on the zinc. More than 50mg a day leads to zinc toxicity which is bad mmkay?
Dominic Gray
stronger orgasms feel better
Dominic Adams
I have done it a few times. Just take the daily recommended amount and hold off on jerking it for a week. Noticeable difference in the amount that comes out and some of the best orgasms to date. Even sprayed a load on the ex, her face was priceless. Will make you feel like a beast guaranteed.
More of a curiosity thing. Cumshots on females is actually more of an idea of dominance too. In general the more the merrier as spunking that hard will seem impressive compared to other guys the Stacy has dated.
Connor Anderson
guys does creatine fuck your heart up?
Ayden Wood
You're kidding right?
Aaron Ross
dude im down for that jizz journal. dont leave me hangin
Jordan Foster
If you were a grill you would know.
Jordan Diaz
I just had creatine blamed for the high potassium reading on my blood test when it turned out the reading was high just because I was instructed to make a fist as the blood was drawn. The second test where I didn't make a fist returned completely normal.
I can't believe doctors still don't know about that shit fucking up potassium readings that was found out in the 1960s but know to blame creatine, the most researched fitness supplement, for heart, liver and kidney problems.
Kevin Price
Thomas Murphy
Was considering getting on citrulline for bloodflow and general sex gains. Have you tried it? What differences are there? Dose? Would Citrulline Malate be better?
also anyone else who's tried it pls respond, I wanna know if it's worth the money
Isaiah Collins
I'm using citrulline malate but honestly I never notice any difference with any supplement I take nor do I ever try to note any differences either. According to research it works?
Cameron Fisher
Blood sugar stabilizer
Josiah Davis
Updated pic
Jack Roberts
Do not take zinc at all. The average diet has more than enough zinc. Zinc overdose (even as little as 5mg over) severely impedes immune function, zinc negates copper. You'll actually lose sperm over time as sperm production requires proper immune function. A daily multivitamin has more than enough zinc at like 10mg and zinc can be absorbed via multivitamin.
The rest of them are pretty meme tier. You will have noticeably more watery loads, but why not just improve your nutrition and health so you have more actual sperm.
I did the whole regiment, loads were just more pressurized.
Sperm takes 72 days to make (opposed to semen, which is made every day and the quality of semen can change on a weekly basis). Any healthy choices you make to increase semen load will take 2-3 months for noticeably gains. So if I started eating more bananas/coconuts and more dietary fats aimed towards sperm production. It would not show anything for months after. And any day you do not eat healthy impacts the production of that sperm.
Which is why when we get older and the body starts functioning less efficiently weak sperm is one of the first things to develop. It's a very finicky system user that requires constant babysitting.
Chase Miller
>you make to increase semen I meant sperm, sorry.
Tyler Peterson
>multivitamin Your opinion is discarded.
Gabriel Sanchez
>implying half the vitamins on a multivitamin can not be absorbed due to fat soluble. and you need to do research before posting user. The only vitamins that should never be taken orally are nonfat soluble vitamins. You will just piss them out. The fat soluble ones eaten with a fatty meal will be absorbed.