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Outside of squats and leg presses, do I really need to give a fuck about converging presses and all that jazz? I mainly leave my upper body to do all that.

Just got back from the gym. Did diddlys and now my left lower back is in a lot of pain. I didn't tear anything, I assume that would be beyond excruciating, but im still having trouble laying down and sitting. Did I strain a muscle or is it just really tightened from the workout? Been lifting for two years and this hasn't happened before.

Should I be seeing weight gains while cutting? I have been and it's weirding me out.

>do dls
>shoulders hurt like piss
>hams feel fine

The fuck am I doing????

>doing leg press
never going to make it
unless your definition of "a lot of pain" is a pussy bitch one, you probably injured yourself. If it hurts when you're not engaging the muscle and doesn't feel significantly better for a few days you should see a doctor.

former fatty here. Been cutting and maintaining on and off for the past two years. Loose skin clearing up, so i am ready to start cutting again.

Starting at 16.5-17% ish bodyfat, 169lb. So this will be the last cut before i can start reverse dieting and lean bulking, and my final exit out of fatty mode.

So i did some rough math and 11-12lb of bodyfat puts me at 10%.

So my first question is:
How much more than 12lb should i am to lose? Been making gains on a deficit, but not so much anymore as my lifts are intermediate. Should i assume 95%+ weight loss will be bodyfat?

Second question. How fast can i lose the weight? Running the calorie intake i normally run when cutting, mfp predicts i will be 1lb under my goal weight in 5 weeks.

This seems.. Off

Can i really cut from 16.5% to 10% in 5 weeks?

Lifting fullbody 3-4x a week

>lay on back
>turn head to the left
>left arm spread straight to the left (90° to your body)
>left femur 90° up with calf still parallel to the ground
>right hand grabs left knee (wich is in the air)
>pull it to the right
>repeat with other side
>wait a few hours for the pain to disapear

maybe you tweaked your back a little. if you did then expect to be fine again in a day or two.

Thanks friendo.