/run/ running general

That fucking form, though.

What percent of Veeky Forums do you think can run 5k without stopping? I say 5% with the meath eat mode I see here.

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just 5k ? I just came about an hour ago from doing my daily 8-10k

The fact that doing daily or regular cardio is a gain-killer is just an excuse to all the fatasses around Veeky Forums that dream beign "Bear Mode"


Don't you get bored? I just do doubles.


I do this, but is the other pic showing the same form?

Fuck /run/ this life is so depressing.

I ran a 5 minute mile senior year of high school and now after 4 years at a military academy I can't even run 4 miles at 8 minute mile pace. I tried running some 400s at 90 second pace and I was fucking dead and couldn't hit the time. I remember getting like a 12:40 2 mile on my first army PT test and just cruised through it. Now I struggle to get below 14:30.

How do I get my fitness back? Where has it gone? Who was the dumb ass that said the military got you in good running shape and why did I believe that meme?

Run slower and longer. You'll work your aerobic systems more. This isn't important when you're young since you basically have a hummingbird heart, but when you age, your max heart rate declines so efficiency and aerobic efficiency becomes more and more important.

I feel my form varies depending on my speed, for example, if im going at a really slow peace i feel im striking the grond with mi mid foot, if I'm run a fater then i feel im landing with my toes/ball of the foot , is this normal?

Yes, the faster you go, the more you lean. Heel when walking, midfoot jogging, toe sprinting.

The more you lean forward, the faster your legs have to move to catch you.


Anyone here? I want to start running trail, any tips, articles , websites, w/e?

Alltrails website / app if you're looking for places. Ginger runner YouTube is good for reviews/inspiration. Just start easy and look where you're going so you don't roll your ankle and have to sit out a month. No matter how nice the scenery, eyes forward until you toughen those tendons up and are used to running on trails.

Whenever I run I have to eat nothing like 4 hours before or I feel nauseous. Been this way for years, is there anything I can do about it?

Run slower.

What the hell do you eat?

my leg is fucked up, but sure I'll still endure 5k run. tho swimmin is my new shit. just less injuries and sweat overall.

Don't run if you're hurt.

What's wrong with your leg?

5k is easy. 10k is doable for me with a decent speed (46 mins on a relatively easy course). More than that I don't do with any frequency. I suspect I could probably do 14km or so at a decent pace at anytime now, but more than that I'd need to push my running training a bit more. As it is I run 5k twice a week and 10k once every two weeks, and do sprints and jump rope twice a week on top of my running. It's not a ton of cardio but it's more than enough to keep my ticker working well and to keep me lean.

once I almost threw up because I drank tea right before I ran :[] I guess I am sensitivo but anyway your comment was not very constructive

18 min on that distance for me

So you stopped running and wonder now why you suck at running

A 25 minute 5k is like the running equivalent of 1 pl8 only impressive to people who don't run.

No really. Run slower. It could help. Over exertion can make you sick.

What to do about blisters?

How do I see all these normy looking people running in the middle of the day with 100% humidity like it's nothing, but I finish a 10k at 11:00pm in 33c/91f 83% humidity and it looks like I've fallen in a pool, and am ~5mins off normal pace?

cause they run for 5 minutes.

Like what causes them, and is it OK to run with one

I can run a 19:58 5k and do Cross Country

You know you can actually heat train. It increases the amount you sweat and how early you begin to sweat and all those other cooling mechanisms. Initial studies are showing it's better than altitude training.

Some people are conditioned to sweat more, so you might just be in better shape. And yea, they run for 5 minutes.

Good for you

It's OK to run with a blister if you want a bigger blister.

Get synthetic socks. Cotton holds moisture and saturates the skin which makes it softer and more prone to blisters. Other than that, if you got the right shoes and tie em right, blisters shouldn't be an issue.

Compeed is god tier blister treatment.

thanks for the help. Just weird because I feel like often times I can push myself but it's my stomach that's leaving me behind

Are treadmills inaccurate or something?

I can run about 4 7:10 minute miles on a treadmill but when I run 4 miles outside I'm lucky if I can get below 8:10.

Is treadmill running just easier? Do heat and humidity usually have that big of an impact? If I run outside I usually do it early in the morning before the sun is up though I do live in the South.

Make sure you got good shoes and good socks.

If you're still getting blisters run through the pain. First mile will probably hurt but the pain goes away after awhile and you won't really notice it.


Huh, hadn't heard of heat training as an actual thing. I figured there'd be some adaptation period to the unique heat and humidity going on right now, but I thought it would be faster than four or five runs. Maybe I just have cancer.

Outside running:
Propelling your body forward through wind resistance.

Treadmill running:
Bouncing up and down over a moving platform,

Treadmill is generally easier since it moves anyway no matter if you push off of it or not. This is normal. Also the stride is different for most people on a treadmill than it is with real running. For whatever reason I get lower leg issues after 3 miles on a treadmill but I can run for hours outdoors.

Don't ever run through the pain unless it's a race and you're going to podium.

Running through pain means getting hurt means you either can't run tomorrow or you keep running through the pain until you need surgery and can never run again.

Trying to get back in shape for rugby season, so I've started running on pavement again. For like the first half mile, my shins hurt, but then the pain goes away, is this normal? Anything I can do about it?

Former rugby player here, was normal for me when I was in rugby mode. Pretty much always thought that was a part of running. Played flyhalf, fullback, and wing—so I'm not talking prop weight here. I lost weight a couple years ago (a lot of lean mass and fat), am lighter now than I was in 8th grade, but feel so much better than I ever have, and running produces no shin pain or pain of any kind. I think a lot of us, don't realize how low our weight should probably be in order to maximize the physical tress on our bodies.

YouTube running form videos. My guess is you're overstriding which sends a lot of shock up your leg.
Other than that, the right shoes.


>go for a 5km run
>get abdominal cramps around the 4th km
>spend the next hour after the run ejecting liquid shit from my ass
>happens almost everytime I go for a run



take laxatives before you run

I'm currently cutting and wondering whether I should do HIIT or LISS, my goal is heart gains mostly(bad BP), while trying to retain whatever muscle mass I have. Which would be better?

>landing knee first

Way to fuck your back.

Always balls of the feet first! ALWAYS BALLS FIRST!

Lol, I don't workout for 3 months and I can do a 5k in sub 22. Although my avg bpm ranges from 46-56 and I used to run like crazy (now I'm 6'1 167 lbs skinny fat and muscle).

A lot of people can do 5ks but I believe that most people who try probably aren't used to pacing themselves and wear themselves out too early in. (Okay, most people suck at running, but I do believe that if they focused on pace, they would be able to run it)

>like to run
>at some point get shin splints and pain in my knees
>read up on good running form
>"land with foot under your body, lean forward, land on balls of your foot and not heels, run light"
>cannot for the life of me figure out how to run light
>land with my foot under my body, feels like I'm stomping on the ground with a flat foot
>leaning forward makes me sprint



What? Did you mean "landing knee bent" or are you hallucinating


I did 5k in grade school nigga, I do around 5 miles right now

>Tfw I run 10 miles every other day

my feet are bit deformed from birth so my metatarsals are pushing down and irritating my skin under the foot. it looks like calouses or something but really i need surgery.

its summer. no one wants a surgery during the summer

>run 5k without stopping

I do 5-7k three times a week without stopping.

Everyone says this shit every thread LOL. Literally every thread there is some cunt head saying "hehe run slow brah!!!" im just praying there's some truth to this you stupid nigger.

If you're bragging you shouldn't be. That's very unimpressive for someone who does both track and xc.

Jesus Christ, Veeky Forums is the worst place to be.
>5k in under 20 minutes? Topkek, are you a cripple? I CRAWL faster than that!
>4 plate impressive? That's my warmup! For OHP!
>Nice gyno!

Fucking Veeky Forums, 5k in under 20 is impressive, fucking hell. 30 minutes is average, 25 is in the upper third, under 20 is among the top amateur runners

a whole 5k i think so seens i run 40 miles a week and did a half marathon before breakfast yesterday omrning


im used to doing 10k's just thought i would try a half marathon. the flesh is strong the mind is week. you can do more than you think you can

it is true unfortunately


Although one of my biggest fitness accomplishments is running 7.15 miles in an hour (at 195 lbs and not actually an hour test)

I realized being a BIG GUY is more important.

It really is. Something something Osama bin Laden quote "One naturally prefers a strong horse"

this is the body you will get if you run more than 1nce a week

running is like adrug to me now im hooked 5-6 hours a week if i could recover faster i would run more 1-2 hours a day and 2+ on a sunday is my goal. at some point i would be happy spending 10% of my life running 2.4 hours a day.

i used to want to be big but now i just do what i love

You missed the back half of my comment it seems. For someone who does both track and xc to just get under 20 mins is not at all impressive. For the average guy running for fitness its a really good effort so I agree with you there. Try reading the whole 2 lines before getting your panties in a twist. And I don't recall mentioning any times I ran so you're really struggling there as well.

> 30 minutes is average

> under 20 is impressive
Try under 18 if you also lift heavy.

this week i will get under 20minutes


>tfw ran half marathon in April (without stopping)
>tfw took 2.5 month 'break'
>tfw lost all my endurance and muscle and got fat again

I could probably do 5k but I wouldn't enjoy it with all the extra weight and diminished strength now...running short distance every other day until my legs can actually carry my fatass further

why did u stop

Look at competitions for amateurs, a whole lot of people will be somewhere around the 30 minute mark for 5k


1/3 above 30min

not user

look at the competition for varsity high schoolers if you want to have a shred of respect for yourself. I'm pic related and I was considering running cross my final year of highschool (im 18) but chose lifting. I am considerably fast considering my ass is 205 lbs however I know I will never be top 5 in state so I didn't start. A couple of my good friends stood on the podium though and we could beat each other interchangeably although sometimes that is because they aren't at their season peak.

It is good to be able to run 5k under 20 minutes but also important to do so while being muscular.

>greeted an old lady who's jogging
>she ignores me
W-well, at least the other runners are more friendly.

You probably look like a GILF-loving rapist

My long distance training was really inconsistent cause I fell out of love with it. I got really sick of running so I just stopped doing it
I'm starting again now from babby distance (4.2k) because I want to be able to run really fast and I'm happy as long as it's under 10k. Affter 8 miles I stopped having fun. Also long distance running does nothing for your aesthetic after a point, whereas short hard runs and hills give you better legs and stronger cardio.

but i can eat more!?

how long 1hr a day? how far is too far

Do 30-45 minutes a day and 1-2 hours once a week, don't forget rest days or you'll fuck yourself up.
You can eat more but be careful, not much more or you'll get chubby like I did.

Also make the extra food carbs, you'll feel like you're not even running if you have enough glycogen in you. Simple carbs are the best for this (bananas, white pasta and white bread etc)

Starting to enjoy my runs now. Went out for 1 hour yesterday and feel like actually doing it every day now.


I was up to 15 miles a week for a while there but lately I can barely do 3-6 miles a week, recovery is shit because alcoholism.

why dont u just stop drinking?

Even if I'm running a tempo run my cadence is only a little over 100 at best (my GPS wrist watch measures cadence as well). I'd probably have to be sprinting to reach 180. Is it really most efficient to run at 180? What do you guys think about your cadence figures?

mine is 173 at 8m mile regular pace

shorten your stride i bet mine is 100 walking

Are you sure it's not only counting one leg? Some people count one foot to make the math easier, so 90 bpm would be right.

Says the guy who's never gone through alcohol withdrawl...

Thanks for pointing this out, I checked and the figure my watch gives is for one leg! So I'm not that far off after all

I'm a lazy fuck and I still run 5k three times a week. Took my maybe 3 months to get to this state. There is no reason the average 4chin loser can't run 5k.

If only 5% Veeky Forums can run 5k, this whole board will empty out once the heart attacks begin to set in.

Somewhat the same for me; treadmills give me foot pain, but nothing if I run outside. I assume my form is incredibly shitty, and the consistent nature of the treadmill just makes its impact that much worse.

They say it because it has scientific backing. If you're trying to improve your cardiovascular system, you should get your heart rate into a specific range. You do this by running slower or faster; depending on what you want and where you are.