In the last thread user asked for a Chris chan thread. There is an active one on lolcow farms.
Reminder: he has an infected gash from a piercing in his perineum and is convinced he's growing a vagine. It's prolly just gangrene, lol.
In the last thread user asked for a Chris chan thread. There is an active one on lolcow farms.
Reminder: he has an infected gash from a piercing in his perineum and is convinced he's growing a vagine. It's prolly just gangrene, lol.
chris chan's arch enemy is also a fattu.
jesus christ, those two know each other?
What would happen if someone Chris Chanesque was born in the 1920's?
He'd probably die
is he dead yet?
Who's Chris Chan?
The nadir of humanity. Not really appropriate for these threads, his weight is like, his 7th biggest problem
God I just want that fucking vile creature to die already. Why must he exist?
I feel sorry for Elisabeth.
It's a shame time changes thinking in some ways
That's like asking who pamperchu is, newfriend
They would be labelled a retard and sent to an institution
latest episode of MBFFL was super boring
Fuck in hell this thing is disgusting
I've been on Veeky Forums for 7 months or so
I thought Chris Chan hit rock bottom years ago.
Oh how wrong I was.
Chris-chan is history, s/he's existed for far longer than fit. Just google it to learn all about this autistic mess.
nigga I checked up on him recently and only then I found out about the trans shit.
Also for all the newfaggots that don't know Chris, please educate yourself on this wonderful piece of internet culture.
fuck wrong video
He'd get a job, a wife and a decent life, but probably have kids or grandkids that resemble Chris-Chan.
If you've seen some of Chris's videos with his father, you might find that guy seemed a little autistic himself. The difference though is that when the father grew up, men were expected to make something of themselves and have a family and were respected for doing so. Today, there are far fewer expectations and social rewards for being a productive member of society, but society will foot the bill if you want to sit around playing video games and collecting plastic crap. There is also a lot of coddling well into adulthood now that was something only the very rich could do in the past and mental illness or disorders weren't something people wore like a badge of honor.
>An hour long documentary on some autistic faggot
Who the hell is going to watch this?
Answer: Other autistic faggots.
They'd say he was "simple" or "slow" and he'd basically have stayed at home. He'd be known in his own neighborhood as a touched guy and people would have less tolerance for him walking around smelling like shit or harassing women. At the local department store he'd distribute copies of a crude comic strip featuring "Micklix the Cat," a crude mash up of Mickey Mouse and Felix the Cat.
the vagina in question
HAHAHAhahaha... ha....
Fuckin' delete this.
I... is that an actual vagina? Did he get himself castrated? What is going on?
>Micklix the Cat
I keked.
I will never get an erection again - thanx, user
No, he had a piercing on his taint and ripped it out and now the putrid abscess you see there is what he's calling his vagina. Not even joking.
He had a piercing in his gooch. He later removed it and it split open. He thinks some binaural beats thing on Youtube is turning him into a girl and curing his autism
lets get back to the fat hate
>literal autists have more sense to lose weight than HAES whales
infamous hacker the site is named after
>pic related its him
>how dare children be healthy
and I rage
Doesn't surprise me.
Special needs people often have incredible determination if they really set themselves to do something.
It isn't like most people where they overthink thins and rationalize their shit. They just go "Gonna do it" then they do it.
Why are fupas so disgusting?
I find this thing the most repulsive about fat people.
A hanging pile of fat in front of your organs that you use to dispose your waste.(>implying fat people reproduce)
An enourmous ammount at that if you are fat.
It must be dirty as fuck,since most fat people smell.The smell must have a source.
Jesus Fuck this board is blue, spoiler that shit.
this is so creepy.. why doesnt she just mind her own business and actually lose weight, her presence would make me immensely uncomfortable
The army would have straightened him up.
>goes to the gym
>a place specifically for people to lose weight/gets fit
>gets upset at seeing people be thin/fit
What a hateful bitch.
I guess she's the reason that places like Planet Fitness exist
>not wanting to be the sky captain of gains.
do tumblrfats even want to make it?
>Lazytown in a thread about chris chan
>super lazy
>sits around or sleeps all day
>eat only candy, cakes and drink pop all the time
>still thin
>plus bonus manly chin
Curse you and your perfect genetics, Robby!
>implying fat people reproduce
>implying the fat ass south doesn't have the highest birth rates
thought it would look worse.
like with puss and inflammation and shit.
Still lost my apatite.
It seems as if he vaguely knows what a woman looks like, and is desperately trying to look like the picture in his head.
Fat people love to breed.
Fitness and intelligence go hand in hand, the fitter or the higher your IQ the less likely you are to have a shit ton of kids.
Fatties however are fucking 24/7 because they have no self control.
Go figure there is a reason fat people outnumber us.
This is a christian board!!
>They just go "Gonna do it" then they do it.
I must be special needs if this is true
>thicker persuasion women
Just to get angry. Everyone has the urge to put ddown other innocent people just to feel self righteous. Some people actually fight that urge. Others don't.
Is Jason Genova Veeky Forums's Chris Chan?
>the only smart people in the show are Sportacus and Stephanie
Did everyone forget about the nigger?
Jason is more aesthetic than 90% of fit. Maybe about 5% more homo, though.
Technically it isn't porn. What you're looking at is an open wound. The only thing "exposed" in this pic is part of a dude's asscrack.
I-is that Auschwitz?
If a man did this people would want him arrested.
Idk why I laughed so hard with this, thanks user you made my day
Now this is a [spoiler]Chris-chan[/spoiler] board
>fat black chicks
Scum of the earth, should all be killed.
Thin negresses can often be alright, but fat black chicks are fucking shitbags 100% of the time.
The pure hatred fat women have for in shape women has always been funny to me
someone should just mercy kill him. it's too much
Yes, but what is his Sonichu?
Are Chris and other dude in a competition to out-do each other?
good detective work fellow legion go-er
let's show her why you never mess with Veeky Forums!
>tfw no grill will ever take creep pics of you
why even live
>tfw the only time someone will ever take your pic is to put it in one of those gym fail compilations
get your hands off of me
I'm sick of fat girls telling everyone that us skinny girls have it easier. How is it easy being able to be manhandled by men and women of the fatass persuasion. Last week two ham planets pinned me down and tickled me till I damn near pissed myself... Which I'm almost certain they did out of jealousy.
Sure we can wear normal human-sized clothes, but it's not like a majority of us have amazing metabolisms. Most of us work hard for the bodies we have. A lot of people say this is a millennial attitude but I see it in every generation of fat people.
skinny girl totally
why is she holding her phone uPSIDE DOWN REEEEEEEEEE
>belt over cardigan
Easier to hit the shutter button on the bottom of the screen
Yeah wtf?
it does make it easier to see the difference in waist size, but yeah it's pretty ugly
I just watched this whole thing. What am doing with my life?
O I'm being an autistic faggot
Well that explains why I'm on Veeky Forums instead of cleaning my house
Where you live breh
Ill dress up like a grill and take a creep pic of you and post it on this new zealand sheep porn image board
>the only smart people in the show
>smart people
I see nothing wrong.
because she's taking a full body pic without face
Wow fags it's to create an artificial waist since both the dress and the card are kind of flow-y. The belt gives the ensemble form you stupid faggots
That don't mean it look good
>Sporticus also wrote the show
That's pretty fucking neato, he's like an icelandic Mr Rogers.
>le thick meme
>Hamplanets always come into clothing store bitching about how they want plus sizes
>Tell them I know how they feel, I'm too small for the XS
>Watch 1,000 expressions flash across their face at once
>...I never got to the gym but I am in gym clothes.
For fucks sake, Veeky Forums, why did you make me click that link?
Looks like my cut is safe for another night.
A fat person wrote that post, they can't perceive other minority groups.
How does this make you feel?