This greyskull template

good enough for post-surgery routine and avoiding the SS meme?

my stats are 6 months out of date, thinking about resetting tbqh

I have also started that routine after having surgery.

Looks very solid.

how major was your surgery? mine was reasonably minor but it was enough to take me out of training for quite a while

picked it up from someone who had the greyskull handbook, thought it was worth a save

Phraks variant is better.

Arm isolations are for retards with shitty proportions and roid users (pic related)

Ss is not a meme, hence every other novice program (greyskull, sl, icf, reg parks, etc) is basically the sane thing as ss

Actually read the starting strength book, and greyskull.

Personally i would recommend phrak's with no accessories, if anything side lat raise on ohp day and shrugs (traps can never get too big without roids) or calf raises on non ohp day

got a screenshot of Phrak's variant? I heard good things about it but I haven't read that deeply into the greyskull handbook, and I'm yet to read the SS book at all

Forgot pic

The only difference is that this one added some curls and lateral raises at the end of the workout. Don't see how that makes it worse.

good results, definitely

It's basically the same thing in OP but without accessories.

It isnt in the greyskull book, but i think it is in the sticky.

Same rep ranges and progression model but

Ohp or bench
Chin up or row

Ohp or bench
Chin up or row

Is the gyst

You can do power cleans on deadlift day as a """"warm-up""""

No pull on day B

Pressing/pulling symmetry is better on phraks (a vert pull per vert press, a horizontal pull per horizontal press)

And yes, the routine would be twice as good without the dips and curls

phrak's variant looks solid, couldn't find it in the sticky but it might have been under a different name

like said, a few isolation exercises thrown in isn't detrimental, but compared to the overall progress greyskull is said to make (slower than SS but much more manageable), they won't do much

>doesnt know how to read
That was an example of shitty proportions from isolating arms

that makes sense, not sure why these isolation exercises were tagged on to the end, could be that they were effective in the guy's routine.

I think it was just to "sell" it to dyels.

Nobody loves the idea of training arms like people who dont train

yeah, good that phrak's variant eliminates them entirely.

think it's worth a complete/majority reset on my stats after 6 months + surgery? it was only 6-7 months progress to begin with


Okay for someone who isn't a powerlifter but knows a little bit about lifting should I do this or SS?
5'6 145lbs
155lbs bench
160lbs squat (my gym doesnt have a squat rack so ive been doing them on the incline bench since you can take off the seat)
225lbs diddy

Im going to start bulking in september or last few weeks of august so yeah.

the difference between all of these really isnt that big but SS has more lower body work per week which would balance you out quicker

Thanks Rippetoe

Yea, worst case scenario you just stop progressing linearly after 2 months.

For aure use up any leftover noob gains before switching to an intermediate routine

Either is fine. You get more volume on a deload with greyskull from the AMRAP sets. that is preferable for muscle growth.

Legs are small and vascularity has nothing to do with squatting frequency

Just out of curiosity what is your bf%?

How do you do this routine without micro plates?

Just more reps w lower weight

Buy heavy ass washers with 2" holes, glue em together and bam.
Cheap, easy to get micro plates

Ignore this fag he doesn't even lift

I just got back in the gym and have been doing ICF, it's less memery and I'm counting on it from preventing too much T-Rex mode like the last time I did starting strength

How many days do you workout greyskull?

6 day rotation?
1x2x3x ?

Or 4 day rotation?

no clue but could really use some help!

repeat every week

this is not SS/SL, which is something like xAxBxAx then xBxAxBx the next week

what you think about GSLP variation that adds push-ups and chin-ups every other day?

is it worth it?

the extra chin-up work is a great idea
mixed feelings about the pushups

>mixed feelings about the pushups

If you can't do an unassisted chin-up, all that extra work will get you to doing one as quickly as possible.

My opinion is that unassisted chin-ups look good at the gym and are probably useful for rock climbing or whatever. But I'd rather be able to do more difficult push-up progressions like diamonds, elevated, or one-armed instead of 100 regular push-ups.

Why does this look heavily photoshopped?

Post a better pic.
