Lets talk mealprep Veeky Forums Are you OK with this? Prepped for the first time cuz I always eat like shit.
Looks good man
I only meal prep when I'm leaving my fridge unattended for a long time. Cook all the leftovers so they don't go to waste.
Thats only for during office hours i hope?
How long is that food for? How many meals?
What's that pasta stuff?
It looks good but I am seeing 7 -- so assuming for a week's lunches? What about your other meals?
looks delicoious 10/10
i need more tupperwares, i only have 3 now and its fucking annoying to make 3 preps a week, i only eat at work
Why is the top middle one missing meat?
I'd rather cook every day than reheat old food, most things feel like they taste so much better eaten immidiately.
Anyone have recommendations on good meal prep resources?
Fitmencook is pretty good but I'm always happy to find some additional info
Thanks man! Good tip.
1 of those a day for 7 days, lunch.
In the morning I eat oats with yogurt. Evening Tuna/slices of chicken on bread.
Pesto pasta, my favorite
Was still baking.
called 'Penne'
OP probably put some green pesto on it.
Thank you.
I'm too lazy to meal prep... plus how do you manage to cook when your mom is always trying to sabotage your cooking?
meal prep is really simple for a bodybuilder
>chicken or lean meat with loads of pepper and ginger for dat metabolism boost
>sweet potatoes or brown rice
>brocoli, peas and any other green veggie
>multivitamin pills
Btw OP your stuff makes me so hungry for pasta again. Haven't eaten it like that with pesto in a long long time. Perhaps when I start bulking again after summer.
Not eating a lot of carbs atm.
noobs never believe it and so won't you but that's literally about twice as much protein as you need
I should try some sweet potatoes or brown rice nex time. Get dat slow carb vibe going even more
funny guy
How do you prepare your chicken?
Is that breast?
Yeah, I did not macro it. Just made portions on feeling. Can't even guess how much protein 1 portion has.
So what? Eating more protein isn't a bad thing. It's just energy. Could switch it for some more pasta or veggies but why bother?
Have a good tip for you OP.
IF you happen to put it in your fridge and freeze it, make sure to take it out in time so it's not frozen when you put it in the microwave.
In my experience you can just put that shit in the refrigerator for a week and it will be fine.
Chicken breast yes. Each breast I slice 3 times.
"Chicken Spices" from the store: its a mix of salt, paprika, coriander, black pepper, chili powder and garlic)
Some yellow curry powder
Just before they are ready I smack some ketchup on it and turn them around one more time.
1 lbs of raw chicken breast is about 90g of protein. Each one of those looks more like 1.5-2 lbs.
You could probably take out a breast from each container, set it aside, and have 3 more lunches. Or chop em up and make stir fry.
yeah, they are amazing, i feel much better lifting when eating them
last time I checked rice was 1euro for 4000kcal and chicken breast 3euro for 1000kcal where I live
if you don't mind spending like a thousand dollars extra per year then go for it
Alright, now I put 3 of them in the fridge and 3 in the freezer.
Prep saves time and ensures you hit your macros.
Honestly really great way to nail your diet.
Your meals look pretty tasty too.
It's also worth getting some good containers if you plan to do it on a regular basis. I like the glass ones with the locking lids. They hold temperature for keeping food cold and also for keeping it hot once you warm it up. They don't have plastic issues or bad plastic taste. The lids lock in tight and reliably. Seems like a small thing, but the right containers make meal prep even better.
>1 lbs
Correct, I guess its like 600G (1,5 lb) in each one. Maybe I should eat the chicken in 2 servings.
What is the max amount of protein the body can use for muscle in a few hours time? Like 45G?
you have to be over 18 to be on this board :^)
600g? that's more than your daily requirement
seems like you're new to lifting and assuming you're average sized you only need about 400g of chicken breast a day. you can eat more of it but it just won't make a difference.
Even at 18 and well into 20's quite a few people live at home. Just cheaper to live at home while going to college/uni. Granted, i'm 18 and live at home but cook whatever the fuck I want. Different families, different scenarios.
Not new to lifting, just never paid attention the the most important part: diet.
I eat big by nature, so the portion size isn't a problem. But if it doesn't make a difference I might aswell replace it with carbs.
Pic: its my back with perfect lightning and pose.
way way to much protein and to little carbs
whats your fucking macro's?
>Brown rice
You fucking retard
non, I need to work on it.
What's wrong with brown rice?
Kek. Maybe you should be cutting your food, lard ass. I'm surprised you have some muscle showing through with that thick layer of fat.
I'm not going to educate you. Have you read the sticky? Don't eat brown rice Mong.
Yes I have. Why is it bad?
It isn't.
My mom was sort of lazy so she cooked sometimes, or we bought food. I hijacked most of the cooking and decided to do it myself. Probably the only way to make it at home is if you cook for the family.
Nowhere in the sticky does it say not to eat brown rice.
Fit couple cooks. I cant stand them but they do good shit
How do you store this for a week without it going bad? Do you freeze some of it or what?
Yeah froze 3
I wish i had a bigger fridge. Can't do that
is 30 seconds of microwave is good enough to warm it up before eating?
Depends on the microwave, I take 2m
you always have to overdo everything huh?
who the fuck goes to a photoshoot at his gym?
its smart, especially if you work long hours or a physical job. once i started doing meal prep i stopped eating like shit since theres a donut place right next to my work and i used to load up there every single morning. meal prep made me lose 25lbs unbelievably fast