I don't have any appetite
I don't progress on my lifts anymore
178cm tall
60kg max squat 1rm
Why can't i grow.
I don't have any appetite
I don't progress on my lifts anymore
178cm tall
60kg max squat 1rm
Why can't i grow.
Other urls found in this thread:
youre not doing whatever it takes
Because you don't eat anything you fucking faggot
>I don't have any appetite
>Why can't i grow.
250g nuts
800g yogurt
That's aleady 2000kcal
I eat this everyday!
watch Alan thralls 10k Cal day. he has an evening shake that is like 1500 cals and 100g protein
Jesus Christ, you're basically a bag of bones atm
Stop being a skelly and gain some weight
Why the fuck would you bulk with nuts and yogurt, where the fuck are your carbs.
This and only this
post pics
Holy shit. Post pics immediately.
Get used to it loser. You were born broken. You're just the beneficiary of our conquering of the infant mortality rates. A genetic mistake that modern technology has prevented nature from correcting.
Please tell me you're either lying or have explosive diarrhea.
you ain't weak in body, you're weak in the mind
ain't about appetite, it's about eating what you need and getting it done
you don't wanna lift a heavy ass weight but you do, you don't wanna eat a bunch of food but you do, and over time you get used to both
just do it
>no appetite
>not growing
Why are you a retard?
Just do GOMAD.
You should start taking dicks with those hips.
Eat more faggot.
Eat four times a day until you're literally miserable.
>tfw I can OHP OP for reps
Also I hope this thread is a giant bait or else I'll start thinking skellies have mental issues like fat people do
try this in a blender m8
What do you stupid cunts have against nuts and yoghurts?
This shit gives me 90g of protein and 2300kcal
20 rep squats srs
when i started my max was 100kg x 1 , a month and half later it was 100kg x 7,
went from 60kg x 20 to 80kg x 20 squatting 3 times a week
that's all well and good, but OP mostly just needs to eat more.
>1 banana
>table spoon
I'm triggered, you niggers need to use a fucking scale.
I do use a scale, but just threw that into MFP for a screenshot. I'm not bulking, just attempting to help.
Fuck the retards bashing you dude, all you need is to is eat and go hard
But dude i can't eat to save my life. I'm NEET, eating 2500kcals takes all day.
If you don't force yourself to eat, you will forever be a skelly, and you'll never make it.
Is your thyroid mybe fucked? I've known some skellies who had all thyroid issues. No appetite when they dont take their meds.
smoke some weed
I don't have an appetite either. After eating 3000kcals every day it gets hard man. Most days, I can't be bothered, you know? It's like, I don't wanna go the gym - I'll go tomorrow. I'm usually right in the middle of some shit, or I'm just not feeling it.
Sometimes, I don't want to go to bed early. I want to watch a film or carry on with whatever 'project' i've got going...
But I still do it. All of it. Every. Day.
If I want to achieve my goals, then I have to do what must be done.
How I feel doesn't come into it.
Thank you hungry skeleton
This is the one situation where you probably should do SS+GOMAD.
Eat lots of potato and sweet potato.
Report back in four weeks.
You got sauce on that pic skeletor?
lol this. how the fuck do you only eat nuts and yogurt. dude if you want to grow you need fat and protein and carbs. start eating some fucking sandwiches and burgers and potatoes
More pics of the chick in OP.
How do you know if your thyroid is fucked?
liquid mass builders, such as monster mass or whatever is available - I have my country local, 1/3 of mutant price and at least similar taste.
How the fuck do some of you people not like food?
You should at least be able to dirty bulk. You're telling me you can't eat more than 2000 calories of pizza, meat and chocolate?
What the fuck.
Bro I've been a lazy fuck eating 2 meals a fucking day, probably equating to 1500 calories, and still got to 100kg squat starting from just the bar. Try harder jesus christ.
Are you fucking dumb nuts have a ridiculous amount of fat
But I do senpai. I swear to god. Please tell me what you typically eat.
I haven't put on weight in like 5 months (kill me) and I went from benching 200 x3 to 225 x 5
>178cm "tall"
>enthusiastic "I eat this everyday!"
Obviously a troll kys
Source on the pic? Perfect high test hnnnngg
I force myself to eat this shit because it's easy to down.
I need help guys
I'm depressed as fuck from looking like a kid at my age
>Why can't i grow.
Simply because you're not eating enough. Doesn't matter if you're not hungry, just force yourself and you'll eventually feel more hungry after a few days. Whole milk, eggs and nuts are recommended to gain weight.
>image in the OP is the only good photo in both sets of photos
I guess I'm ok with that.
From a former skelly, to you current skellys, eat more food you skinny fucks. You are lying to us, and yourself whenever you say you eat loads of food but never gain weight.
Eat until you are full, and then eat even more food. You skelly fucks have small stomachs because you never eat, eventually your stomach will expand, and you will grow which will make you need to eat more to maintain.
If you don't eat you will never make it, and forever be a spooky skeleton.
>only good
ur gay
when i used to bulk for winter weed would be my main supp
nothing like a fat bowl after a hard workout. helps you relax AND get the appetite to eat
Eat Chinese food.
a thousand blessing upon you user