I'm leaving for basic tomorrow and I was wondering if Im ready. I can do the push-ups, and sit ups alright but for the mile run I barely passed it (8:16 maximum time is 8:30) am I fucked?
Basic training
What branch? I completed Navy's bootcamp. I could do the pushups/situps but not the run (I was a smoker, recruiter lied on my trial for me to get in earlier).
Wasn't hard physically.
Mentally it is only difficult until you make friends (do NOT make enemies in your division early). Once you have friends and get out of the initial processing weeks they don't tell you about, you will get use to the routine.
Do not volunteer for anything, realize you already volunteered your life, you do not need to volunteer your cleaning/weed pulling/moving services as well.
If anyone asks, you do not have a driver's license.
Adding more random thoughts to this, since I realize you are probably reading everything possible and are stressing.
I said processing weeks they don't tell you about. What I mean by this, is they say boot camp is like 8 or 12 weeks or whatever it is. That is sort of true. The first couple weeks you are there, its all medical shit and sizing you for uniforms and paper processing bullshit. You will wait around, A LOT. You will sit in a line, in large rooms, with your division, being told to, "shut the fuck up" constantly. You will get your shots. You will get your wisdom teeth pulled. You may be held up while you wait for more recruits to fill up your divison. You will wait and wait and wait. You will wear a stupid as fuck sweat suit or shorts while you wait for your uniforms. You will see other recruits in uniform and be jealous as fuck. I'll add more later.
cuck x6
prep the bull x4
die for israel x2
You might wonder why you aren't getting IT'd (intensively trained, different from PT (physical training))/smoked. This is where you do pushups and shit as punishment. This will last for the entirety of your processing days. They cannot fuck people up who are not medically capable of doing these things. Once the paperwork is in, you will know because you will be facing the ground and the ceiling all the fucking time.
Break up with your girlfriend, she means nothing now. If you don't, do it in a letter when you can write them. Then do not read her reply. Show her picture to your friends though (only if she is hot).
If you went Navy you will not fire a pistol for more than 6 rounds, unless it has changed since 2006.
Take the bottom bunk. Easier to keep it nice. When you are doing inspections/drills, they tell you that you and your bunkmate cannot help each other. Help each other. They cannot possibly see everyone all the time, and during the chaos of a drill where you are making your bed or folding clothes on a timer they have no idea you are helping each other.
Your bunkmate is your best friend. Don't ever betray him. Talk shit to his face, not behind his back.
There will be a lot of blacks, they came from the inner city, they will want to fight white people. Fight in the head showers to make blood cleanup easier.
If you are on watch, you didn't see anything, under any/all circumstances you do not betray the trust of your fellow recruits. Fuck the RDCs/Drill sergeants. They are not your friends.
You will have Stockholm syndrome by the end and so will everyone else. You can tell because near the end, you/they idolize the people making your life shit.
They break you down as a human being, make you think you are a piece of shit, then rebuild you as a soldier/sailor/airman/whatever.
Good luck.
I'm going into the army.
>blacks wanting to start problems
Fuck, my biggest problem is people starting shit.
>don't rat anyone out
Even in a situation where it'l cause more trouble for everyone? My father told me that the act the sergeants put up Is a joke, it's just to kill the civilian in you
I went to Army basic training 6 years ago. Running was my weakness, you will run quite a bit during basic which prepares your body for that final PT test. Don't sweat that. The Army graduates tens of thousands of soldiers a year, they know how to physically prepare people.
Honestly, the best advice I can give anyone going to basic is Don't stand out. Do everything you are told, shave everyday, make your bed properly, wear your uniform correctly. If you are a "high speed, low drag" super soldier, kill hat will make you platoon sgt. which basically gives you nothing but more responsibility. On the other hand don't be a shitbag, screwing up making yourself and your platoon look bad. Aim for middle of the road, don't stand out, just fit in, and graduate.
>Blue Falcon=Buddy Fucker
Don't be a buddy fucker.
Any specific questions?
I think the army calls it getting 'smoked' when you have to do pushups and shit when they are mad at you.
Dude boot camp is like jail. You are all inmates, what happens to people who rat on fellow inmates? They get fucked up. The likely situation, is your drill sergeant asking you guys as a whole 'who did *stupid thing* I'm fucking mad blah blah?' You didn't see anything. It could have been the guy next to you, you didn't see shit. It is that simple. "SIR I DIDN'T SEE ANYTHING SIR" if you are singled out. Picture this: They ask who did what, silence, they ask again, smoke you, ask more, yell, smoke you. Someone (not you, never you) says 'it was McFuckface SIR." He is fucking dead. He just announced to the entire platoon or company w/e the fuck you call it that he cannot be trusted. Go watch the opening to Full Metal Jacket, this fucking happens.
Avoid fights at all cost, but if you are surrounded in the head (latrine?) with no way out, hit their head on the wall, kick their knees, fuck it. Win.
This guy is legit. All my exp is Navy from a decade ago.
How bad is the running week one. I played football for 4 years so I can handle a hard workout but if they have me running a two mile Indian run I'll be dead
Are fights a serious problem? I mean I mind my own buisness but are people really going to be looking for trouble
Also thanks guys. Yall are giving me better advice than the recruiters did
We had like 5 fights in my division, always was the inner city black kids still trying to be gangsters. This happened early on. I was, unfortunately, involved in one of them. I hit his head on the shower pole and it knocked him out. We both got fucked up, he was obviously much worse off though and the RDCs didn't seem to give a shit.
I honestly wouldn't worry too much about getting in a fight. Just trying to make you aware that is possible.
If you have never been in a fight before, your adrenaline will kick in and nothing hurts. You'll be fine dude.
I've gotten in quite a few but when the adrenaline starts pumping I always tear up. Nothing would make the sergeants think I'm a pussy more than that
You won't be in a fight if they are round man. Fuck if some guy is crying while kicking my ass I chalk it up to hes crazy, don't fuck with him lmao. Also, you are in the military now and every tiny character flaw or stupid thing you do will be revealed and everyone will make fun of you for it. And you will do it to them. It is fucking great.
>How bad is the running week one
Week 1 they do a baseline PT test, which should be what your recruiter did a 1min-1min-1mile. They way my company did PT was calisthenics one day, group run the next, different calisthenics, sprint/cadio work. You don't run everyday, they mix up the workout.
Group runs will be tough at first because you are going to run at least 2 miles. I struggled because I was a football linemen, I was never built for endurance. But we had 3 running groups A,B,C. A was for track stars, C was for the womens, and B was for everyone else. Just have the mental strength and tell yourself I will not fall behind. I will not be last in the pack. It is okay to be at the pack of the group, just don't fall behind.
>Are fights a serious problem?
They weren't in my platoon/company. The blacks tend to stay with the black, the whites with the whites, etc. It is very much prison like. Just find a group of guys who you get along with, and can support you during the bullshit. When you get a few minutes of free time, you need buddies to crack jokes with. Makes life easier.
Where are you going to basic?
>every tiny character flaw or stupid thing you do will be revealed and everyone will make fun of you for it. And you will do it to them. It is fucking great.
This rings so true. Being in the military really does make you an old fashioned "manly man". Guys make fun of each, laugh at themselves, there is no politically correct bullshit.
Guy makes fun of you for tearing up, you tell him his sister likes emotional men to fuck her. Or something stupid. If someone zings you, you zing them back.
Well that is the point of basic
I also used to be a linemen so running is super hard for me. Going to fort benning or Jackson. I've been told hundreds of times I just try to not rink about leaving desu
>emotional men to fuck her
Fuck that's whitty
>Going to fort benning or Jackson
So you are leaving for basic training today, and don't know where you are going?
What the fuck kind of troll thread is this? Why'd I just waste my time trying to help you.
100% not trolling. I'm going to meps tomorrow morning
You might not get any sleep the first night btw. I only had ~2 hours.
Is this your first or second time at MEPS?
Dude if it is your first time going to MEPs you are not going to basic lmfao
I've been twice. Went first time to get my physical then second to take the DLAB (didn't have enough time to do both) this'll be my third time
Are soap parties a real thing?
Like after someone rats someone out or is fucking everyone else over, such as Pyle from Full Metal Jacket.
>There will be a lot of blacks.
Top kek. I got the exact opposite and had a bunch of lanky country bumpkins who hated everyone and had no idea the amount of dedication it took to even survive PT.
how can you fucks not run 2 miles and know you have military coming.
If you took the DLAB you are obviously trying to become a linguist or something 35 series. Why would you go to Benning?
You took the DLAB just to become a grunt? That would be fucking stupid. No big wars coming up. If you join up might as well learn a marketable skill for when you get out.
>Are soap parties a real thing?
Military is a lot softer now, then it was during Pvt. Pyle's 'Nam days. You would have to be a gigantic fuck up for anyone to suggest a soap party, especially in this #stopbullying pussy world we live in. Thanks hillary
I'd tried to get a soap party on this one fucking retard, but no one wanted to do it.
35f it's a glorified power point maker but it's supposed to lead into more Intel
>IV posting
based user
I had a bunch of friends go 35f. They said Fort Huachuca was the shit.
That's where my AIT is isn't it? My recruiters said where I learn my shit lightning their is supposed to be pretty cool
Last I checked that's where all intel people go for AIT.
So if you've chosen 35F, or plan to choose it, there is no way you will go to Benning.
So does basic reflect on what my mos is?
Yeah only 11B or 11C infantry goes to Benning. Intel most likely goes to Ft. Jackson, small possibility of going to Ft. Leonard Wood.
If you are really leaving for Basic today. Have fun and don't be nervous. Every guy there is nervous, scared, etc. Do as your told, and make friends. It will be so foreign and weird at first, but gradually basic will become easier and more fun. And once you graduate basic, Army life gets 10x better.
Thank you for the advice user I greatly appreciate it
Depends on the intel.
HUMINT goes to Sill.
But yeah, what this guy said, just fucking realize the absolute absurdity of it, and enjoy it while you get the chance.
Huachuca sucks massive cock, you can't drink and there's curfew on the weekend.
Bisbee is neato though, you can find plenty to enjoy there. If you're going 35P or 35M you'll go to DLI, which is where the real party is.
If you're 35M I can answer a bunch of questions about it, 35P I can answer a little since I'm integrated with them. Other intel I don't know shit.
Im on the same boat as op and leaving for jackson in 17 days. Gave my high school sweetheart a promise ring and hoping for the best even if its naive to do so. Also been going to the gym for a few months increasing my pushups, situps, and 2 mile run endurance. Hold me fit
I have no idea why people hype basic so much.
Literally any functioning human being can make it by just waking up in the morning and putting clothes on.
You'll be fine.
It's because it's completly different from notmal life
I mean i guess.
If you count showering, being on time, and shaving as not a part of normal life.
Also, for the nitty gritty stuff, don't ask recruiters directly, they'll bullshit it somewhat and in basic play u like a damn fiddle. Lurk on /k/ in the Military Enlistment General threads and ask away