who military here?
>joined marines reserves
>go to boot camp in one week
I'm spending the last week going to all the NYC zoos.
You made a dumb decision joining the marines and a dumber decision going reserve. Dont go man theres still time im warning you. Im active infantry with 2 months left on my contract please heed my warning peace time marine corps is shit.
also which zoo is the best? I want to see a gorilla
Navy dcman
Boring as fuck
Military is for niggers
Air force here
Your first weeks will be shit, just tough it out and it gets easier
I'm getting enlisted tomorrow to the IDF
>inb4 JOO
Go to the one where they killed dat nigger harambe.
Kinda was curious when I was younger.
Instead, I tried out for Devil Pups, got in, and got a mild taste of it.
Its not for me.
another AF here. i think if you can last the first 3 days then you are good, most people who are going to drop will be eliminated in that time frame
>joined army reserves
>regret not going active every day
It's too late for you to change OP, but good luck.
Waiting to start training
Household Cavalry
Let me give you some advise.
>Watch Step Brothers and remember funny lines from it
>Watch Forest Gump and remember funny lines from it
>Quote those funny lines you learned countless times a day to your friends
One exampe follows
>You're on the bus with a seat open next to you
>WHen the next boot comes up about to sit down tell him "Seats taken" in a southern accent
>Be a complete tool while you're at the clubs after Basic
>Make sure to let everyone around you know you're a MUHREEN
>Make sure to get drunk and make speeches about the military and honor
>Always show up drunk to PT
You're set for the first few months, you'll learn as you go.
my best friend left for boot camp last week
I miss him
feels bad
>Joined Active Army for 5 years
>Regret not going Reserves and getting school out of the way
Grass is always greener on the other side brother.
By the way OP, if you wanted to stop being a NEET you should have went active. As soon as you're finished with initial training, you'll be going back to NEETdom, albeit with some money and training. You gotta make sure you really apply yourself and continue to do so after you get home.
>tfw no cool things like this in US military
Write him letters. I remember when I went through I enjoyed reading letters from my GF at the time and my best friend. A lot changes in those few months you're gone. Keep him up to date with you. Also stop being a faggot
>split into two people
>got school done and active duty at the same time
get on my level
Must have been a POG in a inactive unit.
Officer or enlisted?
They call it peace time marine corps for a reason. It isn't the real Marines. I got out right as Afghan was shutting down and the fuck fuck games were getting pretty bad because you have a shitload of Marines sitting around and doing nothing so the chain of command just fucks with you to chew up time. Going reserves was even more retarded because you won't break free of being NEET. You'll go to boot. Then MCT. Then MOS school then home and get fat and lazy because you aren't actually a marine anymore. Don't be a pussy, go full time. That said, don't expect it to be what you think because there ain't shit going on right now. It would be a good time to pick up rank before the next war starts tho.
Enlisted, I'm not a billionaire m8
Your pic reminded of this
>being a toy for the jews
classic jewmerican cuck
Go back to your own board /pol/.
Currently in Navy Corpsman "A" school. Aiming for dat dere FMF billet.
The military is most certainly not for everyone. You gotta have some pride in doing something only 1% of the American population is stepping up to do.
There is a lot of dumb bullshit, but the best thing you can do is to find yourself a silly straw and suck it the fuck up. The military experience will build your character and help you get a start on proper adult life
>be Veeky Forums, smart (good uni + program + gpa/etc), have top job lined up for after graduation with grad school potentials, mostly happy life except hella busy + lack of family contact
>want to join try to army/special ops (if I can qualify) after graduating instead of my current set out career
I know /army/ is stereotypically people going in for the money/paying for school or because muh country, but does trying to go for special forces as an early 20s 0 combat experience noobie seem like a really stupid idea just because I want something different from my life and be part of an elite group?
From what I've read about joining JTF 2 (Canadian SOF), the requirements are just elite fitness levels and the mental dexterity to survive in extreme settings. Anyone know more about the process of joining/getting selected for SOF?
I agree! I got out of the marine corps because of that! We stopped being marines and started being a day care.
First years in our main focus was Afghanistan, deploy,fight, defend, support and manpower.
After the drawdown we got soft... we can't chew others out, no knife hand, no calling boots, no hazing, none of the shit we do as marines.
Now there allowing transgender, taking "MAN" out of combat titles.
Peace time is the worst.
Also don't go reserve, go active. Don't be a pussy ass boot! Why the he'll you want reserve?
I'm sorry for your advancement rates, shippy. ETN3 here, still in powerschool. Everyone wants to kill themselves here except for me :^)
ETN3 here too,
>mfw everyone complains about tac hours :^)
I'm planning on going Air Force Reserve (since I have a civilian career already). How is Boot Camp?
You won't have the full experience being reserve. You'll meet once a month to police call the reserve unit CP.
Go active. Grow a pair of balls and leave your parents house. You'll see your parents on leave you pussyou as shower shoe.
Nice, what's your GPA right now? Not that it matters, as long as you're on vols
On T-track rn but i had a 3.58 in a-school
Oh alright, T-Track kind of fucking sucks, look forward to powerschool, it'll be pretty damn easy if you graduated with a 3.58. What are your lifts like shippy
And this is why I cannot fucking wait to get out. People in the military are such fucking tools
Unless you're an officer.
The fags saying "dont do it cuz of fuck fuck games lolz"
Are the same guys who shit up my facebook feed complaining about the VA and how much "they miss the suck"
>I'm sorry for your advancement rates
Yeah that's one of the shitty parts of the job. The E-2/SA lifestyle ain't a good one, but that's what I get for still being a fucking boot.
You dumbfucks seriously get paid to workout, drink, shoot guns, and fuck around
Only consequences rae you get yelled at some times. Boo fucking hoo.
If only it was just getting yelled at. The chain of command in the USMC has magical ways of pushing your buttons and making your life hell. You don't realize how much you can hate another person until you are doing Chinese field day in the fucking desert for 12 hours straight all because a room with 4 Marines cant pass inspection when you had to clean a room of the same size by yourself and you managed to pass no problem. It's just something that's hard to articulate of you haven't had to do it.
370 DL, 170 Push press, 225 Bench, 265 HB Squat, Yeah T-track is fucking gay, 12-24's fuck with my gains
Air Force National Guard. 3D1X3 havent shipped out yet and i have a 8 month tech school. any tips?
I have had to do it hence my comment.
Id still rather chinese field day then have to listen to some fat fuck project manager complaining about gender pronouns.
Yes this happens in the civvy world.
Most young Marines dont understand that unless youre dan bilzerian your life is 90% shit no matter what your occupation is.
At least in the Marines you get to possibly shoot people in the face and at worst get free trips to Japan/Australia/mediterranean.
Same here except /nojob/
Interested to here responses
>reserve DEPPER
>not even a boot
>calling yourself military
I'm in fort lee, Ordnance lead the way Hooah
Navy here, down in Pensacola for IT A school.
>tfw have night classes 1500-2400
>on duty days I have to wake up to muster at 07
>the day after duty day I have to wake up to muster at 06, because fuck bravo shift (alpha shift only duty musters once)
>tfw it completely fucks up my lifting schedule
>tfw I have to choose between either waking up tired and having a shitty lifting day, or just turning my duty musters into a rest weekend, which makes me feel like a lazy piece of shit
>be an army officer
>can't wait to get the fuck out
maybe you'll enjoy it, but i really dislike the officer life. if i'm going to sit at a desk for the bulk of my career, i may as well get paid six figures to do it. and i can not stand it with all the army's BS.
But seriously, if anyone has any questions about the Army, I can't answer them, cause it's almost 2100 and I have PT formation at 445.
Basic is a suck fest of not showering enough and really just being learning a lot, not only about combat but how not to be autistic as fuck around people, and take criticism. You will discover many weaknesses and strengths you never knew about yourself. They will turn you into a more grounded person. It's a bad thing. It was the right kick in the ass I needed. If you surround yourself with the right people this is the greatest environment for any young man. It's essentially a requirement to push your body to new levels, your mind both by learning every aspect of an MOS, and getting a college education. This is a massive learning environment. It's not tough at all if you always put your heart into it.
Holy shit. You went murrangos.
The branch that puts you through the most shit and is harder to get through than other branches.
But what do I know, I'm not even out of tradoc yet. Holdover life.
Shit. What company? I'm on the QM side.
27d cleaning up your mess hua!
OP here. I didn't expect everyone to question my decision to join the reserves. Let me explain.
I'm 18, born in '98. My dream job is to be a homocide detective in NYC (a really swole one that knows how to kick ass). But first I need a college degree to determine that I wont be a parole officer for like 10 years. So I wanted to go to John Jay in NYC. But I got rejected, and I can't afford it anyways.
You can't be active in NYC only reserves, 6 years contract is 100% tuition coverage, I will get to retake the SAT. I'm going to re apply.
Also the Marines will give me training I won't get in a police academy. I also landed an administrative job which will give me a lot of time to focus on college and lifting. I got a 90 on my ASVAB, and I was told that would help me out a lot in my career. I can explain more.
I feel like I will enjoy my experience, i'm not aiming at making a long lasting career out of the military though.
Police don't like military.
Only problem I see with that.
if you dont make at least 14/hr as wageslave you better join teh military. 3 years in, stationed in Japan, back in America this year. Get to play summoner wars every day for hours even in Japan as well.
This is what you get, low pay with benefits:
>free medical
>free dental
>free housing
>everything is tax free if you shop at the exchange
but won't I have extra training?
OP here, I almost went active in Japan. How is it?
my friend is military police, all he gets is drunk people and domestic wives on a REEEE spree. EZ job
My dad was military for 27 years so I already lived there for 3 years when I was a teen, it was good to be back lmao, but I was in Okinawa so I would have to spend 100 dollaroos to go to the main island. I explored all of Okinawa though it was meh, if only I was stationed any mainland like yokota
i was gonna go MP in japan, I had the test scores for it. Sounds neat, does he get a lot of hate?
>but won't I have extra training?
some skill sets, yes. others, no.
you're going to have to dissociate your military training from your police interactions, escalation of force is obviously vastly different on both sides of the spectrum.
okay thats great user im glad you explored but i want to know about THE QT'S
no, all mp's are chill he just laughs all the time when he has to deal with whores especially ones that lie when they get to the station
Is it possible to go from reserves to active?
That's sounds like fun. Have a good time!
that's the only bad thing. I don't like asians, but I did mess with a few
Yes, just need to talk to a recruiter and your reserve chain of command. Have seen it take from a month to six months to switch
Then don't join the Marine corps you pussy. Go join the air force.
it gets taken out of my paycheck
STS3 here. Nuke life doesn't get any easier post-school. Enjoy dat advancement but also enjoy dat last to leave the boat and you can get booty fucked for any little thing. And never ending bible thickness qual cards.
Tfw nukes think all they gotta do is get through school and they're gucci.
Subs are neat tho. I love my job.
That's pretty accurate. It's not like most SO candidates have combat experience. It's just extreme physical fitness and mental toughness. Make sure you prepare your body, you're gonna have a shit time if you can't perform as well/better than your peers in training. They're also being more selective now so..
CTN3 here, have fun sodoku while i go work for NSA and shit
I was lucky enough to fly in the Navy. It's k.
>join Air Force
>see thread
Oh boy can't wait for dat dere interservice comaraderie :^)
Unpleasant. It's not "hard" in terms of physical exertion unless you just don't exercise at all, but it's going to be a slap in the face when the full realization of pissing away your freedom sets in, and you're now so far down on the totem pole that you're underground.
It feels like forever but things begin to lighten up a few weeks in. More than anything, the experience depends on what kind of person your TI is. Kids with good TI's don't know the shit that guys with evil TI's went through.
Also, the PC police gave basic training a nice beatdown a few years ago and now they can't do half the shit they used to. Limitations on swearing, invading trainee's personal space, restrictions on using PT as a punishment... So you're gonna get the pussy version. If you find yourself wanting to quit at any time then remember one thing: just kys bruv cuz you're getting the fucking diet version of one of the military's easiest BMT experiences