>Best friend was 180lbs >encourage her to workout with me >she's upset after months of cardio/weights she hasn't lost any weight >Ask her what she ate today and if she is watching calories >Oh I had two hamburgers with mayo and ketchup and cheese and pickles, with some watermelon and potato salad and 2 cosco hot dogs. I had some coke (several cans) etc etc >She gave me a list of everything and it was well over the calorie cut >Tell her that's why she's not losing weight >Afterwards she gets dedicated >loses 10lbs in a couple weeks
She's still slowly losing weight, but it's slowing down and she is starting to get lazy again.
completely agree But now fatties can't use the "I can't afford healthy food so I can't lose weight" excuse.
Gabriel Brooks
Dylan Fisher
he really took one for the team. its a damn shame it wont make a difference for any of them
Angel Morgan
im sure the first twinkie was awesome. but the 1000th...
Ryder Peterson
Tyler Baker
just imagine the god awful shits he had to endure
Jaxson Diaz
At least the shits helped to aid his weight loss lmao
Easton Bell
How could you be this cruel.
Hudson Reyes
Benjamin Taylor
Eli Rivera
holy shit its delusional
Thomas Young
If someone said this to me, for the first time in my life I would act on whatever violent impulse took over. As soon as she was at the brink of death, I'd make sure she stayed alive. I could never kill someone, but I definitely could repeatedly beat someone into permanent deformity again and again.
Unending violence.
Unending bliss.
Carson Edwards
Please tell me this isn't real She probably goes around telling people she works out, too
Luis Gutierrez
She ended up losing weight, getting fit, and admitting how delusional she was. Getting stuck in the fat-mind does weird things to you.
Adrian Rodriguez
its like stockholm syndrome with yourself
Thomas Miller
She uses a fryer on bed on the show.
Camden Gutierrez
Obesity is a mental illness. Over 70% of the people in this country are lunatics. We have two lunatics running for president. We are so beyond fucked it's not even funny.
At one point they load a truck full of potatoes and dumped them down a hill to show her how many potatoes she eats a year. She just cried and ate more cheesy potatoes.
Noah Gutierrez
Bentley Howard
Adrian Baker
Landon Nguyen
Jose Cruz
Robert Howard
did he died?
Andrew Powell
They say he's still laying there to this day
Brandon Cruz
Jesus fucking Christ I thought she at least ate a bite of it, how can you be brought to tears by smelling a Brussel sprout
Mason King
Jace Collins
i fucking hate fat acceptance and her attitude but let's be honest she's not that fat
Kayden Clark
Joseph King
RIP bees
John Diaz
Mostly she has loose skin, which is probably due to gaining more than 30 lbs during her pregnancies. But she is pretty chubby, that skin is dangling off of a hefty chunk of fat.
Camden Wilson
Brody Miller
no but that tummy is blown the fuck out and her poor husband has to stare at it all the time.
Angel Carter
Angel Nguyen
damn that's hot, how can i find gf like that?
Jayden Cook
based malodrax, dude's got problems we can't even begin to understand
Colton Martin
You'll find one of the subway, for sure.
Charles Johnson
Wtf this can't be real
Asher Brown
Zachary Cruz
>thin privilege is being able to enjoy the ocean >whales can't enjoy the ocean the fuck is she on about?
At least she keeps her vagina clean there's also prenatals too
Joshua Sanchez
Christopher White
Does anyone have footage of this?
Blake Gray
Nathaniel Sanders
Caleb Jackson
I wish I still had the full video of that. It was a good fap.
Cooper Mitchell
I remember the time I broke on of those. Isn't the fact that she is fat she broke it, but holy shit, not even trying to go around. Fat seriously fucks up the brain.
Nicholas Jenkins
got to go extremes to pop dat wheelie
Elijah Long
I'm almost jealous of your story OP I have a friend in particular that comments on her own size constantly, both saying she needs to lose weight but saying she doesn't need to lose weight cause she's so sexy/desirable/can do anything she wants. Her attitude has dismantled some great friendships and it always gets me down to see other people willing to improve and take advice while others contradicts themselves but blame everything else.
>'the dr says I my ankle pain will most likely disappear if I lose some weight' >'I'm hot and I like my curves, I don't care what other people think about my weight' >'I'm starting to eat clean/atkins/paelo/going vegan!' >'*instagrams two servings of waffleswith the caption ''couldn't decide heheh''
Sorry anons,I'm just bitter
Jason Edwards
Screenshot of when she admits delusion?
Levi Bennett
but, muh protein
Michael Rodriguez
With that kind of volume, I'm sure she floats just fine. They make ships out of concrete and she probably displaces more than the average kayak.
Jose Flores
Cunt is saying unless the gym has a pool she is too triggered to exercise.
Parker Johnson
>I'm willing to bet actual money that you have a tumblr
Josiah Rogers
>Any gains he had are now gone.
Jonathan Rodriguez
Unless they're tears of joy, brussels sprouts with some red pepper flake is God-tier.
Almost worth btfo'ing fatties. Though they'll still say he always had thin genetics etc
Jeremiah Garcia
Why carry such toxic dead weight? Dump that bitch and come hang out work the homos of fit
Isaac Martinez
i remember this dude. he would have a protein shake and multivitamin as well so he wouldnt get sick.
Luis Russell
To be fair, pool exercise would be a good start for someone so morbidly obese they get tremendous joint pain just from walking.
But yeah, using the word "triggering" is basically a replacement for "requires effort" and I'm pretty fed up with most of that side of society and their utter refusal to confront any of their problems, so I can see where you're coming from in having no sympathy for someone who has let themselves go that badly
Caleb Bell
*tips fedora* also where is that picture from?
Nathaniel Edwards
>an hour of intense yoga a day Bitch. That aint exercise. Or intense.
Jayden Foster
lol ik the last thing fat people need is yoga
Samuel Watson
Jesus Christ >stand up
Easton Murphy
>reasonable sizes
How delusional do you have to be to think your size is reasonable?
Cameron Perez
I have that same TV remote
Henry Reed
>ill do yoga >it looks easy
Hudson Gray
I love based Glenn
Logan Miller
desu if I were her dad and I wanted grandkids I wouldn't ask her to lose the weight because she would have trouble finding a guy, I'd ask her to lose the weight because of potential complications from childbirth or miscarriage.
David Anderson
To be fair, some food people just can't eat.
For me, it's beets. Sometimes when I feel like binge eating, I just open a juicy can of those and take a big smell.
I then proceed to gag, dryheave, and my desire to eat anything disappears.
Fuck beets. I'd hit it.
Kayden Lewis
>mfw eggplant
Whoever thought of eating that is the devil.
Caleb Jones
Sweet potatoes here. I know they're better for me, but that shit makes me vomit.
Sebastian Baker
does anyone else feel kinda bad for the dad? shit if my kid was a useless sack of shit I'd feel terrible for raising them wrong
Robert Jackson
>that fucking smile I'm triggered
Adam Powell
I can't eat tofu or hummus. I know it's healthy and shit, but the taste and texture is fundamentally wrong to me.
Evan Brown
fuck off, bernie is oldschool. that's a hiIIary supporter if i've ever seen one.
Dylan Gutierrez
>tfw a BMI of only 17.8 and no matter how hard I try I can't put on any more muscle mass because I don't have access to a gym, body weight workouts do nothing for me.
What do I fucking do?
Benjamin Murphy
>the laws of physics don't work for me
Daniel Cruz
buy a squat rack, barbell and plates read the sticky SS+GOMAD
Adam Clark
Lol, that poor man
Ryder Hill
Based doges
Lucas Walker
That is fucking brilliant! Based dogs
Evan Martinez
At last, zoidberg has found love!
Lincoln Anderson
fat people are literal children. Size war when
Gabriel Richardson
Post full video, pls
Hunter Anderson
What confuses me the most is that I can tuck my erect dick down between my legs, so why couldn't he?
Joshua Sanders
>That ascending colon in the fatty >All that beetus trying as desperately to fight gravity as the fatty themself