New to Veeky Forums and overall working out, too scared to go to my local gym because I'm skinny af. Currently going to a gym that's near a pool in the compound where I live because barely anyone goes there but it has barely any equipment. Currently using 13 lb dumbbells and I'm scared that people at the local gym will make fun of me or something. Veeky Forums, what do? Please help me out guys, I really want to get some gains and get stronga but I don't know what to do.
New to Veeky Forums and overall working out, too scared to go to my local gym because I'm skinny af...
>letting your fear get in the way of success
literally never gonna make it, fuck you
Should I just say fuck it and start going to the other gym? I feel like I'm being a pussy but still worry about how I'll be treated there
Nobody at the Gym gives even the slightest fuck about anyone but themselves. Stop being a faggot and go lift.
6'0, 135
listen dude. the first time I went to a nice gym with swol dudes, I was scared as fuck. it's kind of scary to see them and think they're gonna judge you. but if you do all the exercises properly then no one will care or judge you. you have to start somewhere, even they started somewhere. even if u dont do shit right they'll more than likely teach u how to do it. it's ok to be afraid bro. we all were.
Thanks bro, I think I'm gonna man up and do it
it's going to take you a few months minimum to actually develop a sensible routine and you're not going to do that without proper equipment available to you
on the other hand, all you really need are dumbbells of various weights, benches, a rack for squats/deadlifts, and something to do pullups/dips on. all of the machines and shit surpassing that are completely superfluous, so if the gym you're using has those, go ahead and keep using it
proud of u. stick to it.
yes you fucking dumbass
just go, no one is going to bully you just do your lifts ffs
was in the same boat as you OP same exact height and weight when i started
find a lifting buddy to go with you not only for confidence but to make sure you start off with good form, you shouldn't worry about other people bro you would be amazed how often you see 5'6 100lb pajeets wander into the gym and nobody even notices them
>developing a sensible routine
Please never do this. The trick to muscle gain is to keep the body in a state of confusion.
The gym's got dumbbells ranging from 4 lbs to 26 lbs, leg press, and a lifting thing. No deadlifts/squats, no pullups or dips. I think I'll just go ahead and start going to the other gym.
We have a gym for pussies like you, it's called Planet Fitness. Its a judgement free zone so pathetic wimps like you and land whales can "exercise" without being judged. They have free cake and pizza and cupcakes every week too. There's also a lunk alarm, which is a buzzer that goes off when someone exerts themselves too hard. Can't have any effort put in can we? Wouldn't want to break a sweat after all. No judgements, except from the most judgemental groups of all- insecure fatasses and old fucks. Now if you actually want to make progress, join a real gym. You might find the people there *gasp* are actually friendly! And push you to do better! Because no one is born musclular- everyone had to start somewhere. The amount of respect you will get in the gym is a direct causation of how much effort you put in. Not how much you're lifting. So are you gonna step it up, or continue being a bitch?
If anyone makes fun of you because you're going to the gym trying to improve yourself, they're fucking retarded.
I love seeing fatties at the gym, dripping sweat everywhere. But you're not even fat. You're just a skinny faggot skeleton lord. No one will even look at you.
hey one last thing. don't listen to anyone on Veeky Forums,listen to everyone. read around before you make any big decisions. it'll pay off long term
A thousand times this. I used to think like you but they really don't give a shit. Just tell yourself that those that make fun of you are just insecure and are probably egolifters.
I'm going to quit being a pussy and go to the other gym. Thank you for clearing my mind
OP here, thank you everyone. I'm going to go to the local gym from now on, and fuck whoever tries to judge me for going to the gym and trying to improve myself. Even though I'm still worried you've helped me realize that the only way to beat that fear is to man up and go to the local gym. Thanks Veeky Forums you guys are true fucking bros.
Better fix up your diet skeleton king. Find your TDEE and bulk like 100 calories a day. Go really slow.
good luck
Just go to the gym, lift, and get bigger. Don't be a faggot about what anyone else might think. Guarantee none of them really care and if they do they're not gonna run up to you and be a dick about it if you're trying to get bigger. Read the sticky, get your nutrition sorted, follow a good program for more than a couple weeks like most people, and let the results speak for themselves.
nobody cares about what you're doing at the gym unless you needlessly take up important equipment
Already done, currently watching calorie count to make sure I get 200 calories leftover everyday (if that makes sense?). Already gaining weight which I'll hopefully turn to muscle slowly but surely.
If you notice yourself gaining too much weight and not enough muscle, drop down to maintenance level of calories for a bit.
When I first went to the gym I was scared. I tried to squat 2pl8 and almost died lol. I don't remember how I got out of it because of all the pain, but my point is that it was as if I were all alone. Like 50 people around didn't even look or anything. I feel better now.
will do, thanks boss. Current calorie intake 3000 calories a day. Not gaining too much weight so will keep going like this for a while.
Can't remember a single thing about the gym except for my own workout. Nobody gives a fuck stop worrying.
OP here, as I mentioned before I'm quite new at this, what does 2pl8 mean?
Sorry I just learned as well. It is weight, like.. 225 lbs?
Alright thanks mate, just wondering how does 2pl8 translate to 225 lbs?
2 plate. Two 45 pound plates on either side of a 45 pound barbell. 45x5 =225 pounds.
Eat more and start SL or SS
Thanks boss
two 45lbs plates on each side
then the bar is 5lbs
You're not going to make it if you're a pussy. You don't have to talk to anyone at the gym, nobody gives a FUuuUuUuUuUuUck about you. At least you're not fat. Eat 3k calories a day and do Startimg Strength or Strong Lifts for 6 months and focus on form.
Already eating 3k a day boss Thanks for the advice
This all the fucking way. If you're out to impress anyone you aren't going to make it. Eat big, lift big and fuck everyone else. You're trying to beat the man in the mirror, no one else matters
OP I literally thought the exact same thing as you
I was the skinniest guy there and could barely lift anything. Now, I'm still small af (only started a month ago) but I've learned that most people in the gym don't give a fuck about you.
Just be polite and courteous.
>tfw my voice gets high after a lift and I'm out of breath
>that's always literally the only time there's anyone in the gym with me and they always start talking to me asking if I'm finished with the bench or whatever
>Say "yeah sure" sounding like a 15 year old