
Why aren't you a Vegan yet Veeky Forums? We're not cavemen anymore. We have a moral obligation to our fellow living beings to treat them with the respect and compassion they deserve, and we also have an obligation to ourselves to stop polluting our bodies with sickness and disease causing trash.

If you don't care about the other sentient beings who you share this planet with, don't you at least care about your own health?

I don't do it for teh lulz

i'm vegetarian only eat eggs and milk from free range animals

>implying morality isn't entirely subjective and arbitrary
>implying that beyond personal values, any kind of moral hierarchy of action can be applied to specific instances and circumstances

>implying veganism is healthy
>implying french fries aren't vegan
>implying garlic bread isn't vegan
>implying lack of meat isn't the reason your testosterone is low enough to unironically be vegan

>free range
Animals can't be "free" if thy are owned and are forced to continuously produce food. There is nothing free about "free range"
Have you ever been to the farms where you buy your products from? If not, there is no guarantee it even is free range.

I've been to a cow farm from where I buy my milk

That's nice.
Too bad you forgot about the part where it is morally wrong to own them force them to constantly produce milk and eggs

Enjoy your low test and lack of malnutrition. Every time I see a vegan post I buy a rotisserie chicken and just throw it away because fuck you

inb4 >lack of malnutrition

what do you suggest

>lack of malnutrition
Yes, I will enjoy my lack of malnutrition.
I hope for your sake you wise up soon, because it seems all the meat you are eating is already eroding your brain.


>replying with inb4 after it's posted
lmao ok

Become a vegan, stop falling for the vegetarian meme.







this aint mate




for the animals i mean, send them to a big nature reserve while humans only eat plants and fungus



>moral obligation









>implying garlic bread isn't vegan
Just kind of a side point, but most garlic bread has some sort of dairy in it, and so is not usually vegan.
>implying lack of meat isn't the reason your testosterone is low enough
Nice meme, brother. Everything your body needs to produce T is available without eating animals. Been a vegan for years, and my test is fine.

>implying morality isn't entirely subjective and arbitrary
This. This is why I will discuss veganism with people who are interested and want to know about it, but otherwise I generally don't get into it. _My_ ethics inform my decisions in such a way that I don't want to consume animals if I don't need to do it to survive or be healthy. I can logically tell you why my ethics are necessary to match my behavior to my values, but I can't logically tell you why you have to hold my same values. If you don't give a shit about animals, if you don't hold empathy for their lives and experiences, if you don't see them the way that I do... I wouldn't expect you to want to behave toward them the way that I do.

Now, there is a lot of bullshit out there that can be logically argued against:
>not enough protein without them
>animals don't feel anything
>god made them for us
>we'd be overrun with livestock animals if we stopped eating them! (this one is my favorite, lol)

However, if you simply want to eat animals, and you think that their lives do not hold an inherent right to freedom from us, and you can't look at them and empathize to a level where you don't want to see them unnecessarily as food... well, then I've got no argument for you. Not everyone needs to have my morals, just as I don't need to have anyone else's. There's probably people mad at me because I kill mosquitoes or because I pay taxes to a government that kills humans or because I buy electronics that are made in shitty 3rd world sweatshops where humans are treated like the worst livestock. It's all subjective.






I'm vegetarian for envionmental and health reasons but fuck veganism lmao, that's a meme too far


this isn't /b/, faggot.
go be 14 over there.






>We have a moral obligation to our fellow living beings

Prove it

> and we also have an obligation to ourselves to stop polluting our bodies with sickness and disease causing trash

Again, prove it.

Where do these obligations come from? Who made them and what gives them authority?







>Where do these obligations come from? Who made them and what gives them authority?
They are immediately obvious to anyone that has a soul

>treat living beings with compassion

Plants are living beings too





Can't tell if spider-man is trying to crash the thread or keep it bumped and on the front page












>They are immediately obvious to anyone that has a soul
God, the worst thing about being a vegan is Poe's law. There are so many other obnoxious vegans who sound so stupid you can't even tell if it is some meathead trolling or not.

Why is it immediately obvious? Essentially saying, "duh!" doesn't prove anything.

If 'having a soul' is going to be your criteria for understanding this,
1) what is a soul?
2) how do you prove if you have one or not?







what kind of autismo saves this many spiderman pictures?
>inb4 this post gets replied to with autism





You're right. We should stop raising them. Just let them all die.











