>tfw too intelligent to lift
Tfw too intelligent to lift
that's one of the worst excuses i've ever heard
I bet you work out at the library too.
I know this feel brah. Im a hungry skelly myself and girls literally approach me on the streets asking to suck my dick
I know that feel. Sometimes I feel like my extremely high IQ is more of a curse than a blessing. I want to lift but I know my time is much better spent on intellectual pursuits. It's for the greater good.
then why the fuck are you people on fit....lifting and exercising can increase blood flow to the brain making you more smart and will help you live longer allowing yo to advance your brain longer
I know this is bait but logic dictates if you truly believed this you wouldn't be on this board in the first place
>tfw too intelligent to read
>you can be too intelligent to lift
>but you can't be too strong to learn
Checkmate atheists
in this moment I am euphoric. Not from some phone endorphins from lifting weights, but because I am enlightened by my own intelligence
Lifting actually improves cognition.
This has been known since or before even the Ancient Greeks, who combined academia and exercise.
A great mind requires a great body.
Besides, it feels good to know the power your body is capable of.
Stay dumb and weak, though, pleb. It's your life.
I know the feeling... I had my IQ tested and they told me it was the highest they had ever recorded in the city. I didn't know what to do with this information, now knowing that every thought I had about being superior to the cretins around me was true. "How best go about showing these fools what I can achieve?" I mused while swiping my phone to seal another victory at advanced level chess.
It's a curse and a gift, this knowledge. I wish I could describe it to normies in a way that doesn't seem like advanced latin. I can see things that most can't - I can remember locations with pristine detail, things like the color of the floors and the height of the ceiling. I easily recall names without having to struggle or use mnemonics. I can keep a daily schedule in my mind without the need to carry around a day timer, and I've practically memorized every arrival/departure at my bus stop.
I wish I could give you more insight to the mind of a genius, but for now I'll leave to get my nightly reading in (just got into Sagan in a BIG way, I've actually started continuing his work since no one else seems capable).
is this bait? I'm new to this site and i just keep reading some of the corniest shit ever. is this like next level memeing?
>tfw you still give too many fucks to just rock up to your gym and lift with a fedora on
>i'm new
Now this is bait
Brah, are you like some kinda professional quote-smith??
pls no
Well, at least you admitted you're a newfag.
I'm 7, and already have an IQ of 192. Almost Gauss level you marmoset looking queer boy. I also lift 6 days a week, am 6'9, weight 327.25 lbs and can easily bench 6pl8s and squat 8plt8s. Get rekt fag.
That's like saying you're too Peruvian to eat cheese or too flatfooted to enjoy the works of Hemingway. The two have almost nothing to do with each other.