Is this true?

Is this true?

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If you want legal PEDs take HMB


it's in the news so obviously yes

Meh. It is true that HMB is one of the few supplements that actually has a scientific base. But imo its quite overhyped and the effects really arent that significant.

Theoretically, creatine is a 10 times as powerfull of a "PED"

Noway of knowing the effects unless you try it yourself.

I would do if but I really can't be asked to pop 6 pills a day or drink 3 disgusting powered drinks a day every day for years.
Steroids are unironically easier

I dont see how trying it for yourself proofs anything.

I have actually tried that new more powerfull version of HMB by clear muscle i believe. I did the large cycle where i took 6 pills a day. I used it on a cut as recommended. I have absolutely no idea if i would have lost less muscle mass if i hadnt used the supplement. How the fuck are you supposed to know?

A more important question you need to ask yourself is why you value the opinions of anonymous users on an image board dedicated to Brazillian Snuff Films over somewhat reputable mainstream news sources.

Funny thing but I ate a heap of watermelon yesterday, and I had some sore muscles for many days now. Today it is fucking completely gone, even with protein shakes in the past it took me 2 days to completely remove my lingering pain and to recover.

I did eat the watermelon slices with a sample package of whey protein, so I am not sure who or what could be the cause. But I will be experimenting with it for a while now.

To recover you need protein, BCAA's (both of which you can just get with eating meat enough). And carbs to replenish the glycogen reserves. (all of which can be done solely through diet)

But the water melon thing may be important as well. needs some testing.

You cut without it then cut with it and see the difference. Not good science but better than nothing.

Well obviously i have cutted before and i really couldnt tell any difference. Even if i could than there is a very very high chance that the difference can be explained by other factors like how advanced you are, etc.

>Valuing "facts" in mainstream news sources

I don't even know where to fucking begin

>Tonight at 10
>A new strain of super marijuana has hit the streets
>Teens snorting it are known to die quickly of aids and overdose
>Is your teen injecting this super LSD marijuana?

Possibly. Didn't look at the news article, only skipped it to see what it cited. This is the study I believe

Only 7 subjects were used.

Here's another study that supports L-Citrulline as a performance enhancing substance with a total of 22 subjects

Here's a negative study with 22 participants

Try consuming watermelon or watermelon juice yourself. If you feel like it helps you perform or recover keep doing it. It doesn't really matter if it does on a biological level, if the placebo effect is strong enough to make a difference mentally you're tricking your body into gains. Gotta confuse the body, right babe?

All of this is really annoying me user. Sometimes, for some things we need to do research ourselves because the outside sources are lacking.

It would be kinda neat if we as Veeky Forums could fund research.

Dont we have enough people here to do that? There even exists a crowdfunded research site. So perhaps if we pushed ahead, those anons who are interested in things like these, could get some clarifications make out life little bit easier.

I was lucky enough to encounter some tripfag named "lolisaretobebullied" or something like that, who was a medfag. Who helped me clarify the egg-cholesterol thing.

But I doubt that even he could find the truth in things like yours link related.

though I wonder, the first study goes on muscle soreness relief

the second one goes on

> There was no significant effect between the three supplements for the total number of repetitions, time to exhaustion, VO2max, anaerobic threshold, or flow-mediated vasodilation

the only thing that I dont know what it is is

>flow-mediated vasodilation

But it seems like the two studies are not looking for the same thing. So watermelons and the l citrothing may help with recovery time.

Explains why blacks seem to be so athletic

Watermelon is just crunchy water

Water is good for you though

the rind is suppose to help your boners


I wouldn't be surprised if you somehow combined grape juice, KFC, and watermelon it creates some kind of super concoction that massively raises test while being god-tier for bulking. The increased test means you get more muscle and lower bf, but you also become far more violent and impulsive.
>Do cardio by running away the police erryday
>Lift TVs and use pull ups to climb into houses as functional use for gains

the problem with all these studies is the size of them, i.e. how many people were involved. But there are a fuck ton of other factors to take into account: who funded it? what health level are the subjects being studied? is it a double blind study? etc.... there are too many factors and not enough separate studies pointing to the same result. That said; trying these things for yourself (generally) cant hurt.
In conclusion: dont be a dumbass, dumbass.

>but you also become far more violent and impulsive

That's the lead poisoning in poorly funded urban water supplies desu~

Does that mean I'll become alpha if I give myself lead poisoning?

It's time. I'm going to start drinking tap water, eating shady Mexican candies, and play with Chinese knockoff toys

Or if I could just take the shortcut and shoot myself

IQ reduction, not necessary test increase with lead poisoning though.