How good of a suicide method is dropping a loaded bar on your neck? You know...

How good of a suicide method is dropping a loaded bar on your neck? You know, just like an accident while bench pressing. Just load way more than you could possibly take and bam.

I think it would be the best method of suicide in the gym, or I am wrong?
Please advice.

Use a free bench and get your neck hanging off of it and drop a lmao1pl8 vertically on your neck

Problem is that with Einstein's integrated theory of relativity and plate decay, the extreme velocity of the bar on its way down to your neck would acutally cause it to seem suspended in the air (from an observer traveling with the bars point of view). This would cause the plates to degrade at a much faster rate from your point of view and when the bar came to your neck the plates would have degraded to such an extent that it would no longer be fatal for you since there would only be a few atoms remaining of the original plates and bar. It has been tested before but never worked.

wouldnt you need a spotter for that?


>how a paralyze yourself and die an agonizing death of dehydration in your garage

So even when you are dead you care what others think about you. Why else would you want to make it look like an accident?

its easier to accidentally kill yourself rather than do it on purpose, believe me

But you can't intentionally accidentally kill yourself

Ask the assassin Clinton hired to kill that snitch who died in barbell accident.

Choking to death from a shattered neck would be far from painless

You ok brah? We are here for you. Zyzz is not ready for you to join his kingdom yet. His work here for you on earth is not yet done. Your Final form is not ready to meet the god of aesthetics

One you're a sick ripped motherfucker , then we can talk. But by then you'll want to stick around cuz men will respect you and women will juice unctrollably while saying "but he's too muscular, I like chubby guys" in your vicinity.

We know you can do this

Don't let zyzz down. He knows your true form has yet to be revealed.

One = once*


reminds me of that one movie where the gay guy hires an assassin to kill him but he can't die unless it's an accident

There's no way in hell you'd have the discipline to lay there accepting a fully loaded barbell falling towards your neck, you would flinch and catch it with your face or something.

However if it does fall on your neck you will be in a world of pain for a moment while you're gasping for air with a completely collapsed trachea and possibly broken neck.
Also someone would probably find you and you'll spend the rest of your life like Christopher Reeves

Pls dont do it user. We're all gonna make it one day, brah. One day.

>Be working out at the gym one day
>Guy comes in looking pretty miserable
>Doesn't warm up or change or anything. Just walks over to a bench.
>Puts 405 and some 1.25lb microplates on the bar.
>Gets into position. Tries to unrack it but the bar doesn't move.
>Random bro walks by him. "Hey man can I get a liftoff?"
>"Sure thing brah." Bro grabs the bar and shrugs it over the guys head.
>Doesn't wrap his thumb or any fingers for that matter around the bar.
>Immediately drops the bar on his neck. Loud crunch followed by gurgling. Stops using leg-drive.
>People start screaming. Lady at front desk calls 911. Bro who lifted-off for him yells "DUDE YOU GOT THIS!"
>Ambulance and police arrive. Crime scene tape everywhere. Everyone at the gym has to go home.
>Was only on my second set of squats

Wow way to fuck up my workout you fucking dick. Why didn't you just kill yourself at home instead of murder-suiciding my gains?

but traveling gives me anxeity, i hate traveling


If you're suicidal, what are are you anxious about? What's the worst that can happen?

Use a Smith machine so they ban those in commercial gyms

This. Please user. Life can be worth living. Just hang in there. Good things are on the way.

Do it at a planet fitness.
Gorge yourself on the bagels then die so loudly that the lunk alarm goes off.

>Was only on my second set of squats

Man, these strategies to get out of leg day are become a little extreme.

insurance policies wont pay out in full if its suicide. maybe OP is severely depressed and cant take the pain of living anymore, but wants to at least leave something behind for his family. ive thought of killing myself before since i dont want to be a depressed downer for my wife and kids for the rest of our lives, but my $1m policy is garbage if i an hero. the thought of them being broke is even more depressing

>Stops using leg-drive.

feels kinda like this desu senpai