female reactions to gains: Veeky Forumsizens, how have girls reacted to your gains, or just muscles in general?
>Be me >Training in school gym >All other men there are lanky with no gains >doing 30kg curls each arm >finish and turn around >group of about 5 girls looking at me like I'm a god >feelsgoodman.jpg
I've generally been getting way more female attention over the last 4 months or so, and banged a lot more chicks than I used to.
Since i started training ive noticed girls completly ignore me Ive gotten bigger but im not overly huge but girls attention went from moderate to zero after getting bigger
Thinking of getting on gear and hopefully get some attention because i cant take more of this dry spell (its been over a year of no-sex)
Robert Flores
ill fuk u bby
Jaxon Russell
>lifting for women
Wyatt Young
Im 95% sure she has some sort of brain problem.
Christopher Wood
girls always ignore dudes they fancy. it means you're making progress bruh. >30 kg mirin
Jose Sanchez
I lift for Hilldawg I wanna be her Lewinski and clean the gathering dust and debris out of her sour vag with my peepee
Hunter Jones
Post pic of body
Brayden Collins
How long have you been lifting for? Mirin bicep strength
Jaxon Campbell
>achieve otter mode >go on a pussy bender for like 2 years >hit up every dating app possible >fuck a girl off of there >fucking her like my life depends on it >finish and my entire body has a pump >veins sticking out everywhere >she says "omg user you look like a Greek god" >tfw that compliment felt better than the sex
Dominic Peterson
post pics.
Nolan Reed
Will do - I'm out with friends at the moment, so I'll do it when I get back
Matthew Richardson
>Be me, part time teacher >New principal at school, it's her first day >Comes into break room >We talk about teacher things >She's staring at my chest and upper arms >Eventually she does a bit better, her eyes stay on mine like 60% of the time after 2 minutes of mirin >She can't stop offering to help me in any way she can, open to any suggestions I may come up with in the future Being fit gets you mires and respect right off the bat. And I'm still bulking 6'1" 205 lbs so I don't even look good yet, just kinda strong.
Angel Adams
this, n-no homo tho
Oliver Reyes
Jaxson Ortiz
>plot-twist : this didn't actually happen, it is just a fat autist's imagination
Jackson Campbell
>6'0 210 lean >only men and middleaged women start talking to me and make compliments It wasnt supposed to be like this
Grayson Gutierrez
Be me 5'11 220 lbs 12% >kind of getting sick of sloot attention >everyone judges you >everyone talks shit about you >most ppl are jealous no matter where u go >almost all friends girls mire you >be loyal and stay away but friends still hate you >make other people awk and insecure around you >sometimes making yourself feel so >feel lonely (only if you have facial aesthetics) >no one gives a shit about you going through the motions >become extremely cynical of ppl >any and most relationships get ruined due to you seeing people's real natures constantly >cant imagine the 9/10 that would do anything to fuck you and show it as soon as their men turn their back >no longer enjoy seeing his evil >receede into self begin to think deeper >think about god and the afterlife >not able to trust anyone but god and very close blood and even then does not feel attached to anything >this is how it feels like for people that become extremely good looking > facial aesthetics+ gear or whatever+ good genes and insertions+ some hight and good proportions= 9-10/10 in people's eyes > in the end looks just become an armor to protect yourself. >you value sincerity and above all loyalty in everyone and everything
Brayden Evans
Josiah Powell
they didn't
Jordan James
>you too sis
Xavier Martinez
>always had women hoovering around me >had a few stalkers, 2+ years, going to my house/work, trying to infiltrate my life >women are pretty easy to talk to but most play hard to get >most think I am a player who fucks girls every weekend >ftw I am a virgin >get fit >woman still hoover around me >they are more timid >sometimes and autist goes for it, >I cant deal with those puppy like women that wait for you, smile when they see you and it does nothing to you
>I put an even bigger wall up since I got fit
Hunter Ross
i get more mires, but they're only from girls that aren't even remotely attractive to me
t-t-thanks fit
Austin Miller
>five girls watching you do curls
you expect people to believe this shit
Connor Fisher
i feel half of that stuff and im not even prob as fit as you FeelsBadMan
Hunter Hernandez
>5'10 around 170 lbs 12% bf nothing special really, right? >go to a local con >shirtless cosplay literally just to show off, didn't even like the show that much >grills mirin everywhere >some just look and then hit their friends and giggle >some work up the courage to ask for pics >all of this while giggling and shit >one grill actually spills her spaghetti after the pic "thanks, you look gre- your cosplay is amazing" runs up to her friend and they go away giggling
Doing a proper cut was probably one of the best choices of my life Not really used to all this attention, it literally got me high, i couldn't stop laughing, cracking jokes and generally being hyper with my friends.
>tfw still not qt /cgl/ gf if only i wasn't such an autist
Angel Diaz
absolutely nothing some of my guy friends have commented on me looking big/better but not a single girl has said anything
Tyler Thomas
Nicholas Hernandez
Owen Nelson
Having muscles turned "this is fun" into "oh my God this is amazing"
Isaac Sanders
This is a good idea. I might try this when I'm no longer auschwitzmode
Christopher Powell
Get ready for short ''good ol' times'' story.
I was almost 80 kg, 12%, 180cm. Best shape, powerful, happy. Then came last year of Uni and I had other things to do, plus some health probos, and lost the gainz. Thankfully I have all my progress in a diary.
When I was around 74/5, mind you this was after I hadn't workout for a month or so... I was at a beach and ppl were miring from all sides.
Two teens were behind me (I was at a bar) literally standing there and staring for couple of minutes. Some milf was at the bar staring too.
I was trap heavy and muscle maturity is good since I was doing calisthenics since I was 14. Was 25 at that point.
Now Im sub 70, and dyel.
But I'm done with Uni, so that's something haha. Anyways, lifting is great, I love it, but you dont need it to slay pussy, honestly.
Cameron Ortiz
Can't wait til she gets BLACKED®
Lincoln Nelson
Do it as soon as possible, fit guys are(albeit very slowly) becoming more common at cons, so you become kinda a "less special" sight.
Camden Hill
Is that cara? Damn she's cute
Joshua Lee
My girlfriend can't keep her hands off of me, like literally has her hands all over my gains all the time. I didn't even think I had made any gains in size, just strength, but she mentions it every time we're together. Says she never thought she was into muscles before, but that's just because the muscular dudes she knew were pricks, and now that they're on someone she loves it's a huge turn on.
Cooper Davis
>live in slav country >everyone and their grandma goes to the gym or does calisthenics 8 hours a day because unemployed >having gains is normal
Jackson Jenkins
30kg each arm? what are u fucking schwarzenegger¿ either ur form is plain shit or ur a beast. post pic or fake u fatty
Caleb Brown
It's the same for me
since i got bigger no one look at me in the streets
it's funny because before i could catch people looking at me but now no one does
probably i was really chad tier and now i'm unbelievable tier so no one wants to meet my gaze of so much succesfullness
Anthony Rogers
>be in frat >paired with sorority for choreographed dance thing (part of greek life competition) >guys wanted me for football but I did dance because ex-gymnast\ >dancer girls and I messing around doing flips, twirls etc >other guys looking jelly >"user do a flip!" >do a simple standing backflip >small group of girls to my side "haha now do it naked"
Henry Howard
Actually Arnold never did large weighted curls. Most never saw him go over 55lbs. That was more than enough for him to achieve the pump. His genetics made his arms that large. Just saying.
Grayson Nguyen
Arnold did HEAVY barbell curls.
Noah Cooper
fuck, word
James Parker
i had 2 girls mire me while doing dips in a college gym
even while the faggots bench pressing were doing more overall strength kek
Tyler Williams
>6'1 >adonis body >khv shit
Parker Butler
That actually has happened every time that I have sex
Zachary Wright
Juan Pablo?
Jayden Smith
H-he he y-yes pls
Ayden Morales
>>doing 30kg curls each arm >30kg skeleton spotted
Jonathan Jackson
No, sorry
Robert Collins
30kg curls?
how many reps
William Scott
Calling bull shit in 65 lbcurls with each arm
Adrian Miller
What are you retarded? Genetics doesn't give you big biceps. Steroids and lots of curls do
Xavier Sanders
in office hallways I get: women trip over themselves when I walk past, there is also this weird sliding maneuver a couple of them do even though the hallway is clearly big enough for two or three to walk past, and or startle them when they see me while turning the corner. I've started whistling to myself through hallways as a friendly warning that a man is walking by and there is nothing to be scared of.
Ayden Howard
Just be a good person and they can't do fuck all.
>Oh no he's such a , why does he try so hard? I dont like it.
Fuck em, a well rounded person isnt just fit. Doesnt hold that over someone else, doesnt seek attention but gains it, and never steps down a level to speak to people who dont understand.
The awk and insecure thing is something I've worked on, you have to be the initiator or inviting. tough when you used to be shy or anxious
Jace Ramirez
THIS why do people come here and lie? OP is probably fantasizing about his mires and girls he's banged
>that creepy fat neckbeard is coming towards me, the one that trips people as he walks by, better move out of his way
Jack Gray
>Anyways, lifting is great, I love it, but you dont need it to slay pussy, honestly. Lifting for years probably increased your success rate and consequently your confidence. I'd say you're not giving it enough credit, it's pretty useful even after you stop.
Robert Hernandez
Hey Veeky Forums how badly did I fuck up? >Interning at hospital because social gains >Meet this qtpie cardio bunny who's working next to me >8/10. Mixed race, half korean, half scottish. >We talk the shit. Usual stuff about shift hours, when she gets off, how's her life doing blah blah blah >Get an assignment to push this fat hambeast across the hospital. Need two people because her walker needs to be carried >She volunteers to come with me. >Ohshit.jpg >We talk across the hospital, while the hambeast grunts and wheezes at us to slow down. Complains about how the chair is broken or whatever. >Finally get her off at gynecology. At this point I'm wheezing. Cardio bunny tells the hambeast to have a good day. >While the obese woman waddles into the clinic qt laughs and says its probably not the chair that was the problem. >Hehe a Veeky Forums fph lass? Yes sir. >On the way back I run across the hospital with her on the wheelchair. Have a jolly old time. We go to the giftshop and try on a bunch of shit. I buy her a teddybear. We hold hands. Real cheesy shit. >Finally we go back to the our usual post >"user you have a really nice build..." >I sperg, "hehehe you mirin cunt?" >She nervously laughs. "What...?" >"Hahah nevermind..." >Crisisaverted. We laugh and talk some more throughout the shift. She's amazing. Studying bio at the Uni, works out, perfect chick. >Finally my shift ends. Its 4pm. >She usually gets off at 5 but for some reason she's getting off at the same time as me. >We go to clock out. She clocks out before me but she's waiting for me. >Is this is it? >"Hahah user I'm soooo hungry, wanna go to the cafeteria?" >"Uhhhh, I have to leave I have to do stuff..." >"Oh ok... well bye user!" >B-buh-bye. >I start shitposting right after on Veeky Forums. Why am I such a beta guys. This was her last day at her internship before she goes back to Portland. Fucking christ. Can anyone tell me how to fix this?
Ryder Morris
Ethan Bailey
Ryder Perry
>He's never heard of preacher curls
Jonathan Price
Camden Cook
If it makes you feel better I can sucker punch you for you and steal your lunch money
Carter Rodriguez
Damn son you really fucked up. Holy shit, how even? Especially if it was her last day. HO BOY.
Jonathan Allen
I know I fucked up but the sadder thing is I just realized that I missed this chance right after I left the hospital.
Blake Adams
Thanks bro. But I felt like this was a one in a lifetime chance to get the one. I know it might be the oneitis talking but seriously I really feel like I fucked up.
Evan Richardson
you deserve nothing
>mfw your fathers raised you for 20 years for nothing
Jack Rivera
Jonathan Gonzalez
>Spills her spaghetti Got me there you bastard
Nolan White
Andrew Clark
Thanks brah words to live by.
John Carter
Matthew Jenkins
Cooper King
>>tfw still not qt /cgl/ gf You know they're all colossal sluts right?
Hunter Bennett
Pretty much. I get the most direct complements on my body from middle-aged women and gay dudes. I get lots of attention from middle-aged guys too, but not so much complements. Moreso explanations of how they used to look just like me and be just as strong (usually roughly 20% stronger) despite the fact that they look like absolute shit now. I have gotten more complements from girls on my eyes, hair, smile, etc. That being said, girls are generally friendlier with me now that I'm somewhat Veeky Forums and I know my gf is into the muscle that I've put on, so it seems like building muscle (without leaving humanity behind) is a pretty solid strategy for getting more female attention.
Isaac Richardson
>being so /r9k/ that you immediately think anyone that has had a positive sexual experience is lying
Joshua Bennett
she looks clammy
Blake Howard
>working as a building engineer for the summer >fairly large 5'10" 205 mostly muscle but more fat than I'd like >play rugby so legs and butt are my greatest and largest assets >am the youngest in my building by nearly 30 years >I leave at 5 right as the nighttime cleaning ladies start >get ogled and cat called by middle aged Slavic and Latina women every day >always catch them staring at my ass and gossiping in their native language >don't know what they're saying but they all call me papi >eventually tell them I'm 18 and they freak the fuck out, most of them have kids older than I am >ogling slowly subsides but the younger and bolder ones still stare
I will bang a qt cleaning lady milf by the end of the summer
Easton Long
>hehehe you mirin cunt? kek'd audibly
Evan Taylor
>fat mexican neckbeard fantasy roleplaying
Caleb Diaz
Do mexicans play Rugby?
Luis Martinez
Dangitbobby. Thats a real good physique. Whats your routine? roughly how long did it take to get to that? How seriously did you alter your diet? Cheers
Jack Watson
I live in Australia the land of chads.
Doesnt make an overall difference really still too scared and anxious to talk to them
Leo Reed
Cameron Garcia
Lel not Mexican but I suppose recovering chubbster would be a better term for it We have one or two of em on my team, subpar at best
Gabriel Roberts
Skinny fag here who just started SS. How long will it take til bitches be mirin? I've got nice facial aesthetics
Jayden Jones
anyone got female reactions like this?
Jaxon Sanders
Had no extra attention for the first year. Then I cut and hot damn I get lots of comments. I'd never had abs before but if you get them and aren't super scrawny... Chicks cannot control themselves
Thomas Hill
this >defending someone's fantasy on an anonymous chinese cartoon porn imageboard nigger what are you doing?
Luke Mitchell
how the fuck girls mire your abs? do you pull your t shirt up at random times when speaking to them? wtf
John Clark
Not that user, but wear obnoxiously tight shirts
Henry Morales
one time with 16% bodyfat i was actually wearing a really tight shirt and one girl commented "when you will show your abs user? hehe" (I actually replied with "I only show those in a private place :^)" )
so i'm not buying you because in that time i was a fat dyel fuck
Elijah Watson
I have yet to receive one compliment so far and I've been working out for about 10 months so far, although that's probably due to the fact that I haven't put on much mass since I started working out due to my poor calorie deficient diet.
I hate being a pleb.
Zachary Powell
Jackson Butler
>I've been working out for about 10 months so far >I haven't put on much mass since I started working out >because my diet is shit
oh so you haven't been working out for 10 months?
William Nelson
I may not have gains but at least im not this guy.
I didnt realise this was a cringe/feels thread
My sides are in the next galaxy.
Im ready to blow MY brains out.
Ever ancestor you have is dying again FUUUUUUUCCCCKING HELL
Ryan Russell
1/ I go swimming with friends 2/ friend of mine jokingly pulled up my shirt at a party. She then commented on the abs. Also some people I didn't know who were dancing wolf whistled me. Its a nice feeling. Makes you confident.
Brandon Allen
>no girl has ever said I was attractive so therefore no one else has either