Has becoming Veeky Forums changed your political views?
Has becoming Veeky Forums changed your political views?
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>Has becoming Veeky Forums changed your political views?
yeaeh, I see Slavs as a masterrace now.
no because I am not a retard
This. Their approach to training is something straight out of Sparta.
I have become more right wing as i became for fit, but i cant really tell where the cause and effect lies. I guess taking care of yourself, personal development and discipline are just general qualities that work on a physical, economical and social level.
I honestly would be suprised to see a SJW/leftie who places high value on personal development. Wether that is mental, economical or physical.
They're all on candy
ofcourse they are, and you are an idiot if you would believe that other countries' athletes arent
It made me apathetic to politics in general. I used to be into politics and go on /pol/ and shit but since then I've realized it's a waste of time and I spend my time now doing what's important and minimizing what isn't.
Politics is a waste of time as a whole and is only useful for getting into arguments or wasting your life arguing with people about.
I used to believe in nationalsocialism and vote for the populist party in my country.
Thank god I grew out of it and nowadays I couldn't care less about politics.
The thing with politics is, you think they think, but they really don't. So, you could say they don't really have "ideas".
I don't really think about politics, I'm more center you could say, always have been. No extremes are good.
More or less this for me.
>hey guys i posted a meme i must be right
I went from far right to far left as soon as I started losing weight, which is interesting. However, even though I'm all about equality, I am ABSOLUTELY disgusted by fat people.
I am sick and tired of your extreme centrist rhetoric.
We are all equal, but some of us are more equal than others
Haha wow you sure showed them! I mean, that thinly veiled irony... How did you even do it, you madman?
what in the fuck makes you think posting a really poorly done meme image is a profitable use of your time, idiot?
Best answer. I don't think it's possible to be on the left and value things like freedom, facts, and fitness
freedom? what do you think about fascism?
Like a person's opinions could be determined by the disposition of the glutes of some politicians 300 years ago. If you need to say your right or left to feel integrated then go ahead buddy, I couldnt care less.
Heres your you.
Furthered my hatred of SJWs and Liberals
Voting Trump just to spite them
Yes, I went from being an aut-right /pol/tard larper to a patriotic capitalist conservative who can still function in modern society.
I am considerably more conservative now. I used to be super liberal and think everyone deserved handouts/ racial minorities deserved tons of help from the government/ black people faced rampant oppression. Now that I have put in the work every day to gain the strength I have come to see that you only get what you earn in this world, and you only deserve what you work to earn. I see that the liberal mindset just encourages weakass excuses. Conservatism tends to encourage this mode of thinking.
rationazing at its best
its not personal development, discipline and other nice pretty words, its control
you exercise control upon yourself, get used to it and start to think it is the right way for everything
Das Sein bestimmt das Bewusstsein
only a few people can examine themselves objectively and understand a difference between hopes and wants vs facts and arguments
Oops, shitty edit. Conservatism encourages you to work for yourself. That's what I meant.
This. Ultimate pill right here, politics is completely out of your control unless you dedicate your entire life to it AND the perfect chain of random events occur to provide you a path to power. It doesn't matter one single bit whether some fag on the internet is a fascist, libertarian, conservative or whatever. Unless you're born into the upper class or incredibly influential there's no point getting involved in politics beyond voting and keeping an eye on the news. I'd far rather spend time improving myself than reading shit about politics online and arguing with stubborn autists on politics forums about whether or not healthcare should be privatised.
>Total State Rule
You need to be aware of what's going on to make a rational decision on who you're gonna vote for
There's a difference between being aware and being a politics autist who spends hours everyday reading and arguing online about it.
>I honestly would be suprised to see a SJW/leftie who places high value on personal development
You probably don't know many leftists. SJW fat acceptance scum is something totally different though, it's too bad these freaks are most of what constitutes the American "left" from what I've heard on this website.
Why is this fucking faggot's picture all over this site
>right wing
fucking fags, right wing means strong paternal state
My politics changed through a long period spent in a hospital bed, getting /fit, and starting a new career in a very competitive field.
I don't know which had the most effect, but I know it started with the career change.
I assume it was lifting, though. You don't see lefty faggots getting shredded.
Lifting teaches you that you're as good as you're willing to work for. Once you realize that some are superior to others, there is no going back.
No I've always hated immigrants.
>capitalist conservative
what did he mean by this?
conservatives cant put capital first user, were reluctant capitalists at best
Well, i probably am biased to a degree. But i have some leftist friends, and some abit more right winged friends. And the left winged friends all care the least about how they look, their health and their careers etc.
I should vote left because I'm a nurse and the right wing parties don't give a shit about taxing the people who make a lot of money
>This absolutely true info-graphic is bought to you by the Republican Party of the United States of America
>and the right wing parties don't give a shit about taxing the people who make a lot of money
Thats a rather... politically biased opinion..
Not so much my political views, but my general views on men. I have a lot of liberal views politically, but I fucking hate the average liberal male and the current insanity of liberal politics. Pretty much any bearded, twitter hip, glasses wearing, nu-male makes me sick. I guess if anything I went more center in my views.
Not necessarily. "As strong as it needs to be, no more" would be a better way to describe it.
The notion of "right wing" being equivalent to some totalitarian nazi state is purely demonization propaganda from the left wing.
It literally is. State and religion are one in Islam, genius.
It hasn't really changed me... I guess, if anything, I hate liberal HAES SJW idiots even more now.
The day I became a right-wing conservative is when I was 12 years old - a girl walked up to me, called me an "ugly fuck" and slapped me in the face for no reason
I had no friends, hated my appearance, hated myself. I had a crush on a cute girl I sat with in class and was thinking about her. And then that happens.
And now every time a feminist talks about oppression I remember being slapped in the face just for being an ugly acne-ridden boy with no friends
Slightly more right wing - feel as if it's a person's responsibility to look after themselves properly and to take pride in their appearance and physique. Also because most lefties are beta manlet skinny cucks I kinda look down upon them
The government can't handle the money we give it now. Why the fuck should we give it more?
what the fuck am i reading
It was the other way around for me. I discovered /pol/, rejected the whole idea of equality, and strived to become the best I can be in all areas of my life, which led me to start lifting. Although lately I've been feeling a bit disillusioned with politics, so I might stop paying attention to it altogether, and stop focusing so much on things I can't change.
By US standarts I would be considered a lefty, depending on the topic even a SJW.
Nothing wrong with real social justice, but what that word means to you personally differs a lot.
Yeah, when I was both younger and more unfit and less healthy I also took less responsibility and made more excuses and was consequently more in favour of politics that took both burden and responsibility from the individual. While that is no longer the case, I dont believe it was wrong to wish for that in that particular situation.
Haven't changed my politic point of view.
always been conservative most of my life.
Kill-kill-kill yourself
Same here. I got hardcore into /pol/ but now I'm focusing more on improving myself than changing the world and it's a far more enjoyable pursuit since it is almost entirely within my control and noticeable, significant changes come about in relatively short periods of time. I'm still right wing but I'm more apathetic when it comes to politics. Plus I feel like now that I "fit in" more I don't hate modern society or culture to the degree I used to. I still hate leftists, Islam, cucks, SJWs etc. but I'm not autistic about it and I try to enjoy life rather than worry about "is X degenerate" every time I think about doing something.
I'm a fascist fuck since I was 20, now I'm a fascist fit fuck. I'm chill though, I just mind my business.
I look down on fatties and other people but I won't give shit to them without reason.
Yes, I am now against the gains tax.
Used to be super liberal coming into college. Got Veeky Forums after a crazy feminist girlfriend showed me how truly fucking delusional feminists and SJW are. I have pretty centric views but I still lean more liberal on some issues. Really couldn't give a shit about this election either but most likely voting Johnson
>You probably don't know many leftists
Kek, I go to an American University. Yes I fucking do
>what do you think about fascism?
Like communism, it is evil in nature and fails every time. Sorry /pol/
I'm pretty much the same, it's like a survival adaptation. You realise that you're powerless to change society. It's like being a medieval peasant and knowing that unless you work the land you're just going to starve to death.
The government isn't about to award anyone a state-sponsored girlfriend. The doctor isn't going to prescribe a blowjob. Sympathy isn't going to make you any less of a loser.
Life fucking sucks, but that's exactly why I'm such a fascist adversarial son of a bitch.
Over time I've become more liberal. It first started with lifting and getting my body in order. Then I started reading as exercising my mind as realizing that conservatism/right wing was for the uneducated, intellectually inferior. I'm leaning towards libertarian socialist for describing my political views
This. Once you learn to filter propaganda, you realize politics is essentially an argument between "help me" and "get gud"
You see, my point isn't that I hate women, my point is that nobody gives a shit that I suffered that kind of bullshit.
So I don't give a shit about them in return.
why aren't we adapting the Spartan government system?
>le right is about freedom maymay
It's impossible not to become right winged or lean more towards the right as you become fit and take control of your life
>Libertarian socialist
do you not realise that's an oxymoron you retard?
How fucking weak minded were you before you got Veeky Forums, that your opinion of an intellectual subject completely changed due to simple physiological markers?
>How fucking weak minded were you before you got Veeky Forums
My guess is weak. Obviously. If somebody wasn't weak minded, they'd see the importance of being Veeky Forums.
Why are conservatives painted as the bad guys and liberals as the good guys?
Is it because liberals care about equal rights for everyone and that everyone can and should be allowed to get married?
Can you be conservative and still recognize that everyone is equal given the chance?
This is untrue, people's behavior and abilities are determined by a mixture of their environment and their genetics. That is not to say that one should use that as an excuse to be a shitter or judge individuals in day to day life based off of their backgrounds, but it is relevant in issues like which immigration policy and explaining achievement gaps between racial groups.
its all nice right wing shit until you go to snap city and become a leftist again
>Why are conservatives painted as the bad guys and liberals as the good guys?
This explains it pretty well
>Has becoming Veeky Forums changed your political views?
Actually, it happened the other way around.
>3+ years ago
>be leftist nu-male, with a weak body to match
>go on /pol/ to argue with the horrible racists and misogynists
>realize it's not *all* idiots spouting "da joos" and "niggers is bad", but rather they often have nuanced and thorough arguments I hadn't encountered before
>have to start doing research, realize the data and history doesn't support my view of the world
>become more conservative, stop blaming my problems on others, stop being content with weakness
>start seeing glory in success, start seeing meaning in strength
>start working on my mental strength, get sick of my physical weakness
>start going to Veeky Forums, start lifting
And that's how it happened.
From far left to libertarian. Liking skinny girls to borderline fat women.
This. Scruton is always right.
And on a more basic level:
If you see it as a moral question between good and bad, you're destined to be a lefty.
If you see it as a logical question between reality and delusion, you're destined to lift.
I knew I wasn't the only one.
every leftist I know would claim obesity is capitalism's/corporation's fault, not the fact that people tend to be lazy and gluttonous given the chance, regardless of economic system.
>b-but sugar is more addictive than cocaine I swear
>McDonalds forces me to eat 15 burgers a week
/Pol/ has made me hate the right. University has made me hate the left. Lifting hasn't swayed my opinion either way. Why the fuck would it?
Lol it's called the Islamist State for a reason
I see more of a denial of responsibility, or a denial of wrongdoing. Big bodies are beautiful, etc. A lot of what the "left" has in common is shirking personal responsibility. They want to be "liberated" from that responsibility (there's nothing wrong with being fat), and demand "equality" (fat people must be treated the "same", whatever that implies within the context)
How fucking dense are you that radically changing your physiological structure and how the world perceives and responds to you isn't enough to make you reevaluate certain ideologies you held on to?
>reevaluate certain ideologies
Are you, clinically, a retard?
Would getting Veeky Forums change your view on how electricity works, on the evidence supporting the theory of the big bang, on the validity of mathematical proofs? When discussing intellectual subject where evidence and reason dictate the end result, how puffy your biceps are has no discernible effect on the argument. You're a simpleton.
politics isn't a science
electricity is electricity no matter what
but depending on where you are in life, certain political ideologies might benefit you more than others
Neither is Mathematics. Political opinions based on emotion are garbage. Base your beliefs and ideologies on evidence and reason instead of on how much your body tells you you're an alpha male looking for a fight, don't be a fucking moron your metabolism and testosterone levels have no say in this.
absolutely retarded, if anything it's the other way around you dumbfuck
Any male who can't perform a single pull up with good form should be sterilized.
>Political opinions based on emotion are garbage.
This is true, but realize - most young people base their political opinions and ideological worldviews off of emotion, at least to some extent.
It is your experiences in life that educate you away from this. It is your experimenting with what succeeds and what fails in life that teaches you how reality works. There is no textbook full of theorems and proofs and laws fully explaining political ideology, as their are with mathematics.
Experience, along with a growing ability for critical thinking, is the only realistic teacher of politics and worldview. For some, lifting and getting Veeky Forums is a big experience of re-evaluating themselves and their ideas of success and failure, which has much to do with seeing how the world works (and where it fails).
It makes sense to me that getting Veeky Forums would change some people's view of politics.
This, basically.
Evidence and reason helps you to rationalise about morality, and helps you to realise that sometimes things are more complicated than you initially thought. People often base their politics on extremely naive opinions on what is morally good.
But ultimately morality is based on emotions that I can't easily justify with logic.
But they're not based on emotion, they're based on experiences. Political opinions are based on knowledge. Getting Veeky Forums is, for many, the first time they learn to appreciate that hard work pays off. After that you, seeing people claim otherwise or that hard work shouldn't be necessary, will obviously have a different reaction. Through your experience you learn to see things differently.
You are trying way, way too hard to be contrarian here. Nobody in this thread has claimed that metabolism or testosterone is responsible for their change. They are universally citing that they see people who bitch about having nothing, while having never worked for anything, as infantile and retarded.
>alpha male looking for a fight
kek. Nobody is doing that or advocating anything of the kind. You seem triggered as fuck right now.
>I'm so fucking stupid I compared politics to hard science
Jesus christ, there is no fucking hope for many people here.
>mathematics isn't a science
No it's just the fucking foundation of all science moron.
yes but that still doesn't make it a science user, its an intellectual occupation. you don't take the scientific method into concern when doing mathematics.
Yea, I have bad attitude to almost every left winger who's weak, at least the ones who work are respectable.