Can you really call yourself 'fit' if all you do is lift weights?
If you can't run even a 5k, then you're just not fit.
Can you really call yourself 'fit' if all you do is lift weights?
If you can't run even a 5k, then you're just not fit.
this is true
Can you really call yourself 'fit' if all you do is run?
If you can't even 1/2/3/4, then you're just not fit.
Y not both
Exactly, memer.
I do both, but running is definitely the 'fitter' thing
Lifting purely for aesthetics is not being fit
>running is the fitter thing
Haha, okay friendo
>"lifting purely for aesthetics"
fucking kys dyel
if i get decent at swimming, will i get decent at running without running? sweat is gross
Probably not
>"Running" most people do
Sprinting > Jogging all the way.
Jogging is for fags. How fucking boring would it be to jog at a slow ass pace for 2+ hours and be like, "good workout bros I sure like being a fucking skeleton whose only talent is moving at a mild pace for a long period of time".
Just do like 10-15 mins of hard sprinting 3 times a week and maybe a 5k once a month. At least in lifting, you've got to learn form and you can do other shit while resting in between sets.
>there's no form in running
>tfw running about 20 miles a week at sun up or sun down
>tfw also working out 3 times a week
>tfw eating clean as fuck
There honestly is no better feel. Also, cardio is one of the only ways to induce neurogenesis.
Your statement is correct. No reasonable or educated person will dispute this.
That's my week, it's pretty comfy
How many 10k's a week do you need to do to be considered fit
>Taking 15 mins to learn and adapt to correct jogging form to avoid injuries and be more efficient to conserve energy
As opposed to learning dozens of lifts and constantly correctly your form on the core ones so you don't get squashed under huge loads.
keep jogging faget
I think swimming is funnier than running anyway
i like running the days i lift and on the days i don't ill do some form of HIIT(usually sprints), rest on sundays
Can I sprint my way into a decent 5k? Like, do intervals on off days, then just go straight into a 3 miler?
agree, 1/2/3/4 is more advanced that 5k but it still stands
>lifting is a better way to judge fitness because of muh form
that's a p stupid thing to say
I prefer the term >aesthetic af
It carries over decently well. You can train up running a lot faster if you're a long distance swimmer vs. if you skwatz&oats.
Swimming is a great form of cardio anyway. If that's your form of cardio, don't worry about running. It's far, far lower impact. Running in general has a pretty high injury rate. Extremely high in competitive sprinting. But when's the last time you've heard of a swimmer injuring himself?
>being fit
>being Veeky Forums
Damn cardiolets trying to claim they are fit. Ha. Half of you are probably out of breath going up the stairs
swimming is definitely a better form of cardio, cardio gainz are better, and there is a lower chance for injury compounded with the fact that its infinitely lower impact. I'd however argue that the only thing that doesn't really carry over running is calf strength and your feet will probably hurt bc you're not used to running
I don't see why not, other than the muscle work, swimming helps with breathing patterns, so that you don't suffocate while running
Enjoy your asthma
>cardio meme
why must we divide ourselves
It doesn't matter if you lift or run or do both, as long as you aren't a fatass
lifting weights only makes you better at lifting weights though. running crosses over to basically any sport.
As if my muscles know what they're pushing against.
You heard it here, folks, Runfags are now the same as those functional strength kettle ball fucks.
In what circumstance are you gonna need to bench press something that isn't a barbell
Its not just press you fuck. Literally all activities use muscle. Lifting weights makes them bigger and stronger. If I can deadlift 300 pounds, then my back isn't suddenly going to be weak and useless because I'm lifting a shovel full of dirt instead of a barbell.
Cardio is used pretty every time you move
If all you do is lift you may as well be fat
Your heart is just another muscle. You wouldn't avoid working out your chest so why would you avoid working out your heart?
Weights + Cardio is fitness
I can "run" a 5k in an hour, how do I improve?
Actually running it
That's like asking how many times you need to squat just the bar to be fit. Completion isn't the goal. Competency is.
I try to avoid the running threads even though I have a lot of experience to offer. Your standards here are just pathetic and I drive myself crazy. At my high school, to make the varsity for the girl's squad took sub 21. That's the GIRL'S squad. We didn't have more than one or two girls on a squad of 30-40+ who were slower than 30 minutes for 5k... and that's cross country, so hills grass etc. Our guys team didn't have anyone slower than 25 minutes during my four years of high school.
Most of fit doesn't care about actual fitness. They care about aesthetics and then perform complex mental gymnastics to get over the fact that their concept of what it means to be "fit" is woefully and embarrassingly one dimensional.
Teacher here. When the athletes do their annual community service, it's usually planting trees and shrubs and doing garden work at public parks. The swimmers, wrestlers, and yes even the XC kids are far far more useful than the huge football players for manual labor. The little fuckers can move heavy stuff great for the first half hour and then before we're halfway to lunch break they're useless. I've been teaching almost a decade and it's the same fucking thing every year.
I do weights, kickboxing, swimming AND crossfit.
Now all i need to do is bike and i'll be the superhero i always dreamed of.
Btw if you lift for an hour every other day and think that's working out you are so, so wrong.
Start training like your old animes faggots, go out there and push it to the limit.
>m-muh injuries
stfu pussy
>implying running 5km is impressive
Lanklets always make me laugh.
It's not
that's why it was "If you can't run even a 5k"
Everything except running
pretty sure the swimmers and wrestlers have to lift regularly anyway
Never call myself fit.
Call myself strong as fuck
why do people like you just randomly spew shit without actually trying it first and seeing why people do it?
>I sure like being a fucking skeleton
and now you definitely don't know what you're talking about.
actually try jogging for once and you'll see why people do it. and more than a mile, if you can make it that far.
What is the difference between jogging and running anyway
Is there an official speed difference?
This. I see this so much, in running and lifting.
>I spend hours half walking and jogging, why arn't I better than last week
>I've been lifting the same 200 pounds for weeks; why am I stalling?
You gotta fucking push yourself to get better. It's going to hurt, and be hard, but I'm sick of seeing faggots give up on a set as soon as the weights start getting hard
Among runner, for an easy distance run, usually above 7:00 per mile is jogging and under 7:00 is running. Fit is pretty slow so standards might vary.
>anything above a 7 minute mile pace is jogging
Those are some pretty high standards m80
You have obviously never lifted weights before. Bodybuilding is all about the illusion of fitness most people you see lifting weights are the most unhealthy people you will meet. I use drugs, i put unnecessary pressure on my joints, i restrict what i eat, i limit my social interaction all that just so i look healthy.
;_; what have we become?
Fucking jacked and shredded. Is it worth it...fuck yeah.
he said
>among runners
What is a 'runner' anyway
That's true
That is why I do cardio
Someone who actually tries to look like pic related
I used to do cross country; don't run long distances anymore but I can still do a 5k ez as I can run it once a month or so.
Why anybody cares about running long distance is beyond me.
If you ask most DYELs what "heavy weight" is they'll say that getting up to 2plates for 1rm on squat is heavy. It's all relative to the crowd you're asking. I ran in college on an XC and track scholarship and on my team, if you did an easy run (like 5-10 miles or even a long run of 13+) at slower than 7 minute pace you'd get left in the dust and the other guys would be asking if you were on your period.
I can run a mile in about 8 minutes, which is fine by me
>>Posting one of the most notoriously injured and publicly anorexic females of all time
>>Not the first white man to ever break 27:00 for 10k
user, pls.
wow, bro. your high school sounds pretty rad. do you still hang out there a lot?
I did cross country in high school and ended up walking most of the way. I recall finishing some races (6 miles?) in around 1:10:00.
I was the fastest sprinter in track, however.
Sorry for using my high school experiences as an example. I can provide a different example if you prefer. Would you like me to talk about my college times (closer to your age, farther from your ability) or my middle school times (closer to your ability, also closer to your reading level).
Not him but what is the best way to get a good 1.5 mile time
Not even that dude you're replying to, but holy fucking shit man you're the biggest fedora overlord I've ever encountered on fit
Stay beta man, holy shit
Id prefer you to pull your katana. *teleports behind you*
tbf jogging isn't running. When I run, I actually run, not just pop in earbuds and pretend I'm doing cardio.
Consistent mileage at 60-70% HR (conversational pace but not slow slogging) four four days per week. One day per week of intervals that get either closer in speed to goal race pace, or longer in distance, with short rest (10x200m, then 10x300m, 10x400m, 10x500m, start at goal pace plus ~20 seconds per mile, then 15, 10, 5, goal) short rest being ~200 slow jog. One day off. Alternate short sprints all out with long rest, or longer tempo runs (goal race pace plus 45-60 seconds per mile) of 15-25 minutes for that 7th day.
5k? LMAO if You can't do 100m in under 13s or a mile in under 7 or 10miles total your not fit
Is there any kind of resource like the sticky when it comes to running and cardio and shit?
Would be helpful to know if im about to fuck my shit up or not.
You're right. A high school teammate died last weekend in a climbing accident. That other user's comment got under my skin. I overreacted. This is Veeky Forums.
Daniel's Running Formula is like SS but for running.
1/2/3/4 is entry level, it is literally babies first milestone
>mixing imperial and metric
Never gonna make it brah
You're still talking in the exact same way a fedora lord would. Sure, you know about running, and I don't care what name you call him, but don't write so damn autistically.
>tfw havent run in over 1.5 years till last week, still pulling 2 miles under 11min
>*takes 5 min break after typing*
Yeah right
If you're running 2 miles at 5:30 per mile pace, what were you doing before that 1.5 year break? Not training wise, like in measured competition.
Same here.
Full body, and running 4x4 5% inclined intervals
OP ran his first 5k today, go easy on the cardiofag
like rowing?
Not even kidding m8. I'm a retired Royal Marine; my life revolved around cardio cardio cardio. I could pull sub 9.30 on 2 miles.
Now a 98 kg 6'3 ex cardio fag that has 2/3/4.5/5 for tripples fucking #rekts almost everyone.
:^) not even shitposting
what camo is that
it's not cs95
I amWe used to run 3 times a week, 2x with a group pace (sub 45 minutes on 10k minimum, other was a 5k "slow" run in phase 3 of HR). Only personal run were the interval trainings where you focused on 400m on end p2/start p3. Then a 200m on p4 HR. Never did a lot of intervals on time, only focused on heart rate.
Next to that I did two races during that time at a Christmas sponsoring run for poor kids where me and a buddy ran 3.4-3.5 km in 10.25 if I recall correctly
RNLMC camo, have used it for 4.5 years in total. Having a smoke now, I'll make a pic of my old uniform in a sec if you can identify it with that
Absolutely not. To get a decent 5k time requires practice. A years worth of training will get you into the 18 min 5ks for sure with 10% body fat.
Training includes mental health as well. You have to be strong and push yourself for hours at a time.
Like said just running 15 minutes is not challenging emotions and will. Fuck I could do that right now.
Results range from better asthetics to better breathing while working out to working longer and harder on projects. Seriously, physical labor is so much easier to perform with barely starting to sweat after an hour
Yep breath harder faget
>had a 17 minute 5k and 4:55 mile in HS
>started lifting in college
>haven't ran further than 3 miles in 4 years
>haven't times a mile in 4 years
>mile is probably >6 minutes by now
I regret nothing because now I actually look good instead of like a spooky scary skeleton
Highschool football players are literally fatties who decided to pick up weights to validate their fat existence
Don't know what you were expecting when you put swimmers against football players in terms of ENDURANCE
Pretty fucking stupid for a teacher to be honest lad
I'm an American scientist that's what we do, how do you think the space shuttle challenger exploded after all?cmon now
There's form in REAL running. Not in that halfassed jogging people do.
quads. noice.
Also, plenty of things are better at stimulating neurogenesis. We call these things nootropics.
I can sprint, but I've got a fucked up knee so I can't run properly without fucking myself up even more.
I do row competitively and swim a lot. And lift.
Running 1k in a decent time is awesome and practical. Running 5k is just RIP knees, you're better off biking or swimming.
Not the teacher but since you're defending the fatty football players you yourself must be one. You guys are cancer
>b...b...but muh boredom!
If running is boring to you, then you got a boring personality and no creativity. I run literally with no distractions other than my own mind.
>b...b...but muh skeleton!
CICO. Same shit applies to running. I'm nowhere near skeleton. Sure, I could have more muscle mass if I lifted more instead of run more, but same concept applies.
>b....b...but muh form!
Proper running does take form. Proper cadence and stride otherwise you wear out fast and you end up with injuries. You can get away with shitty form even up to a 10k.
>b...b...but muh rest between sets
So you're not fit?
I was skelly distance runner in HS lad.
Just insulting the "teacher" for expecting any other result when pitting endurance specialists against strength specialists in an endurance-based activity.
I hated HS football players. They were the biggest and stupidest douchebags in all of my youth
So if we tried to make a test to move 2 tons worth of shit 100 meters from its original location who would win?
Xc team or football team? Equal # of members and they have the option of how much is moved at a time