What the fuck is up with Gordon Ramsey's body? He looks lean and strong-ish for an old man but that shit is like a box. Can this be fixed with isolated lifts or is he fucked? What did he do in the first place to get to this point?
Weird Bodies
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He aged.
>that frame
Jesus, I know he's old but the hell is up with that torso?
It's genetics you dumb fucks.
Dat dere frogtech
>tfw similar frame
kill me kek
He has a large chest and feet because he is high test alpha male
Statement: I am repulsed
bb ur beautiful
i'd take u own on a nice chinese buffet
His arms look decent for his age
But his chest, WTF happened there?
He's still Alpha as fuck though and could probably reduce 99.99% of the people on this forum into tears in a verbal fight
>He's still Alpha as fuck though and could probably reduce 99.99% of the people on this forum into tears in a verbal fight
To you only
He should just join the dark side.
>thinking he can beat the Ramsey in a verbal fight
Sure thing buddy
The second one I have of >her
No sauce sorry famalamadiddledoo
She would look ok if she lost weight.
Would not fuck boipucci
Query: HK 47, is that you?
They look nothing alike.
You're a liar. I hate trannies with an undying passion but I would absolutely destroy that.
I dont even know who the guy is. But he looks like a faggot with pants like that and I just love bullying faggots. ( Bullying faggot is a traditional sport here anyway)
I have this shit too. Will never be aesthetic with a barbell chest
well at least you can train for strength
>tfw no barbell chest
>doesn't know Ramsey
10/10 my sides are gone
There's...there's a barbell in your chest?
you owe me a new set of sides
shes like a damn hobgoblin
To many slices of Za
who is "she"?
> Taking ottermode literally.
Missing the subway but kek non the less
Fuck me, those sweater puppies look amazing. It must be awesome to have big tits like that.
Lel'd hard
>lift for nearly 2 years
>weigh over 100kg
>still can't bench 2pl8
>lift 2 years and can't bench BW
That's pretty sad senpai
He'd look alright with bigger arms.
My sides have left me thank you user
I know
I don't know what's wrong with me
you're not gonna progress if you "lift" twice a month
I lift 3 times per week
lol ok
who'd win in a fight?
>thought it was the original
kek got me good
holy cameltoe batman
Bourdain is pretty good at BJJ, but he would have to stop every 30 seconds for a cigarette break.
what was ramsey thinking going out like that
ah, but he quit smoking
>gordon would get reckd
What are you thinking shitposting like this?
you are benching wrong. Your arms are too flared out. tuck your elbows in. Odds are you are moving the bar too high up your chest on the movement. Keep the bar around npple height at all times.
have a video.
This kills the sides
having british genetics
Sides were already gone till I saw Juan in the background, now they're lost forever
And the gold medal for best spontaneous memery goes to....
Fucking kek