What do you think about Jason Genova Veeky Forums?

What do you think about Jason Genova Veeky Forums?

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I don't know. What?

I don't know. What?

I don't know. What?

janoy is florida. the eternal american. he is what is wrong with social media. what is wrong with the selfie culture. he also might be the greatest unintentional comedian of all time.

Absolutely pissening

Isn't he dating a tranny

This - he called himself a 'legend' of the fitness community the other day and got caught out banging trannies after saying they were real girls. His 240p shitty quality also makes him that much more unprofessional and hilarious to laugh at.

Yeah - the tranny still has a dick as well

Legit a retard. I felt sorry when rich beat him but now I think he deserved it. He needs more consequences for his actions.