>Barely any armpit hair
>Little to no facial hair, barely noticeable
>Not that much leg hair, it stops halfway to my kneecap
>Have arm hair like a 14 year old Mexican girl that doesn't shave
How do I fix this?
Wait until your in your 40s and the 20 year olds think your in your late 20s.
immediately get on hormones and become a feminine fucktoy.
you are ultra low test gamma male, perfect candidate to become a woman.
Do you lift?
knee or neck
>Wide shoulders and small hips
Don't fix it, unless you're showing other low test signs then who gives a fuck. I'm 24 and most women are hairier than me.
Why is this bad? If you're jacked then you'll look better than a super hairy dude. I'm jealous desu
>plenty of armpit hair
>generous hair below waistline
>shitty stiff stubble on face
>pretty much hairless everywhere else
ass hair is the worst why the fuck does this shit even exist
I'm using this right now
I'm a month and a half or so in and I'm getting facial hair. I shaved a couple days ago and when I rub the back of my hand on my face I can feel a lot of stubble. I used to have no facial hair except on my chin and a few where a moustache should be.
>"Looks like a good day for a drive!" by JFK
fuckin lmao
thanks for the link senpai, I needed that. guess I'll just take a little more care washing my ass in the future
Are you Asian? My chinese mate is hairless af.
Body hair isn't related to test
Life is hell.
>hair on feet
>hair on legs
>hair on stomach and even on dick
>lower body is bear mode
>absolutely no hair on chest or face
I wish it was the other way around.
>have big wiggy
>have tiny testicles
How do I make my cojones larger?
You don't want this user.
I once shaved everything but legs and it took me an hour until everything was gone.
All hair was back at the same length around one to two weeks later.
Is upperbody hair even worse?
just live your life as a hairless twink cum dump.
At least my chest hair is a bitch to deal with. Shit grows in all kind if wonky directions so its really easy to get ingrown hairs