I made this back in 2013, still relevant?

Pic related. I made this back in 2013, is it still applicable, or are attractive women also feminist now?

If a women get's fit, do you think that it alleviates her feminist ideals? If so what is it about the experience that changes their outlook EG the experience of doing hard work, becoming beautiful and not needing to be entitled?

Also, what's with the NO GF MEME on this board. Do you guys really want some whiney bimbo that you have to constantly "compromise" with?

How can I get bigger calves without implants?

your handwriting is dogshit my dude

>my dude
Twitter, please go and stay go.

I'm a Dr.

I've never ever seen an attractive feminist so you're right.

Beyoncé is black and I cannot find blackies attractive so I'm still correct.

that's pretty racist my dude

My dude, how can his sexual preference be racist?


Why is that racist? Explain "my dude".

What am I meant to be attracted to black girls to not be racist? Are you fucking dumb my dude?

"Oh, you don't want to have sex with men? what are you some kind of HOMOPHOBIC BIGOT???

>I've never ever seen an attractive feminist


Feminist women are usually very hollow and malleable, what you're talking about really does not matter.

Fat Feminist TRIGGERED

Our views of attractive are different.
The .gif you posted shows a 4/10 for me.
KYS for having bad taste.

That is commercial feminism, C'MON

Did you mean for the function to have slight negative concavity


That's because you lower your score because you know she is a feminist. Claiming she is in the bottom 40% on looks alone is laughable unless you are a fat fetish fag. You are just too retarded to realize that you find many feminists attractive but don't realize that they are feminists.

Shut up, you sound like a faggot

Being a feminist instantly makes women undateable for me. It's literally the opposite of how a woman is supposed to be psychologically.

She's not a 4/10, definitely attractive, but her features are too neotenous to be arousing to most males. She has low test and low estrogen, her offspring would be likely frail or unviable.

She looks like she would be one of Hitler's best soldiers.

I assume your axes are wrong; the feminist belief is the independent variable, and attractiveness is dependent on one's level of feminist beliefs.

Unless you mean to say that the uglier the person is, the more likely they are to have strong feminist beliefs.

That's not so much of a problem considering you're undateable for all women.

It's plain and simple, as males become more masculine they become less feminine and as females become more feminine they become less masculine. This increased sexual dimorphism promotes specialization and thus traditional gender roles. In the event that humans are unfit homogenous ladymen, they will feel more free to perform any task (men raising children, women providing resources, etc) but will do so with lesser skill than a specialized individual of the intended gender. There is a trade off between being extensible and proficient. It's akin to the difference between minmaxing a video game character, and throwing skills in every aspect. For males, research indicates that lifting and being athletic (general masculine behaviors) are associated with valuing traditional gender roles, and thus it is no surprise that to be an attractive feminine female would promote the same.

Ahh, the irrefutable logic (known as unstable emotions by everyone else) of an angry feminist.

High value attractive women use 'feminism' as ammunition against cucks/undesirable men and female competition, but offer high value men the traditional admiration, lust and parenting that the low value cucks on this forum and in the population mistakenly believe they deserve

This is true. I know several attractive feminists, 0 of them are cunts against their bfs. Some are even 'housewives'.

Tbh, i seem to find most feminist women who are the breadwinners/strong/independent etc..... get off solely on masculine men and being submissive.

thats just my observation.

I don't think there are any true female supremacists.

Certainly not above 5-6/10 then, idc about her being feminist, her appearance is ugly.

Whats with the influx of shitty trippers lately, i dont remember people just tripping left and right outside of a cbt or plg to shitpost. I should leave.

I'd like feminism in a girlfriend. It'd be nice to date someone with strong opinions on something, even if they're different than my own

>Attractive feminists

See, lads, the point is that someone like Emma Watson actually is quite attractive. I don't really get the weird obsession people have with her but w/e, there's no accounting for taste. None of you autists would turn her down and neither would I.

But she only claims to be a feminist, is the point. I know, I know; no true scotsman. But let me explain.

Feminism requires a wholesale rejection of men, physically and socially. Men, their opinions, their needs and wants cannot factor into a feminist's life. This is why feminists are so casually mean and disparaging.

Think about the companion to this: A misogynist. Someone who actually hates women to the point of wanting them to be hurt. I've never met one, and I doubt any of you have either. It's just not normal. Even if you are chauvinistic, like me, you wouldn't wish harm upon women.

So Emma Watson, she grows her hair long. She wears makeup, jewelry and beautiful dresses to signal her high status as a mate. Whatever reason she gives, she is just a mammal like the rest of us and wants to be valued by her peers.

If she were really a feminist, she wouldn't care about that validation and probably look like andrea dworkin by now.

In this thread: People who've made up their own definition of "feminism" so they can continue to channel their inadequacy into rage against women.

ITP - the definition I made up is more valid than the definition you made up

They can believe whatever the fuck the want, as long as its not pushed on me or even brought up in conversation, ever.

"Feminism has a well-known definition, many of the most prominent feminists are married or at least have male friends, but it actually means a woman who hates men on all levels. I don't actually know anybody like this, but I presume that fat chick I sometimes see at the laundromat is one of them, and then there's this character on TV and another in a Youtube video."

I bet if you tried to cum in her direction it would vaporize at the 1 meter mark and a quick camera change would reveal some sort of anti-man field surrounding her.

ITT Feminist sympathsizors