What's our opinion on cold showers?
What's our opinion on cold showers?
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if you have the discipline for em, they're great. I personally couldn't doit tho, not even in the summer.
Good shit but I'm not fucking doing them when I wake up.
MY opinion on cold showers, they are fucking god tier.
They are really the only kind of shower I take now, I only take warm if I'm feeling tense.
Cold shower have so many benefits when you get used to them you will not regret it at all.
For tryhards
Get then good heat shock proteins from hot water, cold shock proteins from being naked in a cold house.
Lotion up because heat opens the pores to allow better moisturizing. Otherwise it dries your skin out.
Hot water + lotion is beat for skin
>muh mental tuffness
Is for neckbeards
That's honestly the BEST time to take one, I feel so refreshed and alert with my cold shower first thing in the morning.
Yeah fuck no, if it's your thing cool but I'm a grumpy fucking prick when I wake up so it's a no-go for me.
At night though I'm all over it.
Heat is better for recovery.
What are the benefits of cold showers?
Like what
Hot water is shit for skin you fucking idiot
>cold showers
Should the shower start hot then end cold?
Or is it cold all the way through?
Cold showers are GOAT. Doesn't take any mental toughness, it's just cold water and all you have to do is stand under it. Wakes me up better than a thousand coffees ever could and just gets me pumped in general. Also better skin
Just as those famous hot coal baths, not those stupid ice baths.
If you like them its good, since i startex takening them i generally feel better, hot water feels bad now, im not autistic about it though.
Tried that for a few weeks some time ago, did nothing for me. People claim it's like a running start into the day, and while I admit it's funny sensation, it wears off very quickly. I also am rather pedantic with my hygiene and I notice that with cold showers I simply do not take the time I probably should.
A much better thing I discovered is commuting to work with my road bike. It's not a long track, but I always use it to sprint, which kind of replaced my leg workout. Feel super energized after that.
Lots of health benefits, really nice after the gym
I have no concept of the exact temperatures involved, but it's very implausible to me that water that literally has the temperature of your own fucking body should be bad for your skin. You don't need to shower with boiling hot water, there's a whole range between "cold" and "hot" you know.
And what do you base your logic on? What does it being the same temperature as you have to do with it?
PS. How cold/hot is water in most rivers, lakes, oceans?
It's just implausible to me. What is the exact damaging mechanism supposed to be? Again, I'm not talking about super hot water, I know many girls who do that kind of shit, I mean just medium temperature, around body temperature.
>PS. How cold/hot is water in most rivers, lakes, oceans?
In Africa it's probably something like 30°C. Then again there really is not much water in Africa so it's questionable whether we even evolved to bathe at all.
Can you list these supposed health benefits?
I've read somewhere that it helps you fall asleep faster. Take a cold shower, go to sleep under a blanket, fall a sleep quickly.
>he doesn't know what google is
You asserted a claim with no data to support it, I'm not doing your job for you
For the ones complaining, why don't you fucking retards just jump in a warm shower, wash yourself and then slowly turn the temp over to cold? It's much more bearable that way.
They are cold
You are asking the question when the information is a mere click away lad
and that wasn't me anyway.
>cold shower in the morning to kickstart your day
>hot shower in the evening to relax dem musclez
Feels great during summer. Not so much a disciplinary thing, more just survival when it's fucking 2-trillion degrees out every day.
Completely wrong, hot showers help you fall asleep quicker
>tfw dont have the luxury of heated showers
i'm stuck with whatever temperature my shower gives me
I wouldn't consider 37C water hot. As far as I know there isn't any excessive drying of the skin at that temperature but colder water tightens pores which means better skin. I used to get back acne but as soon as I switched to cold it disappeared. Body temp showers are also sedative so not ideal unless you shower at night
Personally I find it easier to go from relatively hot to gradually turn colder, rinse whole body, go colder again, and again, then when it is absolutely freezing put my head under it for a couple of seconds while breathing heavily then gtfo. works like a charm
Lol a cold shower would send your heart into a frenzy which is not helpful at all for sleep
Follow the Russian way of recovery.
Sit in the sauna til I am completely drenched in sweat then I jump straight in to cold water to shock the body and give me a test boost.
dont forget to smack yourself with twigs to increase blood circulation
Definitely wake your ass up. I did them for a while but then my legs would start itching like crazy for up to a half hour afterward so I stopped.
Better than coffee I swear to god
>Hot water knob? Haven't touched it in months. I'm actually currently going through the process of having it uninstalled from my plumbing, they should be coming out sometime next week. I had to list a reason(s) on the work order as to why I am requesting my hot water knob to be removed and discarded. Would you can to hear the reasons? Well stay tuned friend. 2 reasons:
>1. Discipline
>2. Mental toughness
>My property manager was initially questioning my reasons, but I explained to her that by taking cold showers I am actually able to develop discipline and mental toughness. After a long and heated (note that I needn't anything heated, especially my water) debate, I was able to convince her to put the work order in. Now I'm living a great life, warm water free. I even started forcing my gf to take cold showers with me. I refuse to date an inferior female, and I explained to her that if she can't learn to accept and love cold showers as I have then we really have no business being together anyways.
Only in the summer.
>fucking minnesota summers what the shit
Start hot to clean myself and finish cold to rinse
That's very interesting user. How are the other areas of your life going while we're updating your blog?
Are you kidding me dude? Your daily highs are low 80's that a nice cool day.
>I don't do a thing so it's only for neckbeards
You okay buddy?
Nope, for tryhards you signup for cold water/hot therapy baths. You go into a cold pool then go into a jacuzzi.
warm showers make my balls hang like a horses and cold showers make my dick purple and balls puffy
so I chose warm showers
>tfw puffy nips so cold showers temporarily make me look normal
they definitely aren't warm showers
I do this since is good to my atopic dermatitis. I have a really fragile skin and I'm a 30 yo man.
name 3
most people who do it have fedora af reasons
>muh power of will
>muh natty test
Basically around 110F/43C / when it starts burning
its nice after biking in the hot sun
It's almost 30c and over 80% humidity, i love cold showers right now
You must not be from Minnesota because about two weeks ago it was hitting high 90's with humidity pushing the index to over 105.
they're a bit cold
This. I used to love over heated showers, now I can´t fucking stand it. Makes my pulse jump like crazy and feel bloated afterwards.
It´s healthy for you skin
It´s healthy for your hair
helps speed up muscle recovery
Scottish showers are better, hot to get all the sweat and dirt off, then cold for the refreshment. Plus it makes the cold shower feel colder.
I was sceptical about cold showers at first but now it's all I really take. Taking hot showers alone feels wierd now.
>muh discipline
Not really, it's just refreshing especially in the summer. Plus after a while you get used to it and barely feel it.
Always have one before going to bed at night, always finish my hot shower in the morning with a long blast of cold.
Feels fucking amazing, and it closes your pores a bit so your skin is a little less fucked
they're fine but i'm not quite sure why neckbeards have suddenly adopted them as some sort of le warrior mantra. i'll shower most of the year cold simply because it's more comfortable. the discipline side of it is pretty retarded. you get adapted very quickly to dealing with it - i'm talking like 2 days of 2 showers a day and you'll already handle the cold a lot better so it's not a big struggle.
they might be if it's hot as fuck outside and the shower cools you off but a cold shower when it's cold out will keep you wired for 20+ minutes.
Or let your gym buddies do the spanking. Anything for test gains, right?
>I don't want to train my mind
getting Veeky Forums isn't just about the outside bro
Every morning, every evening.
They are amazing for waking up, and they're amazing for falling asleep.
>people are either too pussy to take one effectively or too scared to even try
I-it's for spregs HAHaah meme-showers! right g-guys?
Are cold showers good for the skin? I have shitty skin genetics i.e. gets dry easily, scars are really noticeable as well as stretch marks, eczema when I was a kid etc.
Id imagine scottish showers are better, basically a hot shower followed by a cold shower. hot to open and cleanse pores and cold to close them again.
I could be talking shit though, so take that for what you will.
I take cold showers when it's really hot, like the past few weeks it was ridiculous, but most of the time I don't. fuck cold showers in winter, I don't care what autists would have to say about that one.
How does a shower constantly fluxing from hot and cold compare to one at a stagnant temperature (hot or cold)?
>n-no actually h-hot water is actually better for you, cold showers are meme and kill gains n-not scared or anything
I have low blood circulation, and a high metabolism so it wakes me up like no other. Started 3 months ago and havent gone back.
Also, for every one like struggling with it, focus on your breathing and try to breath with your core/diaphragm.
It goes without saying that swimmers will be better at this than non-swimmers.
>It´s healthy for you skin
>It´s healthy for your hair
>helps speed up muscle recovery
Hot showers dry out your skin broseph
after 5-10 minutes
I cannot speak for hair.
I just take them because i like them. I do not tell anyone because nobody cares.
I always switch to cold showers before winter to build up my cold resistance
b-but m-m-muh fedore maymay!
living a disciplined life is for le tryhards r-right fellow manchildren?
>It´s healthy for your skin
cold temperatures closes the pores on your skin which prevents spots and blackhead forming
>It´s healthy for your hair
>helps speed up muscle recovery
explain to me why professional athletes always take cold baths after every event?
>if you have the discipline for em, they're great. I personally couldn't doit tho, not even in the summer.
Allot of false dichotomies in this thread, No cs vs Full cs.
Well, personally, i take 20 to 25% of cold showers.
Fucking love them, have had times where I'm done showering but pop for give more minutes. Shit just makes me feel refreshed and ready to take on the fucking world. Too bad I'm sick at the moment and can't take any.
cold showers are like a win/lose.
Hot (warm) showers open pores, cold showers close.
Does it hurt, being that retarded?
>it's healthy for your hair
Well it doesnt dry out your scalp like hot water does. I get terrible dandruff from hot showers.
This, but then you get them pointy nips if you put a T-shirt on. Only few know this pain
Pointy nips bother me much less than puffy
the hell shit feels like 120 boi
Puffy nips does things to my cock that both terrifies and delights me.
I did this for 6 months.