What kind of hairproducts does Veeky Forums use?
What kind of hairproducts does Veeky Forums use?
American Crew daily moisturizing shampoo, followed by American Crew daily conditioner, dry hair half-way with a towel, apply a small amount of hair product (Medium hold, high shine), finish drying hair with a blow-dryer, add more hair product as needed, or a product to increase hold if my hair is too thick because I haven't recently had a hair cut.
Who are those semen demons?
I use shampoo the day I get a haircut
Other than that, nothing
Don't have hair son
I use a conditioner and shampoo bought from the place i get my haircut so theyre good stuff
I also use salt spray bought from the same place to keep my hair nice and tight
5/5 mroom products
Head and Shoulders thick and strong because it gives me controllable hair without it being greasy. Once a week, I used Aussie 3 minute miracle because my girl likes the texture it produces (it also works well on beards when they're transitioning from long stubble to full beard mode and are scratchy).
Head and shoulders anti-dandruff because my scalp is fucking shit.
I use lipogaine.
This. Along with a good smelling conditioner, I don't stick to one brand
This. I shave my head
Whatever hair cream i find first at the store, have a jewfro so it doesn't realy matter
Garnier fructis shampoo and conditioner because they're cheap and get the job done. I tried that expensive salon stuff like tea tree for a while, but it left my hair dry and my scalp itchy. I also use pomade to style.
How do you guys shave off the stubble?
I knocked my hair down with a a trimmer, but I can only get the front where it is thin to go down to the scalp. The back is so thick the razor kind of just bounces and skips.
thats because you are buying some market shit lvl conditioner etc
honestly user trust me on this one, buy a more expensive one from a good salon and just keep using them for a few months, dont change the product
my dandruff has gone away for years now, the bottle costs me 25 euros a piece but i dont give a fuck the payoff is too good.
I use to rock the buzz cut look, but now I grew my hair out and use American Crew Fiber.
Scalp sweat
I buzz my head. When it starts getting longer I don't even wash it. So none.
Girls products seem to be superior. Also cheaper.
Doesn't give off that shiny look and also won't make your hair clump up in hard strands.
I want to build up to no 'poo but if I stop using it for a day my hair gets oily as fuck
>girls product
nigga what
An actual fag.
Even their deodorant is better brah
That's normal. your hair oil level will go back to normal after a week.
Afterwards your hair will be soft and silky as fuck.
I had really bad dandruff as well, that went away instantly when I started no 'poo
Serious. The shampoo was £1.50 because "introductory offer" tries to lock you into brands.
The conditioner was £1.50 same logic.
Mens separate shampoo and conditioner is always a bit more expensive because I guess they assume men earn more then women or that their market is gay and definitely earn more than average.
The hair oil, well there's no male specific hair oil to compare with.
Just make sure you rinse your hair everyday and it'll be fine. Your body gets used to the dried out phase so loads your hair up with oil at first. After a little bit it will calm down.
honestly, for a dece men's shampoo it's a few bucks more for a great one marketed towards women
>how can your masculinity even WITHSTAND THIS AFFRONT
>that's why i only use DUDE WIPES and MEN'S TOWELS
>i'm not insecure YOU ARE
probably shit whitey hair too desu
Aight thanks brahs, I'm done with my summer classes to finish up by B.S. and my job doesn't start for 2 weeks so I will try cutting out the 'poo.
do i just use water then?
i do, yeah. some people recommend making a paste out of water and bicarbonate of soda (i think) but i cba
how do I bocome bald? hair is eating too much of my proteins
care to give a name of whatever you're using?
My mother got me into herbal hair treatment.
I'm literally crushing nettle in a mortar until it's powder and then I'm mixing it with apple juice (from homegrown apples) and vinegar.
The vinegar gives your scalp that light acid it loves, the apple juice nullifies the vinegar's scent and probably does some good things too, while the nettle keeps the scalp fresh and is good for the skin.
I've also tried a mix of water, honey and nettle in the past. It was god-tier, but the nearby bee farm closed, and honey is expensive in nearby supermarkets, so I don't buy it for that anymore.
I literally wash my hair once or twice a week with that and it's fresh at all times, even though it's long.
>shit whitey hair
Confirmed for a niggerfaggot.
Don't be such a sensitive pussy. If it's cheaper, and works better, who cares who it was intended for? I'd use dog shampoo if it came down to it. No one gives a fuck but you.
garnier fructis shampoo and conditioner combo for dry hair
8$ at Walgreens
Got it for 3 dollars cash because of their points thing
This, only one I could find that didn't make my hair look greasy. Smells pretty good too
How do I into hair care products? My hair and beard are next on my list of unfucking myself up.
Nice Satanic Trips, Johnny Appleseed.
go to a good salon and ask your hairdresser
coconut oil before shower, 2 times a week
i shaved all of my hair off once and im going nopoo since then. its looking great.
this is good shit, I use the green one. Unreal fucking hold.
this shit
I trust the japs
>tfw will never have a threeway with these sloots
The only thing I found that works for me with short hair. Plus it doesn't make it shiny.
Leave in conditioner, oil, conditioner, shampoo, dry shampoo, two curling irons, flat iron, volumizer, hairspray, a few brushes
>fewest ingredients
>available everywhere
>generic is the same and even cheaper
Why would you need anything else?
Currently using toner and voilet shampoo to remove the yellow brass from my hair
I use a boar bristle brush to loosen any flakes in my hair and beard.
Then I just wash with cold water.
im laughing but i'll be joining you later in life
Unless its right before a haircut and that one time only I use that expensive ass shampoo and conditioner by CREW
none. my hair is too thick and grows too quickly to need that crap. I just get it cut and thinned out every 4 weeks to keep it neat.
Turtle Wax. I like to blind a motherfucker with the shine on my dome.
This. Head and Shoulders Dry Scalp Care.
Otherwise nothing else because I 3-2-1 buzz my hair every week.
basic backcomb structure, slightly root boosted with a cheeky fringe
cold showers and razac like a real man
Spittle. I hear fresh whey also works.
You guys realize how much shit goes through your skin? Go take a look at your hair products right now, let me know if you see any sort of parabens, which you most likely will find. Enjoy your cancer.
Daily Conditioner. Moisturizer.
I shave my head to the skin every day when I wake up
Good routine for those with thick stubborn locks.
Shampoo/condition. Blow dry until only slightly damp, run american crew firming gel through hair, blow dry until dry while running hands through. Finish with your fav product. I recommend blind barber, baxter of cali or even the green/blue american crew creams.
head and shoulders, because it's the only thing stopping my fucking dandruff, using anything else and my head snows
I make my own hair product out of bees wax, coconut oil, shea butter, arrowroot powder, and essential oils so it smells good
This shit right here. It looks great and smells fantastic. It's also cheap as fuck.
Don't overdo and you wont look like you just came from the 20s in a time machine.
They could also assume that because men's hair is shorter they'll get more use out of the same volume
The hold is decent and it doesn't get hard. Right now I use the spiking glue because my hair is longer, though.
and people on fit wonder why they dont get laid
>anyone who has been around a baby knows this smell
>triggers maternal instinct in bitches
>they start fiending for your seed
My man.
Natural grease. Seriously, if you just don't wash your hair for 5 days or so, the hold you get is better than any hair product.
I've used everything from clays to gels to sprays when I was younger, but nothing ever compared to this.
That's disgusting. Your hair smells. You might not notice it, but everyone else does.
Not my problem, I can't smell it
Been no 'poo for about 6 years now - it's the best. I condition about once a week. Most important I think is post shower. I use a mix of a couple of natural oils (recipe stolen from an ex), work it through my hair as it's still moist and let it dry naturally.
post oils
ma' nigga
I use the same one. I buy mine at the barber. Good quality.
Doubt you're still around. But plz post your 3-2-1 hair
Coconut, avocado, extra virgin olive oil and almond.
Was using a bit of argan a little while ago but it really didn't make that much of difference and shit gets expensive sometimes. Ditto jojoba.
How long is your hair? Does all that conditioning and oil stuff make a difference for people with medium length (something like pic related)?
olive oil
Wow all of theses products are crap-mid range no wonder why 95% of you look like total shit are you even trying?
>uses shit tier women's stuff
Okay, now if you'd stop hanging out with shit tier women who use female equivalent of a dollarstore version of fucking AXE. I use TIGI bedhead and the combo of conditioner and shampoo is £50 and on top of that hair oils, macadomia oil is £20 per bottle, on top of that all hair protectors. I need to wash my hair each time twice because it's so thick and long so the stuff also depletes twice as fast.
Bout that long desu - Hitler youth-ish but without the exaggerated fringe. For me it does. I don't really have thin/fine hair and if If I don't put that stuff in my there, it tends to sit all weird and stick out, especially in warmer weather.
I stopped using shampoo. I now just use a regular bar of soap to wash my hair. After the switch I noticed my hair does not ever get greasy even after a week of not washing it and my scalp stopped itching as well. Nopoo seems legit.
Are you a faggot or a woman?
are you a homosexual?
Would you recommend the American Crew shampoo and conditioner products?
I thought like you guys until I got a girlfriend and tried some of her products. Shit's great and you should try it before you knock it.
I just ask for a number three at the barber. Being decently Veeky Forums helps pull it off.
It's pretty weird how one of the most basic hairstyles is the one that the least number of people use. I actually stand out in a crowd of everyone running some variation of an undercut-taken-too-far.
Seriously, am femnon, fucking love the smell of this shit, not even old enough for babies yet
schwarzkopf gliss shampoo and conditioner
some schwarzkopf wax, pic related
some cheap ass hairspray
I'm a man with hair down to my ass. First I scrub my scalp with Head & Shoulders, then massage scalp and rest of hair with pic related, then brush it out once I'm out of the shower with a Wet Brush and Paul Mitchell Super Skinny Serum. Feels good.
For styling, I use layrite pomade.