Mental Veeky Forumsness thread

Veeky Forums, I wanna do psychedelics

I've had depression for about 4 years, and I keep it at bay with lifting, meditation, meds and a lot of willpower.

Had yet another relationship break down due to it. Yeah I know, I'm blogging.

Anyway, I wanna try treating the depression with psilocybin or DMT. Any of you got any experiences with the shit? What should I expect?

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If you are depressed this could backfire really badly.

I've done shrooms, acid. Helped me immensely with anxiety and depression. Buy the ticket, take the ride.
It might get a little heavy at times but you'll survive, and be better for it.

Btw I recommend shrooms for help with mental disorders, can't speak to DMT but shrooms is all you'll need for a meaningful experience

Depends on what you mean by depression.

Shrooms changed my life. Coming down from the trip I had the courage to invite a girl over and make a move. Been with her for 6 years now.

It's a slippery slope, man. Both mushrooms and/or acid can make you think a lot about everything all at once. Some thoughts transition into others seamlessly, meaning it could go wrong pretty fast. Makes you think hard about your life. I believe it could really genuinely help you, as long as you don't mind parts in the trip where you feel worthless and like killing yourself. Once you get out of it though, you'll feel better for having done it. Good luck, and godspeed.

Coming from someone who had an issue with a panic attack on his trip, just know yourself. If you're someone who is an egotist or has troubles with letting go. Don't do it without a sitter. Just. Know yourself.

I tried to shit on a pool table on shrooms. Just do blow like a regular person.

These. But OP, very important piece of advice: try not to get attached to any words, ideas, solutions, or people that may come up. Your mind will try and find a "final thought" that will solve all your problems, just rememver there is no such thing. The only thing to do is to become greater than your mind. "Step outside of the box" if you will. I reccomend Eckhart Tolle books for help with meditation/tripping.

I know. But at 4 years since diagnose and no permanenet solution anywhere I'm fucking desparate and willing to try anything that may help. I'm not normally into drugs (haven't even done weed, and I drink maybe once every 6 months) but I can't afford not to try it at this point.

Can you go into more details about how you felt before, during and after. I know these things are hard to put into words but I wanna know as much as possible before comitting.

I generally have decent mental discipline. Comes from meditation I guess. I also am self aware, being able to recognise patterns in my own throughts and manage my own feelings. I also plan on doing it with a trusted mate to babysit me just in case anything happens. That should be enough, right?

I've eaten shrooms a few times with varying results. After last time I don't believe it's worth it anymore though. I was really happy during the trip but then I realized that I could never be so happy when it's over. So after it was over I felt even more sad.

If you haven't even smoked weed then it's a bad idea for sure. For stuff like DMT it will hit you so hard, you wouldn't know what's going on and after it's over you might get even more depressed. If you are determined to do it though , at least get a sitter.

shrooms are like forced nihilism on your brain. A lot of your connections will be severed, so that you may build up new ones easier.

I was kinda depressed and on it, and it made me a ton better.

All the lingering old habits and things were wished away before the sun, and all that was left were things that helped me.

Thus forced nihilism. I am thinking as well of taking another dose to see if I could get rid of my somewhat anti socialness.

Before, I didn't know what to expect. Had done them before so I knew there would be some anxiety, was planning to go out to a halloween party.
For the first few hours I sat in my bed not wanting to go out and being upset at all the fun happening around me. I closed my eyes, and felt like I was constantly being attacked.
Eventually I came to accept that I didn't need to go out to have fun, and a light seemingly came from inside me/all aroubd me. I was instantly full of pure joy, and, crying from happiness, I swept my apartment with a broom.
Later that night a girl texted me out of nowhere and asked to come over, and I went out for like an hour to the bars and it felt like I was floating through the air.
Got laid, but more than that had so much fun. I saw that inside me there was pure confidence, happines, and fulfillment, and that my mind is constantly getting in the way of it.
I don't feel like that always now, but it is comforting to know, in troubling times, that at the basic level I am complete.
So yeah, they've helped.

I hope this isn't who I think it is...

Honestly OP, you should just fucking do it. Thinking about it won't help you, and it won't fucking kill you. It's not like it turns you into a different person, just makes you more aware of thoughts/sensations. Worst thing that can happen is you just sit there and feel like shit for 4 hours.

I've done some other psychoactive stuff like benzos and GABA modulators. Those aren't like weed, but are similar. I thought about taking MDMA beforehand just to work myself up to it but desu I have no interest in that shit for recreational purposes, only medicinal. Based on the studies I've read seems that people who have no experience with psychoactive stuff tend to do alright on psilocybin which is why I'm probabaly gonna do that over DMT.

I've actually felt somewhat similar on phenibut when out in the city. None of the visual stuff, and doubt my experience was anywhere nearly as intense, but the whole feeling of floating through air, being full of happiness, with mental bariers being down and detachment from all the negative things that anchored me down.

Do you want a normal life or a "life after acid"?

Given that normal life is contant fight against depression and "life after acid" might be less of that, definately "life after acid", m8.

whatever floats your boat, I destroyed my self confidence and went from a happy, vibrant, if admittedly arrogant guy who lived a life of few regrets to a mild meek mannered shut-in who can barely hold a stunted conversation with his coworkers. I'm sure it will be fine for you though.

Fuck psychedelics.

This seems to be a nice article explaining shrooms

>severs connections
>allows your brain to make new ones
>new ones are perhaps made in the same way as a child would learn things

So its basically biological nihilism. With manual, software nihilism you simply re-arrange and re-organize the thoughts by order of importance "this has been proven wrong, thus I shall not use this piece of information again and thus it will go into the back of the buss, where it will eventually fall off from by the natural mechanism of forgetting"

So shrooms are probably much more faster and may help you with thoughts that are not as easy to get rid off. Its basically a less refined, and more brute force approach to nihilism.

psychedelics will not give you the awnser to your problems
it's you who has to change your way of thinking
psychedelics can be a great tool to creating new ways of thinking
in my experience when you go down that road you have to be very responsible with your usage because it's still doing drugs
do your homework, prepare and the results can be uplifting and helpfull