You are now back as college fresmhan. What do you do?

I am soon to be college freshman in Faculty of electrial engineering and computing, the best and hardest in my country.

What would Veeky Forums's advice be? What should I do, what should I not do?

I hope I would be amongst the top alphas out there, because we all know what kind of crowd is attracted to engineering.

My current stats all 3x5:

ohp 50 kg

bench 80 kg *took a deload*

squat 120 kg

deadlift 140 kg

Take advantage of a fresh social start, assuming that your school is not near where you grew up. Do at least 1 thing every day that scares you (socially, physically, whatever) as long as there won't be permanent damage.

Don't do EE

I don't smoke weed and drop out.

poor baby

>what do

after you leave there is a strong chance the social life dries up and getting laid becomes 100x harder unless youre gorgeous in the face

Why, is computing easier? I kinda have a feeling the best calibers go to computing aka programming aka coding

Lift, join a frat, slay pussy, don't fail.

EE's are losers. Literally everyone in the major is a virgin dyel.
>source EE major

take up olympic weightlifting
clean up nutrition
don't fuck that girl on your floor, the clap isn't worth it
cardio / intramural sports

>tfw 25
>tfw stopped being a wagecuck and got my shit together, got associates degree and got fit
>off to UNCCH in a few days
might as well be a fresman
any other late bloomers here?

Put me in highschool as a freshmen. I'll become a cool kid

>don't fuck that girl on your floor
Nigga hwat

bout to graduate in EE this fall, my advice? develop yourself socially and physically. Assuming you can keep the grades up being a normie will separate you from 95% of the losers who make up the EE field

Not sure if sarcasm or from the south

Remember that most advice is just people telling you what they wish they would have done differently.

don't get so caught up in working out that you forget to improve your personality and make sure you are a likeable person to be around

befriend as many people as you can

Take as many internships as you can and start taking them as soon as you can. Join clubs or something similar to learn how to work in a team. Socialize with people from different courses. Try to make some good friends, they'll go a long way.

Keep to your diet and training schedule. Redesign that schedule based around your classes every semester.

Wake up early on weekdays and get all your studying done before your classmates wake up.

Go out and do fun stuff Friday night (and afternoon and evening if no class) even if you don't want to. Just to stay connected to people and so you don't get bouts of "I'm a lonely nerd" feels on Sunday.

Set aside a firm timeslot every week where you fix everything that went wrong during the week - missed lifts, lack of good nutrition, missed study time, apologizing to that friend you vomited on, whatever it is. Set aside at least two, preferably three hours to fix shit.

Use a watch or phone alarm to track your study time. Otherwise you spend the last fifteen minutes checking the clock every ten seconds instead of focusing.

Getting a good internship or other summer job related to your field will do far more for your career than perfect grades. Grades matter, but if you know the right people and have the right experience then a few B's or C's will not hurt your first job. Grades mean absolutely nothing after your first job. Focus more on knowing people and knowing your field.

Don't try to learn Mandarin.

Recognize when you're actually tired and won't be able to focus. Stop and go do something else, preferably sleeping. Contrast to when you're just in need of a change of pace. Go somewhere else and study a different subject, or lift, or something; it's hard to start but easy to keep going once you begin.

>bleh study

The reason I focus so much on study shit with only small bits about your social life is that you want sustainable alphadom. Study in the morning and you have time to socialize in the afternoon and evening. Be successful after school and you can continue to pull better and better girls. Staying consistent and keeping your shit together means you're less tired and less stressed, which keeps you in the right frame of mind to be alpha.

drop out and save your time

>I hope I would be amongst the top alphas out there, because we all know what kind of crowd is attracted to engineering.

Engineers are the Chads of STEM.

EE, not so much but there are some bros in it nonetheless. I've finished 2 years in it and am in it for the sake of graduating on time and reaching the promised land of earning 6 figs while doing nothing all day.

>friend working in power says there's so little work that a lot of people just sit on facebook all day
>friend working in communication has his own company where he remotely harvests crops in Oklahoma with a smart-tractor; all he does is watch screens to make sure they're harvesting in a straight line whilst he's at home smoking weed all day


If you have a girlfriend, break up with her before you go.

The worst mistake I made was staying with her, I missed out on at least 3 opportunities without even trying.

I don't know how many more sexual encounters I could've had if I was actually in a position to do something about them.

Where are you from user?

damn man I wish I will be able to finish EE, the thought of huge amount of dolla dolla bills makes me so happy since I didnt grow up in rich famly

>He thinks EE's sit around and go on facebook all day
Clearly you haven't interned anywhere respectable...You are in for a rude awakening my man.

Thanks for your post, bro

don't spend all my time at the gym and instead focus on acting and music

incoming freshman as well user. I've been stressing out quite a bit, especially since its a new start. but regardless, im sure if we study right, eat right, party right, and lift right we will be sure to succeed.

we'll make it brah. I'm counting on you

Be careful with alcohol. Have fun, but pay attention to why you're drinking.

here brah, 25 too but killin it in business after barely passing college, working harder then ever and it feels great actually working hard and seeing a high output and what I'm capable of when I'm actually trying, might even start my own business if I get the balls

Current senior in EE here. From my perspictive it doesn't really matter if you're EE, CS or CE(computer) any one can do the jobs of the others. Been interning for the DoD for about a year and all I've done is stuff with software/programming and I have taken 0 programming classes

U romanian ?

No I am from Croatia.

What college are you attending? Man I hope I'l have time for lifting, since I am not that smart or gifted engineering is gonna be tough without puting in some serious studying hours


yeah, I was originally gonna be CS but then someone told me that you don't need a CS degree to do any programming. This EE degree is pretty hard but I feel it gives me a lot more options than CS.

Junior in CS here

I go to a somewhat high ranking party school so my department is not as full of virgin dyels as other schools. I still feel among the top of the engineers/cs kids though, heres what I do

>Groom/dress yourself as if you're going to meet the love of your life that day
this alone puts you above 50% of them
>lift, get jacked
puts you above 80% of them
>make an effort to talk to the cuties in your class/don't be awkward with girls/be sociable
these will put you among the alpha of engineers, so long as you're decent looking too.

Do a cycle of steroids, dont be a douche, study, try ro maintain a splid diet. Aftet a year youll be rolling in pussy of you follow my advice

Not skip class to sleep in and try harder to establish a firm base early on instead of forcing myself to ball out as a senior and get straight As in everything to compensate for shitty early grades.

>Engineers are the Chads of STEM
Try CS majors. Jack of all trades with enough all around knowledge and enough computer skills to take anyone's job. They can learn how to automate the shit you do with a weeks worth of work.

Mfw I'm a lazy retard that just goes to w/e school is the closest

Everyone in my engineering courses are tall, handsome, and pretty muscular. Nearly everyone at low-tier schools are normalfag tier as fuck

I'm doing something next to EE.
One year to finish masters.
Good social skills
Pussy before gf was plenty
I'm still an autist that plays games and watches anime though.

>implying they're able to design the systems to automate
They can only pick up stuff designed by others and then throw some programming on top. Good programming though.

Don't think theyre replacing engineers any time soon.

Build bridges before burning them. Every girl you hit on, wether bang or not, is a burned social connection which could lead up to many more connections. Join an organizator society or someshit, idk how it works in your country but basicly either be part of the group which throws the parties, or befriend many people from that group. From there just make bridges, you will have a free lay here and there like a super drunk girl, very shy nerdy girl; but once you are the frame of party, burning bridges will be hella easy and fun and you can just bang all beatiful girls.

Resist garbage food like pizza and chinese. Eat if offered but never order fpr yourself. Keep lifting; SS, brosplit, Oly, anything. Just lift, eat clean, and socialize.

CS Majors.. Most of them are only in it because they don't know what they want to do / heard you can make a lot of money / mommy and daddy are making them go to college
It's become a meme major filled with indians and faggots

It doesnt' matter what major you are, if you are a faggot, you'll be a faggot. There's at least 3 EE majors in my graduating class who all pull over 5pl8 and pull bitches with ease too

>it doesn't matter what major you are, if you are a faggot, you'll be a faggot
Yep, and EEs are more likely to be faggots.

How many smelly pajeets are EEs? How many losers who overachieve on design projects because they feel that it a competition? How many EEs take the hardest courses offered in the major to prove something (because they have nothing else)?

Pointing out that there are exceptions to my rule doesn't mean that it is wrong.

As an aus EE can definitely agree, only just started lurking fit because I feel even just a small improvement in muscle mass will put me above 90% of the student body in my field. I usually gym about once a week but currently trying gomad and ss to bulk up a bit.

>Damn overachievers!
>They only work hard because they have no lives!
Hope you realize this is exactly the attitude of hamplanets who shit talk fit people that work hard in the gym

>Pointing out that there are exceptions to my rule doesn't mean that it is wrong.
Actually that's exactly what it means

>drop out
>join Marines

If i joined as a college freshman in 2008 I'd have a 5 year leg up on where I am now having joined in 2013, so id have 8 years of service i probably would be a Sergeant working towards staff and would've gotten to participate in actual combat and not the bullshit peacekeeping I had to do nowadays as a 25 year old "junior" marine with no promotions in sight. Also id have like 120k in savings from dat sweet deployment money (made close to 6 grand in 7 weeks last year on an op, multuply that into 7 months each deployment and then multiplied by 2 or 3 deployments)

Or on the flip side maybe I'd be out and using the GI bill right now to and own a house using the VA home loan

Also, I would find my wife back in 2008 and start dating her back then so that way we could have spent even more time together.... plus id be 17 and she'd be a tight hot 15 year old and that'd be cool legally

Pic related my wife when she was in high school, I'd be smashing that as a 17 year old combat veteran

But I want to learn Japanese and go to Japan

Fellow engineer here. Enjoy your freshman year because during sophomore and junior year you will lose your gainz and stats due to shitty food because you have no time and you won't be able to go to the gym often because of school. It gets real hected.

It's worth it though. Get that wallet gainz buddy you can get back on the Veeky Forums after that sophomore and junior years.

Focus on school first man. No joke. Get those walled gainz while you can.

all them regrets.

army grunt 2 tours in iraq 04-05 07-08
got out and used my gi bill and finished my bachelors.

sucks that you guys are becomes more bullshit with all the civilian drama (millennials, sjw issues etc) starting to close in on ya.

nothing is sacred, not even tradition.

Join a frat. Free Pussy and it's of "friends." Become an officer and drive your frat towards a more community service centered organization so you aren't just alcoholics. After you've made sufficient ground you can go alum and cozy up to the local politicians you made deals with in your service tenure if you weren't stupid.

>Asian wife
Story checks out

Bro tell me about it, I was one of those guys that joined out of options
>couldn't afford college anymore
>living check to check working 60 hours a week Inow southern California
>spinal injury got me removed from police Academy
>medical bills drained all my savings

I have a 5 year enlistment so all my buddies are getting out soon and leaving me behind to deal with the bullshit. We got our first female in the battalion ever last Monday. Our BC is a hard charger though and makes all new joins grapple when they arrive to the battalion. This female captain got her fucking ass kicked by some grunt lieutenant fresh out of infantry officer school. I can almost guarantee the equal opportunity and hazing lawsuit are already underway right now

She's a beaner

Don't get gf. Literal gains goblin.

I'm still with her and I always think to myself where my lifts could be otherwise.

>she gives me a boner

lmao thats pretty fucking bad
not sure if I wanna laugh it off or get angry

It was pretty hilarious she had a "black belt" from the Marine corps and was like 5 foot nothing 100lbs cute little Asian girl versus some fucking Alabama corn fed "uh just wanna serve muh kuntry" farm boy. Basically raped her in front of the whole battalion lol

Graduated last December. I've lived life in college and post-college, and can assure you that life is fun if you make the most out of college and get a good start after college. Here are some tips:

>1. Dress well and groom yourself.
Buy good clothes that fit you well. Enough to last the week. Get a good haircut. should have some good advice. This is important because you will want professors and administrators to be impressed by you (thereby getting you invited to prestigious & exclusive events), you want cool guys to invite you to hang out with them, & obviously because you want girls to check you out even more. Seeing your stats, I can tell that you have a good physique so I won't bother telling you that.

>2. Study
You want to get good grades to get an excellent job after you graduate and to possibly get into a great graduate programme afterwards.

>3. Go out at least once a week.
Twice or thrice is ideal. Go out, talk to as many guys and girls as you can. Guys will invite you to their parties, girls will hook up with you. Being one of the 'cool' kids is amazing.

>4. Find a clique.
Ideally cool guys and attractive women. They usually hang out together in college, so it's not that hard. If your country has fraternities, I'd join one.

>5. Find a hobby
You have a lot of free time in college. Find a hobby and stick with it (lifting doesn't count). Read books, learn an instrument, learn a new language, do whatever you like. Your mind is still young enough to absorb new things.

Other than that, don't (over)do drugs, don't drink too much, don't hang out with losers, and don't panic if you flunk a class.

never start drinking so i dont get raped

>You are now back as college fresmhan. What do you do?

I keep a rigorous study schedule, M-F, and keep my weekends free for social events.

You are there to study. So study.

user I am sorry to hear that dude. Did u at least report it? There is no shame in doing so, too much rape of males goes unreported and unpunished

I would recommend software engineer over electrical engineer. My brother graduated with engineering and makes 80k, I graduated with Finance and make 80k but I put in like 3 hours a quarter and her put in like 50 a week. SDEs at the big tech firms make more than 6-digits so they blew both of us out of the water

As for your social life, sorry m9 that shit is all learned from time and experience, no way around that. Just put yourself out there and start living your life

yea i went to the police and they didnt do shit then i went to the school and i was starting to eat again (i lost 20lbs) until then they brought charges against me based on her side of the story. also all of our friemds took her side and all of them say the didnt even see me fucking drinking. they literally took me out drinking for my birthday. im a shut in otherwise(besides lifting). ill find out next week if theyre going to kick me out of school or not. honestly i might go full sjw if they do

you must be fun to be around

he's talking in retrospect faggot. it's honestly not bad advice either

I wouldn't have done much differently. Maybe I was a bit too quiet in the first term but other than that my fresher year was great, especially towards the end.

Other than that, maybe drink less Frosty Jacks. That was vile.

Don't get back together with your gf when you break up, at least not for a long time.

Take a gap year to work on yourself and improve work ethic. Go into college with a reason to go to class instead of "my parents will be disappointed if I don't."

Begin lifting. Eat right.

Do everything else mostly the same.

EE second year here, electromagnetics are making me want to kill myself. Everyone's a dyel but the girls are either ugly asians, poo in loos or hook nosed jewesses with no tits. At least I won't have to take any more programming courses after this year if I pass computer systems.

>mfw I haven't spoken to a female that wasn't a family member or a cashier in months

27 bruv, going to uni fall.

I'm 1 year from EE degree now after doing 6 years working for sam after 8 years doing jack shit. When I first did college right out of high school I lasted about 3 semesters. Bad grades had a much bigger impact on my life than anything pussy I smashed, I can tell you that.

It's like night and day. Now I have a 4.0 gpa taking 17-18 hours every semester but all I do is keep up with homework and start assignments early (so if it's hard, you have time to finish). I do little to no extra studying. It turns out these courses are actually designed so all the kids that don't know how to work will average a C. For an adult, it's not even a challenge. It's so easy I can barely believe that I used to fuck up on shit like this.

Back in the day I used to look down on overachievers "guys who graduate summa have no lives, fuck that I don't wanna be them" but now I'm actually about to be one of them, and I've found that I still have plenty of free time. Way more than I had in the fucking navy at any rate.

A lot of guys here are telling you not to prioritize grades. Thing is, success is a habit. Don't skate through life.