I just left her Veeky Forums, she was perfect in every way and only wanted what was best for me...

Are you me? I made this mistake 8 months ago, now she's taken and i feel like a lonely cunt desu

Are you not man enough to cheat? Are you not able to come home after fucking some other floozy and take a quick shower so she doesn't smell the other women? Are you not man enough to look her in the face everyday and lie? To go to bed next to her, thinking about what just happen with the other women?

Get it together man. cheat and live with it LIKE YOUR FATHER AND YOUR FATHER'S FATHER DID. You millennial cuckbois are the worst.

She was probably cheating on you. LTR's are for cucks. Good for you OP.

Damn kid you really want this chick huh? Ive seen you post this shit in the other thread..... im going through similar shit man... especially the not replying bs ...

Lmao damn you're the first person to say something about me posting in other threads.. But yeah she seems like the perfect package despite her horrible replying skills that makes me think she isn't interested

She's flirty with everyone you dweeb