Been working out since Nov, but ever since May I've actually taken this shit seriously...

Been working out since Nov, but ever since May I've actually taken this shit seriously. Cut out all unhealthy foods and over the past few months I've doubled my cardio in time and in intesity, I also added a new ab routine about 2 months ago. Still semi-dissapointed with my results since I spend a total of 2 1/2 hours at the gym every fucking day. I eat pretty damn good and have a post-workout shake every day. What am I missing Veeky Forums? How do I get to Batman-Level Status?

Also, I know my hand shit is stupid. idk what I was thinking. Please go easy on me daddy

Why do you spit toothpaste all over your mirror

Eat more

The cardio killed all potential gains

you look GAY as FUCK you FAG

You're just missing muscle. Don't worry, it will come in time

I'm not super thirsty for gains, mainly getting defined and having hoe-ready abs

son, you look great as fuck. ,

Love your daddy

I see that a lot, but when you say "eat more" do you mean? More Protein? More Cals?

>cutting out 'unhealthy foods'
>doubled cardio
>working out for 2.5 hours a day

yeah gee i wonder why you aren't gaining mass you fucking idiot holy shit

Either wear a mask like Batman or get a prescription for acutane.

Biggest inhibitor is how gay you look unfortunately.

Can never reach full potential looking like that.

More food

actually just got a prescription 3 days ago. Been on it for the past 2 days

when will the "cardio kills gains" meme die?

>batman lvl status
>not super thirsty for gains

Fuck you

Whats wrong with doubling cardio and working out every day?

Noice. Thats the first step to not looking gey.

Why did you include your face

Why did you have the confidence to not crop it

Why do you do these things to yourself?

Is the second step to get this dick out of my ass?

Keep doing what you're doing. You probably don't need to spend that much time in the gym either. Good diet and consistent training will pay off, but they require patience.

Can you explain why I don't need to spend that much time at the gym?

When that dangerous serial killer cardio stops killing all of our innocent gains.

Doing a lot of cardio in the first place while trying to gain weight is a bit counterintuitive. Cardios good, but should be done sparingly unless you're willing to make up the calories lost. Stick to lifting heavy.

You haven't said no homo yet?

Are you missing a finger on the phone holding hand?

eat more calories. seriously if you really work as hard as you say you do. eat more

Listen here little baby. You're gonna get a lot of hurtful and degrading comments, but that ain't what I'm about. Let me just say, you are perfect the way you are. You hear me sugar? PERFECT. Don't ever change. You deserve anything and everything you want. Stay safe for me, baby girl. >mfw thinking of you hurting
Listen here little baby. You're gonna get a lot of hurtful and degrading comments, but that ain't what I'm about. Let me just say, you are perfect the way you are. You hear me sugar? PERFECT. Don't ever change. You deserve anything and everything you want. Stay safe for me, baby girl.

>mfw thinking of you hurting

Thanks man, I was really thinking about slitting my wrists and jumping off a fucking roof

you dont look as good as me

Get ready for hell. Had to quit tane, that shit was too harsh on my skin


6'2 143ib.

>tfw I am the female equivalent of this guy
>commit sudoku

No bs, you look pretty good for being such a low weight. I'm assuming you've only been eating at maintenance?

lol if you're 6'2'' you have to be at least like 200lbs to stop looking small. Eat more and squat 3 times a week

If I understand what that even means, then yes. I pretty much eat the same kind of foods every day and they are all pretty low cal high protein foods

I don't exactly wanna get "bigger" mainly just more toned and defined. But more muscle wouldn't hurt

Thought so. I would start lean bulking if I were you. You've already got a solid base to work with. Proud of you son.

Thanks for the advice daddy


this is the greatest advice that you will ever receive..., I have wasted so much time because of not eating when I was natty. then I started eating and gained 10 lbs so quick.

10 pounds of muscle right?

how would Veeky Forums go about fixing that body?

I can't tell if this is bait or not so I guess I'm taking it.
You are WAAAAY too tall to only weigh 143 lbs. That is obscenely light, even if you have some semblance of muscle tone on your body. You need to put on some weight like, right now.

yeps, all of that in only 2 months when I was still natty. But I gained 20lbs of muscle on gear and food later on lel. But food definitely helps!!!

Thanks, what kinda foods would you recommend? High Protien? High Cal? High Carb?

eat everything. make sure it's high carb and hig protein and there will be enough fat. i'm assuming you're pretty young, you can stay lean and eat a lot of crap. eat fucking cheeseburgers every day and do GOMAD. also stop doing long cardio and do sprints instead