How much can lifting help to improve yourself if you have INFERIOR genetics?

How much can lifting help to improve yourself if you have INFERIOR genetics?

About 25.365 % or 2.1321 in the Looks Scale

You literally CAN'T

It is marked in stone from birth, it's all GENETICALLY DETERMINED

Are you going to be a succesful businessman or a fast food worker? A lawyer or a cleaner?

Your succes in life is determined by your GENETICS. No lift will fix that

Surely, you can put on make-up or get surgery, but your FACE will stay the same.
Yes, you might be able to put on some muscle, but you will never achive that FRAME.
You may buy shoes with high heels, but you cannot change your HEIGHT.

Get OVER it

poor egg man

>tfw manlets try to compensate but still get dwarfed in real life

It's bullshit though, I mean, a girl with a very fit body but a shitty face is still more attractive than a girl with a shitty face and a shitty body.

Same go's for guys, sure, you won't get close to the guy who actualy has good facial genetics and the like and lifts.

But you will outperform guys with shit genetics that also let their body go to waste


I mean the guy is right in a sense, if you're as ugly as him there's no point, the real idiots are the normal/average looking people that think that applies to them and kill themselves accordingly

He's not even ugly though. He's just a fat fuck.

Looking at his facial features, his only flaws his hairline and eyebags. Eyebags can go away with makeup, eating healthier, and losing weight.

He's got pretty good skin and an okay nose.

You can't out lift beta genetics

Pic related : your average Veeky Forumsizen

dude look at his forehead and facial shape, no chin no jaws , this guy was doomed from the start, but EVEN with those flaws, he managed to get a gf.

The facial fat hides his bonestructure.

He would look a LOT better if he lost like 50 lbs imo.

He doesn't look bad.

>implying this is the results of genetics rather than shit lifestyle shit nutrition and a prone to stress personality

Not saying he could have been a Chad but he could have been much better.

Pic related, him at his lowest weight.

facial genetics doesnt matter

inferior lifting genetics is where the pain is at, since lifting is the only escape from the evil of this fucking world

and im fucking low test

>get surgery, but your FACE will stay the same.

Yeah this is a person with extremely low test, he could look much better if he made changes to raise or litterally took test. I had this look too, non-androgenic kinda, and my appareance improved drastically as my test rose. The thing is, its too late now if you look at OP's pic, estrogen did too much damage like fucking up his hairline and skin. If he made those changes at the time of your pic, he could have made it, at least in my experience.

lol just take steroids much cheaper than getting surgery for facial aesthetics

Desu, girls LOVE the pretty boy look...

Just don't be a fat fuck basically.

Shut up, Liquid.

>girls LOVE the pretty boy look...