>tfw no gf
Tfw no gf
>tfw just got first gf
>tfw no bf
>tfw no army gf
>tfw too intelligent for gf
>tfw almost had a gf
I almost made it, boys ;_;
you dropped something
>tfw no bearmode Veeky Forums bf
>tfw no gf and ex is drowning in penis
keep your head up breh, keep lifting and working on yourself and you can drown in penis too
>tfw too intelligent to fall for the gf meme
>tfw 9.5/10 gf
>tfw struggling to keep conversation going because nerves
>tfw no dreams nor path to follow in this big world and can feel the weight of the endless possibilities on my shoulders while I try to get fit in the desperate attempt that it would help me avoid getting my soul crushed by life itself but what I'd actually love to do is stop struggling and let myself die and embrace the emptyness completely
>also no gf
>tfw too smart and lazy for gym
>tfw no qt mare f
It hurts.
You came to the right place for advice!
*crackles fingers
khm KHM!
Naw Im just messing with you dawg..
>tfw no Tatyana gf
Why keep lifting?
my frenulum wants those lips.
tfw gf
>tfw got first gf exactly one year ago and she broke up with me because I was too jealous and insecure.
>tfw never felt pain like this, felt more pain than when my grandad and uncle died one day apart and I feeling guilty because of it
>tfw got another chubby gf but it is nowhere near the same feeling I felt when I was with the first one, also makes me feel guilty
>tfw first one breaking up with me was actually a necessary wake up call
>tfw I realize that but it still hurts and I would want to get back together with her, even after we spend some years apart
>tfw that won't happen
At least I got my sanity, right? hehe
I know this feel
The worst part is i dumped her
>tfw no a v e r a g e qt3.1415 kazakh gf ;__;
>tfw no freaky gf to give me brain in the front seat of the hummer.
>had average girl in the bag
>stopped dating her because I thought I could do better
That was 2 years ago haha
Lol weird one, I nearly done the same.. I was like 17 and had been with this girl for like 3-4 months and thought it was time to break up because I wanted something different but I decided not to because she was a nice girl, not your typical cumbucket tier trash. Long story short we have now been together for nearly 6 years and are engaged.
Man to think I was going to leave her, would have been such a stupid move.
She's mine though.
Pretty sure she is above average.
you didn't had to go that far
>tfw monkey gf
>tfw lizard gf
>tfw used to have gf but she ignored me
>tfw now I just want to leave humanity behind and live by myself
>tfw gf dumped me
are you a grill?
>tfw no gf
I want a petite tan gf or a high test pale gf
only fat chicks, old women and minorities seem interested tho
>tfw 19, never had a gf and still a virgin
>it would sometimes bother me, but not too much, since can keep a convo with a woman like a normal person, and manage to make out with some girls every so often
>I'd only get really anxious when I'm out with friends and they talk about the chix that they fugged
>today at work (summer job for them dollas) a coworker, who always acts like some try hard badass, asks me if I have a gf
>say no
>ask if virgin
>say yes
>he doesn't really mock me, but I could see it by his smug facial expression that he thought I was some beta cuck
>at that moment it hit, this punk ass lanky kid, whose a year younger than me, and has a face of a baboon manages to get girls, but I cannot
>haven't had my confidence shot down so low in a long time
I'm really hoping that when I move out for college in the fall, things are gonna change, I just wanna get this shit checked off of my list
>asking a coworker if he's virgin
Jesus Christ, people have no decency.
Also, you don't have to tell people you're a virgin, knowing that you will be mocked for it. Just say you fucked a few girls at parties, you had a girlfriend a long time ago and that you're single right now. People won't ask for further explanations.
who wants to be my internet bf? I'm not fit
Like I said, he acts like a collosal ass
I told him the truth because, as I said, up till then I didn't think much of it, so why lie about it
Don't know why he had to act like such an douche, I finished high school, yet I didn't smirk like a faggot when he said that he failed freshman year of the easiest school in town, but whatever, if he values getting his dick wet more than being successful further in life, I think that speaks for it self
Off to the waifu with you then!
>tfw dead gf
It's been years. How do I recover? I think I'm ready to try.
only if you're a chick
>Tfw no New World Order gf
You cannot be this new
necro threads on /b/
You gotta get under someone to get over someone. So dig up her corpse and give it one last fugg.
I've decided to not date till I fix my shit and become a better person overall.
Towards the end of the green text it sounded a bit Elliot Rodger tier
>tfw 3 gfs
who dis
Tfw you broke up with gf (you initiated it) and feel bad now
>Wanting a disgusting barracks whore.
>tfw women think im cute
>tfw they're afraid to talk to me
>tfw autism
>tfw looked at her FB page for the first time in a year
>see that her and her new bf are still together
>see what is probably an anniversary pic of them
>was getting over her but been feeling like shit because of it for days
>tfw she texts out of nowhere
>tfw she goes to dinner and a movie with you
>tfw she cuts all contact
>last time I fell in love was 6 years ago
I am
We can talk on skype everyday
I'll be supportive
Post pic
Why do they do this?
>tfw never been in love
>tfw don't even love family
I give up on having a gf / wife / kids
Just gonna save up, buy a nice condo, a sports car and buy high class escorts till I die from blasting and cruising steroids at the age of 50.
Because she did not enjoy your company
at least you're rich
>tfw poor and kv
In college there are 100000000000 opportunities to get laid if you're not autistic
At once?
i can show you on skype
>>tfw they're afraid to talk to me
Trust me that's not the problem
You're just bad with women
>Trying to fuck modern college chicks
>Their all pansexual feminists and are used up by the time they hit their second year.
>>tfw never been in love
I have the opposite problem.
gib skype
>tfw rejected 8/10 redhead qt who wanted to marry me, all because I can't get over my relationship from two years ago with a girl that hates me
Is it time to end it, Veeky Forums?
>tfw 30 year old virgin who's been to college
Now I'm really fucking curious
Post pic
>mfw falling in love is just anxiety and has nothing to do with love
>tfw fucked someone's gf
>not making a die-hard gender studies feminist beg for your cock and tell you how much of a worthless slut she is
No better feeling, famalam.
Time to end being so fucking stupid? Yes, maybe it's time...
>tfw no friends
In 2 years you will reject a 8/10 because you can't forget that red head that got away.
tfw you reactivate your facebook account and see all the people you graduated hs with are now finishing college, getting married, having kids, traveling and having a great life, while you're still in college, not sure what you want to do in life and have no gf or any real friends.
When did fit become r9k?
Just hang out with your colleagues/fellow students/whatever the fuck you do for a living. Or join a club or something. Some kind of group leisure activity. Anything from a rock climbing class to a Dungeons and Dragons group.
It really isn't that difficult.
>tfw no Ms. Puff gf
>tfw no qt tomboy asian gf
He's a fat YouTuber named Joey who gorges on food in front of a camera and over exaggerates his reactions and acts like a retard
My girlfriend died last week, I was going to propose to her someway down the road if things ever got that far.
now everything feels so void...
its not my autism, i talk to people all the time, its just that when the conversations start getting deeper and we start to notice each others personality more i end up wanting to run away and start somewhere new and wish no one knows of me. i think im fucked up
What are you afraid of them finding out?
>tfw thought i had found my future gf
>found someone better
>to afraid to ask her out
She's your gf but your'e still nervous around her?
She's not your gf after the first date user
cant work out because i had a fucking surgery last week, this is torture REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
>gf dumped me
>wanted to marry her
>she's already with someone else i think
>I don't even have any interest in girls anymore, the thought of hooking up with girls just for sex or having a relationship is completely unappealing
>I'm broken now
Can someone invent time travel?
>tfw ex dumped me to be a whore
>months later text her to see how she's doing because she was still someone I cared for
>tell me she's doing okay just suffering majorly from depression
>meanwhile I'm doing the best I ever have been in my adult life aside from the occasional loneliness on my journey to being a Greek god
>tfw it's almost as if I dumped her
It's really strange how things work out.
are you literally me? god dam we are all the same