Hey Veeky Forums
What are the best exercises to build big legs?
Hey Veeky Forums
What are the best exercises to build big legs?
rack pulls and curls
kys for asking
Will squats pretty much cover everything?
Im fairly new to this but Im focusing on Squats, deadlift and then calf raises
Focus on front squats. Only doing back squats will over develop your lower back in comparison to your abs. They also improve hip flexibility, jump height, sprinting speed, and overall athleticism.
thanks dude
Wtf i thought there were four quad muscles.
Squats. High bar is the most balanced in terms of overall muscular development and easiest to master and execute.
Yes they will. If you want do do more exercises, do conventional DLs, lunges and of course running.
>I have no idea what I am talking about
The picture doesn't show the vastus intermedius for some reason.
HIIT running
Building big quads and hams are easy for everyone. Better question is how to build big calves if you lost genetic lottery.
Leg press does more than squats for leg growth
Inb4 bait
not really bait.
All the BB fags in my gym do tons of leg press, their quads are huge compared to mine, but they can't even squat 3 plates. I can squat 4 plate, but my quads are underdeveloped in terms of aesthetics
Cardio is the only way to get big calves
Or just be fat, fatties have huge calves
Squats, leg press, jumping, and Bike everywhere.
What rep range? Leg press does nothing for me
last guys I saw, and one of them is ~40 y.o. GH gut hasbeen BB'er who STILL competes twice a year, chasing his glory years
anyway he did about a half dozen sets of squats on smith machine with the most fucked up stance I've ever seen, from 2pl8 -> 3pl8 adding 10 per set, believe he was doing 12 reps per set
Then they moved to leg press, he was doing babby ass weights (never went over 4 plate per side) with 12-18 reps, probably did at least 8 sets from what I remember.
The guy has massive tree-trunk legs. He's about 5'8", 230-240. Beautiful calves, but the rest of his physique disgusts me. Typical synthol roidy overcompensating manlet look
>adding 10 per set
I meant to say he progressively added 10lbs per side until it was 3 plates, that came out wrong
It's cause they're on roids and doing lots of hypertrophy training.
im well aware of that
Nah, it still makes sense for natties. Real squats have many things that can cause you, depending on %1rm used, to fail at x reps. It's not only quad/ham fatigue; literally any small muscle could give out throwing off your balance, it can be CNS, it can be coordination. While with leg press, you can do many more reps, because it is a machine and that means zero balance and coordination requirements.
Squats >>> leg press, except in regards to quad and ham hypertrophy.
Literally any kind of squats as long as you take them (relatively) deep, deads/SLDLs. If those don't give you big meaty manthighs, you're a genetic dead end for sure.
Impossible, don't even try