Protein shakez

How do you guys make your protein shakes? Ones for cutting and ones for bulking ?

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bulking = vanilla with oreos and some ice cream
cutting = vanilla and some sugar free syrup

Milk, peanut butter, bananas, and granola for bulk

Water and protein for cut

I throw some chicken in the oven bake it at 350 degrees for 20 minutes and eat it.

Enjoy your dried out chicken. Use 450/230 degrees fahrenheit/celcius.

Enjoy your raw salmonella, fag

almond milk + whey

With nigger dick flavoured pudding

230 is hot you dip. Too hot for chicken. Go 210, 220 max.

>almond milk

Why? Regular milk has more protein in it.

Water for cutting
Milk for gains
Anything else is stupid


Nigger, stop with that commie shit and speak American numbers.

fit needs some cooking lessons

>you can't drink milk when cutting

Stupid are the people who think cutting requires specific foods rather than a general deficit of calories.

How much milk / water should I use bros? I'm using two scoops

Depends on how thick your whey is. I use Muscle Milk, and that shit needs 12ozs or it turn into a paste.


For a meal I do 1-2cups of greens, 1/2 cup greek yogurt, fruit of choice, 1 scoop, 1 cup [nut/seed]milk, ice, and a blap of cinnamon and honey

for post-workout I do 1 cup of [nut/seed]milk with 1 scoop

come by my bedroom at like 11:30 I'll give you some seed that I nutted

>cinnamon and honey

what a fag oh my god

>cinnamon and honey
>not instantly recognizing the nutrients and health benefits of adding these into your diet

8 oz glass of fat free milk.
Two scoops whey gold standard extreme chocolate milk.
I use this for meeting my protein macros while cutting if I cannot get enough proteins from natural foods or if I feel I've eaten too much tuna.
And I eat a fuck load of tuna.
I love my fucking protein shake.

user, please enlighten me. Not him but I'm curious.

This has a list of reasons why with peer-reviewed medical sources.

Also, eating raw honey from local sources of flora helps people with seasonal allergies (like me)

This has convinced me to add cinnamon to my shakes. Thanks.

>8 oz milk
>Slices of FROZEN banana
>1 scoop chocolate flavor
>ice ofc

almond milk confirmed a best.

I do scoobys method (1 scoop, 1/2 frozen banana, 1 cup milk) but with almond milk instead of skim. Cow milk is fucking disgusting.

I literally throw whatever is more available in the blender, i only take 1 shake before bed(casein protein)

For example yesterday :
-1.5 scoops proton
-100 ml egg whites
-1 banana
-1 green apple
-3 teaspoons yoghurt

Tasted fucking great desu

This might be the place to ask instead of making a new thread.
Are these things any useful? How many should I take per week and when? I'm a skelly trying to gain weight

Gotta eat big to get big, faggot.

Frozen fruit
1 Banana
Hemp Protein
Water & ice


cut: water+proteinpowder

bulk: milk+proteinpowder

seconded. use high heat for shorter duration in order to maintain dat juciness.

other tips:
- brine your chicken prior to cooking (also can help to bring to room temp prior to baking for even cooking)
- wrap in foil and let sit for a few minutes after cooking (allows chicken to absorb and retain juices)

sounds like a lot of work, i know, but honestly once you have good chicken, you'll realize most of the shit you usually eat is rubbery

Already am you idiot. I was just wondering if drinking that shit is any useful

500g 0% quark
300ml milk
1 banana